Under the shock of terrible energy, even Taichubao Fairy King took a few steps back. Some careful people could even see that Taichubao Fairy's palm was shaking.

Rao is not bad because he was also injured by the shock force.

"The ashes that the kid should have been beaten are gone." A group of fairy kings gloated gloatingly into the distance. They were not concerned about Lin Lang's life and death, but the latter's space spirit ring.

The smoke dispersed.

A blood-covered figure climbed up from the ground, the clothes on his body were blown and shattered, and some scattered rags were mixed with blood and sand and stuck to his body.

He dangles, supports his sword, and may fall down at any time.


No matter how unstable he was, he never fell down, and in the light of his eyes, there was a thick unyielding and shame.

Everyone's gaze was fixed, and they were all moving.

It's just a true immortal, who resisted the three moves of Taichubao's immortal king and did not die. Even if they say such achievements, few people will believe it.

"If he does not die, everyone in this age, including those in the Holy Land, will be his foil." Someone said.

Throughout the ages, no true immortal has been able to achieve this level. This is just the peak of the true immortal. If he is aware of a trace of mystery, it is a mystery and a condensed state.

I'm afraid of being there, basically nobody will be his opponent.


Linglong Fairy stood in the crowd, her face veiled, and a thin halo shrouded around her body. She was like a fairy godmother against the background.

At that time, she had witnessed Lin Lang's hard anti-purple king of immortals, and even she had a considerable interest in Lin Lang.

I can't think of a few days in the past, how such a genius will fall, how can we not regret it.

"Such a genius should indeed be strangled in the cradle as soon as possible." Many people have such an idea in their hearts.

It's jealous.

It's also for your own consideration.

Those who can practice to the realm of fairy kings basically represent a force behind, and a talented monk who does not belong to any force will rise to break the inherent pattern once it rises.

For a time.

The temptation brought about by Ganoderma lucidum has become very weak. Compared to this, they are more willing to end a genius' life with their own hands.

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous that this time I returned, I couldn't even fight a group of juniors." Lin Lang spit out his blood, suddenly grinned, and smiled wildly.

For a while.

He recalled the imprisonment of the gods, and finally the fierce battle with the **** emperor, smashing the protoss ancestor star, shattered, as if it were a matter of sight. At that time, he was also surrounded by a group of fairy kings.

The only difference is that the immortal king who besieged him at the same time was at least in the state of heaven, not the group of primary ants in front of him.

"Since there are no more than 500 years to come, let everyone join Huangquan." Lin Lang made up his mind.

At this point, he had no retreat.

No one can save him.

Even if the self-exploding eternal device is fighting, you will never let yourself die in the hands of a group of unknown first-rate fairy kings. This is a reality he cannot accept.

at this time.

A soft power from nowhere came suddenly into Lin Lang's body and began to slowly repair his injured body.

"Don't resist, Baicao Jin has a strong repairing effect on the damage caused in a short time." A figure of a yellow robe appeared behind Lin Lang, the palm of the latter was gently put on, the strange energy of the strands had penetrated through the shoulders and penetrated The internal organs of the body.

Strange to say.

These dark yellow energy flows contain indescribable effects, flowing past, and all injuries are instantly restored, even better than a Bapin Shengdan.

Lin Lang looked back and saw an old man in a yellow robe standing behind him, wearing a yellow robe with a hundred sketches embroidered on it, a smile and a hee.

"Don't be afraid, no one can hurt the monk of Di Linxing with me." The old man in yellow robe smiled like a spring breeze.

Hear the words.

Lin Lang was shocked.

He knew that he was not the only monk from Di Linxing, and before him, there was another amazing human tribe.

This old man in yellow robes, is it--

Xuanyuan? !!

The old man in the yellow robe smiled, showing a row of white teeth. He looked in front of hundreds of immortal kings: "I'm keeping this boy, but you have some objections."

"Who do you think you are?"

Said a fairy king.


Most of the fairy kings present did not know the old man in the yellow robe, and even the latter had no idea what the realm was.

The old man in the yellow robe was very patient, and his face still had an impeccable smile on his face: "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that this little baby is my clan, and I need to take him away."

After talking.

The old man in the yellow robe wielded a big sleeve, and a violent hurricane erupted almost instantly. Even the well-known fairy kings were scattered by the wind.

As for the immortal king of the pinnacle.

It can only be reluctant to stay in shape in the strong wind, and it can be achieved to such an extent with only a random hit.

Wait for the storm to subside.

How could the old man in yellow robe and Lin Lang be in front of him?


Let's say the other side.

Lin Lang was taken away by the old man in the yellow robe, and the energy injected into him by the latter had completely repaired his wound, and the speed was incredible.


They are standing by a lake, which is also a rare lake in the whole ice, fire and smoke. Of course, it is not water that flows inside.

It's magma.


Lin Lang's eyes were full of doubts.

He didn't know the old man in the yellow robe, and rummaged through the whole memory, and couldn't find any memory of the yellow robe in words.

Say he is the Emperor Xuanyuan. It is nothing like that. The Emperor Xuanyuan has left the earth for 5,000 years. At that time, he was already a true immortal, and he would not grow old like this.


One thing missing from the old man in the yellow robe is vigor. Emperor Xuanyuan is noble emperor. The most improbable thing on his body is vigor and majesty.

But these, there is no point in the old man of Huangpao! His unique temperament is more of a gentle elder or healer's temperament.

Besides, he was vengeful against Emperor Xuanyuan, who had killed two descendants of Xuanyuan Emperor Xuanyuan Poqi and Xuanyuan, and it was no wonder that Xuanyuan Emperor could save him!


Lin Lang's eyes were full of doubts.

He didn't know the old man in the yellow robe, and rummaged through the whole memory, and couldn't find any memory of the yellow robe in words.

"You can call me Shennong."

The old man smiled mildly.

Lin Lang was a little stunned, and his head was filled with question marks. Although he disdains those ancient myths and legends, at least he has heard the name of Shen Nong.

Shennong tasted Baicao all over the world and was honored as the ancestor of medicine by future generations. But he did not expect that Shennong would really exist, and still encountered in fairyland.

"You want to ask, why did I appear in the fairy realm?" Shennong seemed to see Lin Lang's doubts and laughed: "At that time, in the ancient times that your descendants have said, the world has not been so completely blocked. "

"At that time, Fuxi saw that the world would change. After the results of his deduction were announced, our clan unanimously decided to move the family."

"At that time, the blockade of the heavens and the earth was not so thorough that it would not be possible to reach the real immortal realm, so a group of us left Dilinxing, and they have basically soared since then."

Lin Lang looked far away.

He realized some problems.


The reason why Emperor Xuanyuan led the public to battle the Tianlu was because the heaven and earth were completely blocked and he could not leave from the Emperor Linxing, but was forced to break into the Tianlu.

The Shennongs and others are much older than the Emperor Xuanyuan, and they can even date back to 100,000 years ago. They were the first batch to leave Di Linxing, and they did not go the same way.

"That said, Dilinxing's Terran Fairy has also spawned a new generation of descendants, I should be right to say so." Lin Lang asked.


Shennong nodded with a smile: "Not only that, we also formed a force. Later the Emperor Star Ascensionists got together, and the little fellow Xuanyuan was there."

"We also know the changes of the Emperor's Star, and naturally know how your little fellow is in the universe, but in the end, it really gives everyone a long face."

Lin Lang was astonished.

No wonder Shennong was able to find him in the first place, mostly because he had caused such a big storm in the universe of all realms, which would naturally attract the attention of the older generations of these immortals in Shennong.

"I'll take you back to the Three Holy Palaces, where is the residence of our Emperor Linxing people." Shennong smiled.

"Three Holy Palaces?"

Hearing this name, Lin Lang was even more surprised, because in his understanding, the name of Sansheng Palace is no stranger. In the previous life, it was an imperial power founded by the Emperor Xian.

Although not well-known in the fairyland, it is the fastest-growing force in the fairyland in 100,000 years.

The two were about to start. The sky was suddenly covered by a layer of dark clouds, and the cloudless smoke quickly gathered to form a strange wolf head totem.

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