"After a hundred years, you can all recover your freedom."

The blood demon slowly opened his mouth, and every monk in front of him was an ancient and famous man, trapped in the early days of the Last Age.

Rao is so. There are still more than a dozen celestial beings in this group. Roughly, now they may not be as good as Ye Xuanzong.


The blood demons value their talents, and they can cultivate to the existence of the heavenly immortal realm in the end of the Fa era. I believe that as long as they go out of the sky, they are full of spiritual power. .

By that time.

Ye Xuanzong is a dozen true immortals, which is enough to push Ye Xuanzong to a new peak.

"You're not afraid that we will not fulfill our promises when we go out, or that we are anti-customers, and you do not occupy your gate?"

Yang Erlang said with great interest.

"You're not worthy."

There was a slight disdain on Gorefiend's face: "Now you are just a bunch of celestial celestial celestial beings. There is not even a real immortal realm, and for the time being, there is no spray."

"Also, you are also smart people. Join my Zongmen and become a member of Ye Xuanzong, you can smoothly break through to the real fairy realm."

"Instead, you will bear the wrath of a fairy king."

As early as in the starry battlefield, the blood demon absorbed the huge energy contained in the blood tower, and already reached the critical point of the fairy king. As soon as he set foot on the sky, he lost the restraint of the avenue, and he naturally broke through the original state.

The crowd widened their eyes and looked at the Blood Demon in astonishment, almost speaking in astonishment: "Are you ... the fairy king?"

"No wonder!"

The real immortal realm is the top of the universe. And the realm of the fairy king should not exist in the universe.

"No more, let's join Ye Xuanzong, or start from the beginning." Jiang Taigong grinned bitterly, and he could analyze some basic conditions of Ye Xuanzong from the words of the blood demon.

Then there should be at least the true fairy sitting in the town's gate. Even if one really walks out of a true fairy, it is estimated that it will be enough to destroy their group of people thousands of times.

The only thing that made them unbalanced was that their later generations had interpreted myths and legends hundreds of times, and they had to start from scratch in the future.

in other words.

They are outdated!

"Nothing, since I will not be able to go to the fairyland, I might as well go back to the earth, anyway, there is not much difference between the aura, and it will be a great time to rise to the fairyland."

The old man sighed.

They were trapped in the sky for thousands of years, and they finally had to wait for the rescue, and had the opportunity and ability to teleport them back.

How can they hesitate?

There is almost no need to discuss, everyone agrees surprisingly, and wants to send back to Emperor Linxing by means of blood demon.


A detailed information about Tianlu was also quickly sent to the blood demon. According to their analysis, Tianlu is likely to be a passage left in ancient times. As long as the monks are sufficient, they can set foot on Tianlu and follow the Tianlu to the end to the immortal world.


There is no so-called soaring rule on Dilin. The end of the heavenly road should be the passage connecting the two realms of Xianming.

However, the monks later were too weak, and the monks of Tianxian could only walk to the first level of the human race, and then they had to reach the real immortal realm to break through.

This is why Emperor Xuanyuan was forced to leave alone.

"Where is the Northern Han Sword Fairy? Didn't you gather the Northern Han Sword Fairy? Could it be that the Northern Han Sword Fairy, like the Xuanyuan Emperor, set foot on the road alone," the blood devil asked in confusion.

Hear the words.

Everyone was silent for a moment.

for a long time.

Jiang Taigong blushed and said, "The sword of the Northern Han Sword Fairy is a liar, not only us, but even the first batch of Emperor Xuanyuan who was deceived by him."

"At the time, we were desperate, otherwise we would not trust the Northern Han Sword Fairy. If we didn't listen to him, we would work together to hit the earth, and we would have the opportunity to break through the ground and rely on the rules of the outside world."

"In the end, this guy did a good job and brought us to the first level of the human race. After abducting the holy artifact, the man disappeared."

The blood demon smiled indifferently. He could hear the meaning of this group of people, and it was clear that the Northern Han Sword Fairy used their group of forces to break into the first level of the human race.


When Bei Han Jianxian saw that the follow-up road needed to be repaired in the real realm, he deceived everyone's relics in a breath, and abandoned everyone to leave alone.

Otherwise, they rely on the sacred weapon, not to mention moving forward, at least they can return to the earth. Why is it that a group of people are trapped in the first level of the human race?

No wonder they have such a big grudge.

"That can only blame you stupid." The blood devil sneered: "I now regret that I want to send you back."

This group of people came here only by virtue of the sacred things. Only the Emperor Xuanyuan was different. He left by virtue of his true ability, and most likely has successfully reached the fairyland.

That being said.

However, the blood demon sent this group of people out of the sky.


The same day.

Di Linxing was a little bit boiled.

According to some disciples of Ye Xuanzong, in the morning, a group of monks once found Ye Xuanzong's high-level and volunteered to join the Zongmen.

And the identity of this group of people.

But it is the focus of attention.

Jiang Taigong, Yang Erlang, Vulcan Zhu Rong, God of War Xingtian, each of these people is a myth and legend on the earth.

However today.

Finally revealed their true colors, they are not myths, but a group of monks in history who were trained to be powerful, but they were only regarded as myths in that era.

But Rao is so.

The advent of myth still caused a lot of sensation. Many people come here to visit these legends in history.

of course.

This is just a small storm in Dilinxing's cultivation of the immortal world, except for Dilinxing's native monks, such as those famous mountains and ancient sites, there is no response.

He is the true ancestor when it comes to chronology.


the other side.

sky Road.

The blood demon ran all the way, any disaster was in front of him, and went directly to the end of the sky.

of course.

It can't be called the end of the road carefully. It can only be called a fork in the road. There are five forks in the surrounding area. One of them is deadly and exudes a thick and dim atmosphere.

The other is the immortality, the road is extremely far, there seems to be fairy phoenixes dancing, the bells and rituals are peaceful.

The other two are vast, with no sight at all wherever you look.

The last one.

It is a straight path, without any stairs, and it is such a vertical path.

The most important thing is that, near the fork in the road, there was a person who was carrying a sword!

The man turned his back to the blood demon. He stepped forward, stared at the back, and wanted to walk forward to look at the man's face.

The man said in advance: "You are the second person I have met on this road for thousands of years. The first one is Xuanyuan's little one, and the other is you."

The Blood Demon paused: "You are the big liar in their mouth, North Han Sword Fairy." Can appear here and mention the name of Emperor Xuanyuan, I am afraid there is no second person.

"You can call me that, Beihan Sword Fairy, it's nothing more than a vanity name imposed on me by the world, my name is God Emperor."

The blood demon stunned slightly.

"As far as I know, Zunshen Emperor should be one of the nine emperors. As early as in ancient times, it has been dead and alive, can it still live now?" The blood devil sneered.

"you are wrong."

North Han Jianxian shook his head.

"I am not one of the nine emperors, but the head of the nine emperors."

"Another question, we still have a way to seal some juniors to the present age, can't we let ourselves live to modern times?"

The blood demon wanted to laugh, and the nine emperors did not become detached, which meant that there was no eternal life, even if it was as strong as the nine emperor, it would not be possible to fight against the will of a large world.

Thousands of yuan will accumulate eternal calamity enough to crush them to ashes.

How could the blood demon believe him, sneer: "I don't care who you are, even if you are really killing the Emperor, is it possible that you intend to block my way?"

Beihan Sword Fairy was not angry at all, just smiled, "Just do you know which way is the fairyland."


The blood demon rolled his eyes and did not intend to ignore the guy, and he set foot on that peaceful and peaceful road.

"There is immortal world, your clone is more suitable for the development of the underworld." Behind the blood demon came the leisurely voice of Bei Han Sword Fairy.

The blood demon footsteps: "Of course I know that there is nothing worth visiting in that broken place in the fairyland. You don't need to explain to me, this is the road to the fairyland, the opposite is the road to the underworld, and the fools can see it . "

"Where do the other three roads lead, you ever knew." Bei Han Jianxian said leisurely.

The blood demon snorted, and said nothing. But the North Han Sword Fairy seemed like a rhetoric, saying, "That road leads to the Tao realm, and the other leads to the Buddha realm."

"Originally, these two realms should be just like the fairy realm and the underworld, except that Daozu and Lantern failed, and only two incomplete worlds were built."

"However, both Hongmeng Sanren and Pluto have succeeded. However, these two little guys should have paid a great price now. Most of Hongmeng's fell now."

"As for Pluto, it's hard to say a word. In short, it should be worse than Hongmeng." Beihan Sword Fairy kept shaking his head.

"Did you know this?" Gore's eyes flashed. Hong Meng scattered people, it is estimated that the world knows that the inside story does not exceed ten fingers.

Beihan Sword Fairy can deduct this step.

It's really amazing.

"Then there is still the last way?" The Blood Demon was interested in the North Han Sword Fairy and asked actively.

"That is a theoretically non-existent road. No one knows where this road leads until the Tiangong opens." Bei Han Jianxian shook his head, pointing at the passage above his head.

"My body is there."

The blood demon followed his gaze, and sure enough, at the extreme end of the sky, a figure was sitting, looking like the Northern Han Sword Fairy.

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