"Second Master, recently Hongkong Guyun Auction is preparing to take a picture of the Northern Song artist Huang Tingjian. The price is 70 million RMB. Would you like to consider it?"

"No, I didn't buy a Pingyang landscape map for three million last time."

"Don't you say last time, let me pay more attention to the news of the antique world recently, and notify you immediately with the famous painting auction?" Said Han Lao at the other end of the phone.

"Giving a business partner as a birthday gift does not need to be too expensive." Chu Xing said lightly.

Han Lao over the phone is even stranger.

He knew that Chuxing was born in Yanjing and Chu's family. He had few years of experience and he set up a trillion-dollar Zhixing Group with his own hands. Businesses were conducted by Huaxia's important entrepreneurs.

This is just the tip of the iceberg that outsiders can see.

In fact, Chu Xing has secretly controlled a lot of Chu's industries in his hands, and more companies have invested under his name. Take Shen Cheng, for example, he was almost turned into his own business empire.

With Chuxing's identity, he only sent more than 3 million cultural relics to his business partner. This pen is too small.

"Also, don't call me the second young master in the future. Three years ago, since the day I stepped in Shencheng, I have officially separated from the Chu family. In the future, the Chu family has nothing to do with me.

"Everything I do now comes from my own hard work. There is no penny for the Chu family. Since the Chu family is worried that my rise will steal their place, I will leave with my own, and I will cut it off."

"I'm a waste son-in-law in this rundown Jiang family in Shencheng. It's good."

Chu Xing laughed and just hung up the phone, but heard that the noisy outside suddenly quieted down, washed his hands quickly, and walked out of the bathroom.

Three years ago, Chu Xing broke off the relationship with the Chu family. When he came to Shencheng in frustration, he was personally pointed to the marriage by the grandfather Jiang family, and joined the **** family in Shencheng as a son-in-law.

When the wedding sensation in Shencheng was everywhere, the celebrities of Shencheng were shocked.

Everyone knows that Shen Chengyan is the best, and countless young talented Miss Jiang Jiasan, Jiang Yuyan, married to a useless waste.

And it was still an extravagant son-in-law.

Of course, it may only be Mr. Jiang who knows the inside story.


Before Jiang Jiang had time to explain his identity, he suddenly became seriously ill and became a vegetative dementia.

The Jiang family is an inconspicuous second-class family in Shencheng. It is engaged in the business of earth and stone, and there are several family-owned companies.

It's just that the company's accounts have been losing money in recent years, so it won't be long before they are kicked out of the second-tier family.

Today is the family day of the Jiang family once a month, and all the children of the Jiang family are going back to the Jiang family to report on work.

Meeting room.

Many children of the Jiang family have been sitting in a critical position, respecting them like a lamb, and dare not even look up to see the old Jiang family sitting in the first place.

Several companies under the Jiang family have adopted

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