One strain of Ganoderma lucidum can only keep Lin Lang's internal injuries from continuing to worsen, while another strain of Ganoderma lucidum allows him to break through to the real world.

That's it.

Lin Lang directly crushed Lingyu and left Qinglei day by day.

Fortune Quadruple Heaven.

The staff member was boasting to others about what happened yesterday. They only broke one quiz stone, which made him a million spirit stones.

Everyone was envious.

A young man in white has already stepped in front of them, and threw a space spiritual ring boldly: "Give me the ice, fire and smoke."

Hear the words.

The surrounding staff members showed a disdainful expression: "It's just a little true fairy, even the breath hasn't settled down, even trying to enter the sky of ice and fire?"

At this moment.

A bloated middle-aged man rushed to the crowd in a hurry, with a charming expression on his face: "Sir, you have just come out of Qinglei day by day, why do you suddenly want to enter the sky of ice and fire?"

"Do you still need a quiz?"

Lin Lang asked lightly.

"What kind of test stone you need, you can just go in." The obese real fairy took the space ring, carefully checked and couldn't help laughing.

He knew, however, that this test blaster had burst yesterday. What does the quiz stone that can break the real realm represent?

The quality of the test stone is extraordinary, and it has good bearing capacity, so it can be repaired by the test monk without breaking.

Each type of test stone has a corresponding limit, and the monk who can break the true immortal test stone, at least touches the existence of the edge of the fairy king.

Have this as a prerequisite.

Do you still need to check?

After the fat man counted the Lingshi, he took Lin Lang directly to the entrance of Binghuoyunyanyan, and the immortal king of the northern college was stationed at the entrance.

After completing a series of formalities, Lin Lang entered the ice and smoke sky smoothly.

"Can you communicate with the outside world in Xianhua Xiandi?" Lin Lang frowned,

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