"Don't you want to see us? You've all seen it now, why haven't you moved yet?" Qing Liu Xiandi couldn't help but ridicule.

He really likes Lin Lang. Usually, these immortal emperors are always above their peaks, and their apprentices depend on their mood.

And now.

When they encountered a good seed, their eyes were almost lighted, and they might fight.

Because Lin Lang's light is too dazzling, the first stage condenses the star map, and deserves the first place. In the second stage, ten arrogants were fought hard, and they swept in a smashing and rotten posture. Most people could not do this.


He was like a layer of fog, with countless means on his body, and it was enough to calm down these immortals only at the tip of the iceberg that had just been shown in battle.

of course.

In front of Lin Lang, they will not be too obvious.

"It is not challenging to compete with these freshmen for rankings, and I am too lazy to waste time with them." Lin Lang shrugged helplessly.

"Putting you into these newcomers is really a bit out of place." Emperor Ruangguang also gave a slight nod, and said, "It's time to give you a small stove."

The rest stared at him.

Suddenly knew what the latter thought.

They waved at the same time, and before Lin Lang spoke, they moved him directly into another void.

it's here.

The sky is transparent and misty. Between heaven and earth, there is a strange energy everywhere, lingering around Lin Lang's body.

"Are you pure-minded?"

Lin Lang looked around and quickly figured out where it was. It is one of the Eight Scenic Spots of the Immortal Realm.

It is said that the small world where Daye Xianzong lives is held on a leaf that is rooted in the void. Every fixed day, it emits a strange energy that can reflect the monk's heart.

Daye Xianzong also got its name.

Unconsciously, Lin Lang was shrouded in this strange energy, and the past began to emerge in his mind.


His body began to move uncontrollably, exerting various avenues that he was good at, and practicing magical powers.

Memories flowed like tides.

After a while, Lin Lang saw all kinds of past. From his half-life in his previous life, to the later, he was drawn into the fairyland by the cracks in space.


He was trapped by the gods, and he watched one after another the hatred of his family and friends who came to rescue him.

He was mad, anxious to frustrate the Protoss.

Finally, under his anger, the prison built by the gods also began to loosen and was broken by him.

After a war, the protoss of the Protoss was broken down by Lin Lang, and the gods of the Protoss were killed by Lin Lang. One of the masters was also seriously injured.

that's it.

Lin Lang fell from the air, and in the corner of his eyes, a protoss protoss who was caught in the flames of war appeared, and began to collapse a little as he fell.

The endless void came down, and there was only endless darkness before him.

I want to reach out but can't catch anything.

"No, this is not what I want!"

Lin Lang was suddenly alert.

There was a light in his eyes, after the rebirth, the familiar bar in front of him, the noisy faint DJ roaring outside.

"I am back."

Lin Lang was like a drowning man, and the boundless darkness before him finally disappeared, and he gasped with a big mouth like relief.

Everything is as he expected.

He regained his new life and walked against the sky. With his unique insights, he became the last cultivator on the earth, respected as Lin Shenyi, and rejuvenated with wonderful hands.


He was invincible, straddling Japan, defeating Japan ’s first Kendo master, flattening Tokyo Tower, and the world was shocked!

And later ...

Every scene appeared in front of Lin Lang.

Similarly, a deep question began to emerge in his mind.

What is he asking for?

To protect the people around him from harm? These goals are no longer a problem to him, he can easily control everything.


Break down all the enemy families. But as a result, apart from that solace, what valuable things did he get?

The bad guy can't do anything wrong, but what does that do to him?

Or revenge?

But after that?

What else is his goal?

"No, these are not what I want!" Lin Lang said, although these are what he wants to do, he can do it easily.

Nothing counts as his goal.

"Yes, my only goal is to cultivate and become stronger. Only in this way, everything will be stepped on my feet, and everything I want to do can be done smoothly."

Lin Lang suddenly realized this.

In a moment, his mind was clear, and the mist in the sky was slowly dissipating, and he could not lose the original mist.

It is clear that the true heart is for the pure heart.


He can see the deep sky, a green rhizome standing up to the sky.

at the same time.

The airflow in the sky began to spin rapidly. Lin Lang felt only a refreshing breath, his thoughts had never been more accessible, and countless strange powers were constantly being incorporated into his body.

Whether it's the Five Elements, or his mastery of avenues, it is unprecedentedly clear at this moment, and all doubts are now open.

The power of the Five Elements Avenue shrouded around him, at the same time, the Bright Avenue bloomed, entangled with the Five Elements Avenue, forming a unique spectacle.

The heavenly silver pattern covers the surface of Lin Lang's body and isolates all the outside world.

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