Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 922: Assessment battle

Just in such a short time.

Lin Lang's internal boulevards are roaring, and nearly twenty avenues are exhibited at the same time, each of which is a high-level avenue that can rank in the top one thousand.

The strength of the avenue swept across, and Sun Ao couldn't resist, and was directly bombarded and spit out blood. At this time, Lin Lang had stepped forward and took away the small sword.

"Are you convinced?"

Lin Lang walked to Sun Ao and stomped on the latter's chest.

In fact, if Lin Lang uses the Avenue of Light, he can win within 100 strokes, but that is too scary, he still has to keep some cards.

This situation is now.

It is also enough to shock these monks of the Great Leaf Fairy.

"This boy, it really isn't smooth everywhere." Above the sky, Lianhua shook his head helplessly. Although he recruited Lin Lang, he never taught him anything.

Lin Lang's perceptions were the Five Elements and Guangming Avenue. He couldn't point either of them. So I can only focus part of my attention on Lin Lang.

Since there is nothing to teach, then I will **** you all the way and also deserve a responsibility as a master.

After solving Sun Ao.

The real person of Lianhua soon appeared, and gathered the disciples who gathered on the sidelines to block the news.

Daye Xianzong has such a genius, it is not appropriate to publicize it for the time being. After all, Lin Lang's repair is too low, and it is easy to be strangled by other forces in the cradle.


One year has passed.

Lin Lang's Xiuwei also made great progress during this period. At the same time, the end-of-year evaluation of Daye Xianzong is also very close.

Great Leaf Fairy.

As one of the holy places of the human race, the disciples do not have everything to do after entering the sectarian gate. Basically, after a certain period of time, there is a corresponding assessment.

If they fail to meet the standard, they will be expelled from the division. And every time there is a fixed number of places, that is to say, every time there is bound to be a group of people being kicked out of the ancestral queue.

In such a tense atmosphere, almost everyone is in danger, for fear of becoming the tail of the crane in the assessment.

You have to know that all those who can enter the Great Leaf Emperor Xianzong are chosen from one thousand miles, or even one hundred thousand miles from a peerless genius.

The harshness of Daye Xianzong can be seen!

of course.

It is precisely because of such rules that the Daye Xianzong can last forever. It has continued to the present day from the time of the nine emperors in ancient times.

Lin Lang had just returned to Dongfu, and it didn't take long for him to receive a rumor from his four elder brother Yan Shufeng, saying that the examination of the Immortal Sect would begin in the middle of next month.

"Isn't the evaluation of the Immortal Emperor Ye Zong once every ten years, how could it be started now." Lin Lang frowned.

As far as he knows, the assessment of Daye Xianzong is divided into ten-year test, one-hundred-year test, and millennial test. To put it plainly, the ten-year test is equivalent to the weekend test, which is an internal test.

The 100-year exam is a monthly exam. Failure to meet the standards will affect resource allocation and eligibility for many things to come.

The millennial examination is more important. Those who repair the weak tail of the crane will be cleared out of the Great Leaf Fairy.

After all, for a monk who has practiced in the realm of true immortality, it takes several years to retreat a little, and it is naturally impossible for the Yexian Zong to arrange frequent assessments.

"After half a year, there will be the October War of the Immortal Terrans, followed by the Battle of the Hundreds of Immortals, and you should know what this means."

Yan Shu wind faintly made a noise.

Hundreds of clan battles are a first-class event in the entire immortal world. At that time, almost all major forces will participate in the competition.

Personally, this is also a good opportunity to truly establish your identity and be on the list. The Xianbang is divided into the True Fairy 100 Battle List and the Fairy King 100 Battle List. Only the monks recorded in the Fengxian List can be called orthodoxy.

"Fengxian Zhan is the fight between the hundred monks of the fairyland and the underworld demon in Xuanfu. The number of killing the underworld demon is used to determine the value of merit, and then the ranking of the hundred kings of the immortal.

"The October War is a human civil war. At that time, the various elites of the human race will participate. The number of true immortals will be determined by the number of true immortals in their forces."

Yan Shufeng calmly explained that the so-called October war is just a means to select the elite of the human race, which is not much for some small schools.

But this is undoubtedly a major event for the great religion of the fairyland, and even a sacred place like the Great Leaf Immortal cannot be ignored.

To this extent, they are almost one of the strongest forces in the world, and no further possibility is possible.

Therefore, at this time, they paid most attention to Zongmen's famous festivals and prestige, and they must gain something in the battle of Fengxian.

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