Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 926: True infidelity

"Nothingness and silence are destruction. They are the strongest destruction force in the world, while no one can destroy nothingness. It is the most terrible force in the world." No words said.

His eyes fell on Lin Lang without much emotion. He just wanted to look at the creature in front of him and it was evaporated.

In an instant.

Lin Lang's blood was also quickly evaporated to dryness, and there was only one skeleton left in the whole person, the crystal jade bone, exuding a strange light.

"What will disappear next is your thinking. No one can understand the power of the Tao. It is a power that surpasses the heaven, and it is the strongest in the world."

Shamelessly shook his head, but unfortunately, this terrible power can only be grasped by himself in the world, and no one can understand this power.

"You are too happy."


Lin Lang sneered.

In the eyes of Wudaozi, Lin Lang, who should have collapsed in the flesh, began to repair slowly at this moment. He had to return to his original appearance.

The flesh was plump, and no trace of it ever being eroded by inhuman power was seen.

"How can you?"

Wordless finally moved. He also met for the first time, and the power of infidelity cannot be eroded, and he can even be reborn.

"What you call" no-way "is only to destroy with no-way, not to create, so you are just a poor worm resting on the corner of a dark avenue that has lost the sun.

Lin Lang sneered.

Wudaozi ignored Lin Lang's words and was not provoked, but frowned deeply on his face: "What the **** is going on?"

"It's very simple. Your avenue excludes any heaven and earth avenue, but it can't really destroy the avenue. It just drives the avenue out of your area."

Lin Lang fainted.

After such a long time, he finally figured out that the so-called powerlessness of Wudaozi is not to destroy the avenue, but to drive all the avenues of the other party and even the other party ’s body outside.

His Wordlessness is just the Wordless Realm.

It is not that the real material is not born and the magical power does not exist.

"No, I didn't ask you this." Wudao frowned. "What I want to know is how do you regain control of the road in the Wudao realm."

"Material is not easy, but I have exclusive respect." Lin Lang spit out eight words gently, but the opposite Wuzi heard it, but was hit hard.

"The material is not easy, the road is not changed." Wudaozi is indeed the most savvy people in history. Almost at the same time Lin Lang spoke, he already understood the meaning.

"But this is the power of creation, how can you master this power!"

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