He knew who the wolf son was, the most famous of the descendants of Wolf God Pavilion, the fairy king of ninety-nine percent, and once sealed the top one hundred of the fairy battlefield.

Wolf God Pavilion is also one of the northern great religions, and it is still a relatively strong one. As the wolf son of Zongmen Tianjiao, his status is not inferior to the exquisite fairy.

When did he get angry with the wolf boy? This was a question he couldn't understand. Of course, he did not expect these people in front of him to give him the answer.

after all.

These fairy kings are, at best, thugs hired by the wolf son. Of course, maybe they are also to satisfy their selfishness.

"Now you have two choices." The old brown-haired man drew **** and said, "One, surrender all the Ganoderma lucidum on our body, and we will tie you back to see the Wolf Boy."

"Second, we beat you to death, searched your soul, and found out the place where the Ganoderma lucidum was made. The wolf boy didn't want a sound person."

"What if I don't choose."

Lin Lang was extremely calm.

"You have no choice, if you choose, there is only the second passive choice." The Seven Winged Devil sneered.

"Give up all the Ganoderma lucidum you have on you. I'll figure it out. You should have at least 12 Ganoderma lucidum on you now."


Every day, Qing Lei's investigations made it very clear that they knew that Lin Lang had collected two strains of Ganoderma Lucidum there.

"So you're going to fix me."

Lin Lang was very calm.

"That old man has been beaten by the wolf son, do you still expect anyone to save you at this time?" The old brown man's face was full of irony.

"You may think too much." Just then, a few indifferent voices suddenly came from behind them, and a young man covered in a black robe came calmly.

"What kind of person am I, just a first-time fairy king, and dare not say a word, don't say to save him today, even you yourself will die here."

A few people showed disdain on their faces.

Coming is the blood demon.

In the past few days, the blood demon has rushed out of the sky and smoothly descended on the ice and fire.

The blood demon did not speak, but a weird smile appeared on his face.


He moved.

The blood demon's speed was so incredible that he pinched the neck of an early fairy king directly and lifted it like a jackal chick.

"Taunt me, do you guys deserve it?"

The voice fell.

The blood demon directly crushed the latter's neck, and the blood was like injection, and the corpse of the first-time fairy king who had lost his head fell to the ground with a sound.

One shot, kill an early fairy king!

"how can that be!"

Several pupils contracted sharply.

No one expected that a long-established fairy king could not even get a trick under the hands of this young man in black robes.

Directly killed.

Even the middle-ranked fairy kings did not respond to what happened. Instead, they went up. It is estimated that they will not be much better than the young men in black robes.

"What the **** is this guy doing?" The old brown-haired man's eyes exuded a lot of fear.

Although the surface of the blood demon is only the realm of the first-level fairy king, everyone knows that his true combat power is far beyond the surface.

That pressure, as if facing a peak king of immortality, is full of powerlessness!

"What kind of person is your lord?" The Seven Winged Demon King solemnly said: "You can have this kind of combat power, presumably in the fairy world, there will be no nameless generation.


The blood demon glanced at the Seven Winged Demon King, and looked proudly: "Dead, it's not worth knowing my name."

The remaining nine immortal kings were obviously a little angry too. Although they were afraid of the blood monster's combat power, the latter was only one person after all.

If they joined forces, even the peak fairy king would have no fear of fighting.

"Let's go together, garbage." The blood demon hooked his hands, not keeping these people in mind.


"You're looking for death!"

The sound of several blasts sounded, and the nine fairy kings sacrificed sacred artifacts and exerted magical powers to attack the blood demon.

"It's really weak."

The Gorefiend shrugged his shoulders, and never retreated, killing the nine Immortal Kings directly. Behind him, it seemed like an endless stream of blood, like a **** Shura from Hell.

Murder is pervasive!

The blood demon wiped himself off with one of the first-level fairy kings, whose blood was like a spring surge, and his neck was severed.

In one blow, a fairy king falls!

"You are the second."

Gorefiend quickly found a second target, with fingers like hooks and sharp nails piercing the latter's heart.

The second fairy king fell!

Lin Lang watched with interest from the side, and did not participate in the war. He did know that the Blood Demon was powerful, but did not expect the latter to be so outrageous after breaking through the immortal realm.

of course.

He didn't have many surprises.

After all, the body of the demon Tao inherited all the practices and avenues of his previous life, and still condensed the bleeding body and the inverse five elements spirit body.

As soon as he broke through the realm of the immortal king, the blood demon was basically able to cast all the **** channel methods he was good at in previous lives.

What is necessary or lacking is just a lack of realm. If the realm rises to 99%, he will be more terrifying than his predecessor.

The three methods of blood cultivation, the master of the dark avenue, and the inverse of the five elements are enough to throw all monks in the same realm far away.

After half an hour.

A few of the fairy kings lay on the ground, none of them survived, and each died in the hands of the blood demon. His footsteps did not stop there.

The blood demon walked in front of several corpses, waving his sleeves, and a **** avenue oven appeared in front of him, sucking in the bodies of several fairy kings.

"Let it work for you."

The blood demon glanced at Lin Lang.

Lin Lang was helpless, his finger lightly, a pure energy of sub-fire fired from his fingertips, lining the avenue oven, burning.

The avenue swelled, and the blood soul roared.

Not long after.

The bodies of several immortal kings in the avenue oven have been smelted into flying ash, and several swollen blood dans burst out of the furnace and flew to the blood demon.

Without hesitation.

The blood demon swallowed a few blood dandelions directly, making them chew-like, with a horrible chewing sound between the lips and teeth.

"Are you going for one?"

The blood demon looked at Lin Lang casually.

"I still forget it." Lin Lang smiled bitterly, and the reason for the rapid increase in blood demon power was to support the war, and to sacrifice the blood of other monks to improve.


This method of improving cultivation is extremely dangerous. Even if Lin Lang has obtained an orthodox blood cultivation system, he may be caught in the devil with little attention.

"They're looking for it."

The blood demon suddenly made a noise.

They, referring to the group of immortal king chasers of nature, and the group of brown-haired immortal kings had sent Lin Lang's position to the wolf boy when they knew they would die.

The nearby monks came, and it was naturally expected.

"You don't plan to escape like this." Lin Lang looked at the Blood Devil with a smile.


The blood demon smiled indifferently: "I'm more interested in the underworld than in the immortal world. The reason I came to save you is that I don't want my deity to live more than me."

"Come on, I need you to make a big ticket together." Lin Lang smiled indifferently, he opened his arms and faced the blood demon.

"I hope that after you and I are combined, I will not let go of you to such an extent." The blood demon cold and proud.

The voice fell.

The blood demon's body flashed, a ray of dazzling blood burst into his body, and he gradually walked towards Lin Lang. In the blood, two identical figures slowly overlapped together.


This was originally a clone of Lin Lang's deity. He had all kinds of avenues and supernatural powers that he was good at in his previous life, but because of various coincidences, the speed of the blood demon's practice exceeded that of the deity.

Now that the two bodies are combined into one, the improvement brought to Lin Lang is not just a little bit. His breath is rising rapidly at this moment.

Gradually crossed the realm of real immortal, entered the threshold of the realm of immortal king, and did not stop there. On the contrary, the cultivation of the integration body is still rising.

Intermediate fairy king.


In a few breaths, Lin Lang's cultivation was to jump directly from the real immortal realm to the peak immortal king, with a breathtaking atmosphere.

"Next, it's time to clean up the rubbish." Lin Lang shrouded in a black robe, only half of his face was exposed, and his body was wrapped in blood, looking grim.

When he speaks, it is also double-voiced, as if two people are controlling a body at the same time, and they can make two people's voices at the same time.

Not long after.

A group of fairy kings have come to the door, headed by the peak fairy king of Taichu Fort, there are two peak fairy kings of unknown origin nearby, and the rest are basically middle-level fairy kings.

"Where is Lin You Yeren?"

At the first glance, the immortal king of Taichu Fortress stared at the black robe Lin Lang and asked.

"What's calling?" Lin Lang in the black robe patted his ears, pretending to be unheard of.

"I ask you, where did Lin Youye go?" The immortal king of Taichu Fort suddenly sank, his voice a little louder.

"Give up Lin Youye, otherwise you will die miserably." The other fairy kings also spoke one after another, and seemed to have treated the black robe Lin Lang as a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Don't make a noise, I can hear you."

Lin Lang in the black robe flashed and appeared directly in front of the immortal king of Taichu Fort. A slap was pulled out neatly. The right half of the immortal king of Taichu Fort swelled instantly.


All the immortal kings suddenly became dumb.

What the emperor of Taichu Fortress made for them is naturally clear, but it is a real peak king of fairyland, and he comes from Taichu Fortress.

It is said that the first generation of the Taichu Fortress dates back to the age of the King of Gods. It is a descendant of the King of the Kings of Taichu. He wrote the ancient scriptures of the Taichu and is also considered to be top-notch in many ways of immortals.

It can be said.

The immortal king of Taichu Fortress is far greater than the monks in the same realm. Except for those of the great tribe and holy places in the same realm, it basically belongs to the invincible existence of the same realm.


Now the peak of the immortal king of Taichu Fortress was slapped, and even the reaction was too late.

How terrible is this?

"Can it be a state of mind?"

These words suddenly popped into the minds of the kings of immortals, and for a time only felt that the scalp was exploded.

The heavenly state of mind is almost the end of the fairy king's realm. Communicating the avenue, uniting the heavenly heart, and the ordinary fairy king are almost in an insurmountable nature.

In the face of that existence, killing an ordinary fairy king is almost as simple as drinking water to eat.

"Why don't you talk? They're all dumb?" Lin Lang looked at the crowd provocatively.

"Who is your lord? This matter is the intention of the Wolf Son. Your lord also wants to be the enemy of the Wolf Son." Shen Luo taught the peak of the fairy king Shen Sheng.

Of course, they are unwilling to face a strong man who doesn't know the depth, and simply push the wolf boy out.

The rest of the people calmed a little when they heard the name of the wolf boy. As the great disciple of the Wolf God Pavilion, the Wolf Son has become a fairy king that has surpassed many older generations.

It is said.

He is now practicing in the state of mind, condensing no less than ten Dacheng Avenues, and only half a step away can condense the planet of the soul and soul, breaking into the realm of the immortal king, which is 99.9% complete.

Followed by his combat power.

He is not more than one thousand years old, and now he has entered the hundred kings of the Celestial Warriors. There are so many fairy kings in the fairyland, but when it comes to the name of the wolf son, no one does not give thumbs up.

"What a wolf boy is, he dares to come, and I will kill them all together." Lin Lang in the black robe fainted.

next moment.

He had rushed into the crowd, and suddenly formed a sweeping situation. The black robe Lin Lang in the crowd was as powerful as the human race in battle, and each of the attacks had several immortal kings killed.

A group of middle-level fairy kings roared, but their opponents were too strong, and almost no one could beat their sharp edges. The formation was instantly dispersed and ran away.

One person, kill dozens of fairy kings.

How strong!

"Little cub, you look for death!"

In the distance, there was a sudden roar. An old man wearing a wolf's head totem quickly approached. There was a distance of more than a hundred miles from Lin Lang, and he struck a distant palm.


The heavens and the earth changed color, countless clouds of smoke in the sky were completely violent, and a terrible palm straddled the space and landed directly on the battlefield.

Some immortal kings were unable to dodge, and they were patted into a meat pie directly on the palm of their hands. Their bodies exploded and turned into a mist of blood.

If this strike falls on the land of immortal land outside the land of good fortune, I am afraid that it can easily sink thousands of miles.

"It is the elder state of mind of Wolf God Pavilion."

The King of the Immortal Emperor Taichu saw the man clearly and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally, someone willing to find death." Lin Lang, in black robe, was calm. He gently stretched out a slender finger and pointed calmly.


That celestial palm crashed with the slender fingers for the first time. Then, the slender fingers were castrated and fell directly on the Elder Wolf God Pavilion a hundred miles away.

There was no earth-shattering collision.

The world is silent.

Almost in the next dozen or so breathing times, there was no movement in the whole space, and the needle drop was audible.

"Where's the Elder Wolf God Pavilion, why haven't you arrived yet?" Taichu Fort Fairy frowned.

"Naturally dead."

Lin Lang, in a black robe, sneered, "I didn't expect that the fairy king in the state of heaven was so weak that he couldn't even stop a finger."


Someone with sharp eyes found that in the sky a hundred miles away, the figure of Elder Wolf God Pavilion stood deep in the top of the cloud, and there was a dark finger hole in the center of his eyebrow, which took away the vitality from his body.

The reason why he is still suspended deep in the top of the cloud is entirely because of the natural gravity of the ice, fire, and clouds, and he still maintains the fighting posture during his lifetime.

"The immortal king of heaven's state of mind, is this dead?" Countless people were stunned. This is especially true of the immortal king of the early days, a ghostly expression.

To what extent should this person's strength be so far away, one-hundreds of miles away, one point to kill the King of Heaven and Earth, which is basically impossible to happen in normal times.

"Isn't he the heavenly state of mind, but the immortal king of the perfect realm?" There was a hint of fear in the heart of Taichu Fortress.

The immortal king is ninety-nine percent complete, which is the prototype of the planet that has condensed the soul. Except for the complete doctrine, the emperor is almost comparable in all aspects.

If the heavenly state of mind is the king of the fairy king, then the ninety-nine percent of the perfect king is the emperor, the quasi-empire state.

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