Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 890: Fortune Land

The king of purple shirts is sinking like water, and everyone knows that this is a prelude to the future of the storm. Some disciples around him felt the sharp killing intention of the King of Purple Shirts.

Distraught, dare not say a word.

"Give me a teleportation team, use the fastest speed!" The purple shirt fairy king said coldly.


North domain.

Qianhe Palace portal.

Light and shadow flashed, a group of satin monks appeared on the platform of the Qianhe Palace teleportation array. These people are naturally Lingbo Fairy and his party.


There seems to be a weird guy among them. Lin Lang stood in this group of people, and he didn't seem to feel incompatible with the collective.

"Boy, what did you mix in on purpose?"

One of the monks stared at Lin Lang. Before the teleportation team was fully opened, they naturally saw Lin Lang.

"I paid the transfer fee, why not go with you." Lin Lang fluttered softly.

The disciples of Jiaoyuezong's eyes jumped blue, listening to Lin Lang's tone, how did he feel that they were sarcastically occupying the teleportation array.

"Walk with us, do you deserve it?"

The disciple of Jiaoyuezong gave Lin Lang a disdainful look.

Lin Lang rushed to create the fairy land, naturally he did not care about him, turned around and was about to leave. The disciple of Jiaoyuezong stopped directly in front of Lin Lang.

"Come if you want to, and go if you want to, who are we Jiaoyuezong?" The disciples of Jiaoyuezong are so energetic that their hands will be beaten.


A clear crisp sounded.

A slap seal appeared on the face of the disciple of Jiaoyuezong. He paused for a moment. The script was not right. Why was he beaten?


He was furious and was about to explode, but Lin Lang had already gone far away.

"you wanna die!"

The disciple of Jiaoyuezong just wanted to catch up.

"Xi Lang." Fairy Ling Bo stopped him. The disciple of Jiaoyuezong was still a little unconvinced, and a woman accompanying her was a little dissatisfied.

"Sister, you don't care if our own family is beaten, shall we let him go so arrogantly?" The female disciple complained.

Fairy Lingbo shook her head and said, "You guys are not his opponents. His actual combat power is probably comparable to that of Ningdao Jingzhen."

"Condensed Road!"

The faces of several Jiaoyuezong disciples around his face changed. Although the celestial world is full of geniuses, there may not be many people who have cultivated in the real world.

Except for those sacred places, it is good that four or five condensed Taoism immortals can be born in the congregation of each great religion. Condensed Taoism represents the limit of true immortality.

Few people can reach it.

"Baiyang, what do you think?" Fairy Lingbo looked back at a young man in white.

"He should not be weaker than me," Bai Yangyan said concisely, "and you didn't find out that the road in his body was almost collapsed."

"The avenue is chaotic. He should also go to Fortune Fairyland to find Fortune Ganoderma. At that time, everyone should pay attention to it and try not to be against him."

Everyone realized the meaning outside the Baiyang dialect. The avenue in a monk's body is about to collapse, which means that there are no days to live.

And the other party is a master who is comparable to condensed state, this is the most dangerous. If such a person comes up hard, I am afraid that even the immortal king can fight it off.

It's no wonder that Lingbo Fairy didn't stop.


The crowd nodded solemnly.


Good fortune land.

One of the famous mysteries of fairyland.

It is said that the entire Fortune Land is born of Fortune. As long as the richness of the aura in the Fortune Land can be maintained, all kinds of wonderful energy will be continuously produced.

No matter what kind of rare ore or elixir, no matter what attribute function, there are basically everything in the fortune land. There is a saying that the Fortune Land can extract the essence of various types of treasures and re-aggregate them into higher treasures.

For example, if a sufficient number of spirit stones are put in, the spirit stones can be transformed into spirit crystals, or even spiritual fluids.

of course.

This is just a statement, these things have not been confirmed by anyone. Perhaps this may also be an excuse for the Northern University to charge the admission fee of the Fortune Fairy Land.

No one knows the truth.


It is true that there are many spirits in the fairy land.


Good fortune outside.

The entire Fortune Land has long been shrouded in a layer of enchantment to prevent monks from sneaking in, leaving only the only exit to the outside.

When the monk arrives here, he must pay a certain amount of spirit. Of course, it is okay if the spirit stone is not enough to settle other treasures of equal value.

"Are you sure you want to enter Zhenxian District?" The monk stationed at the entrance to the enchantment frowned at Lin Lang.

Lin Lang nodded.

"Your cultivation has not yet reached the real immortal realm. According to the rules, you are not allowed to go to the true immortal area. You also know that the four major heavens are full of different avenue rules. of."

The monk was kind and reminded Lin Lang.

"It's Qinglei every day, and the rules of Zhenxian District can't help me." Lin Lang said.


The monk was resolute in his attitude and said, "You can't bear Qing Lei's daily rule."

"Isn't there a test stone in Xianhua Xiandi? It should be enough to repair, and it should be fine to go to the upper heavens." Lin Lang said helplessly.

"It seems that you know it in detail." The monk glanced at Lin Lang, shook his head, and said, "So, I'll ask someone to bring Qing Lei's test stones every day. If you can make a star, I Just let you in. "

There are four areas in the land of good fortune, known as the four heavens of good fortune. They are Dishaxuanyan days, Qinglei day by day, ice, fire and smoke, and too empty to return to Yuan Tian.

Fourfold sky.

The corresponding areas are Tianxian, Zhenxian, Xianwang and Xiandi. The rules of the avenue in each area are completely different, and only the monks who have reached the corresponding level can bear it.


Will be crushed directly by the road.

Because the avenue rules in each area are different, the levels and quantities of the spiritual materials that are bred are not the same, which also causes the admission fees for the Four Heavens of Heaven to be different.

Disha Xuanyan days: one hundred thousand spirit stones.

Qinglei day by day: one million spirit stones.

Ice, fire and smoke: 10 million spirit stones.

Too empty to return to the sky: 100 million spirit stones.

And there are corresponding entry standards, too high and too low are prohibited.

and so.

Almost none of the monks who can enter the fortunes of Xiandi are simple generations, basically relying on forces of considerable scale.


Few people can afford to let a true immortal come up with a million spirit stones. Even in the rich fairyland.


Several staff members of the Fortune Land moved to a cyan boulder with seven stars carved on it, but they were all dim and needed to be shocked enough to light up.

"This is the daily test stone of Qinglei. You hit the test stone with all your strength. The number of starlights lit by the test stone determines whether you are eligible to enter Qinglei daily."

"it is good."

Before the staff could finish talking, Lin Lang had already accumulated good strength, and his bland fist was thrown out directly and hit the test stone.


With a loud noise.

Countless people look at it.

"Look at it, look at it. Someone there uses a quiz stone.

"What's so good about this is not that there is no such monk, except that most people are ashamed and have a grey nose on the test stone."

Some people disagree.

The test stone of the Fortune Fairy Land is not so simple. It not only requires you to reach the next level of combat power, but also needs to have a level of transformation of the next level.

This is the hardest!

This has led to the fact that many talented monks who have different talents and are able to achieve higher-level challenges are mostly folded on test stones.

Leaving at that time.

"Sure enough, this waste doesn't even light up a star, and looks forward to entering Qinglei day by day." Someone looked at Lin Lang gloatingly.

In front of him.

At that moment, there was no movement in the cyan test stone, with seven stars on it, representing the seven combat power standards of the real fairy realm.

None of the seven stars is on. What does that mean? Not qualified at all!

"Daoyou, you are satisfied now." The staff member who received Lin Lang also sank a little. He thought he might be a genius monk or something, and planned to make friends.

But look at his performance.

Associate? No need!

"Just wait."

Lin Lang didn't panic.

next moment.

With a crisp and crisp sound, the test stone was covered with cobweb-like cracks, and then spread rapidly. A few breaths passed, and Quiz Stone crashed.

She smashed into gravel.

"This qualification is enough," Lin Lang said lightly.

"Enough is enough ..."

The staff member looked at Lin Lang with a dull face, he just let the other party test to see if he could reach the true immortal power standard.

Who would have thought that this guy was so fierce that he smashed the test stones directly.

Where is this evil?

But then again, this guy seems to be just Tianxiu Xiu, right?

The next scene was even more shocking. The staff member was not light. I saw the latter throw out a space spiritual ring casually.

"There are two million spirit stones in it. Click a little bit. Whether the excess stones are paid for the broken test stones or left behind, consider it for yourself."

"I'm in a hurry and arrange for me to enter Qinglei as soon as possible." Lin Lang said.

The staff over there couldn't calm down, he took a moment, opened the space ring and clicked for a moment, and then his face showed ecstasy.

"Please here."

The staff reached out and invited Lin Lang to a passage, and smiled along the way, constantly wondering where the master was from.

A generous shot, good repair.

Must be from the big family of fairyland.

Probably the secret disciple of the Holy Land.

"No, the Secret Disciples of the Holy Land didn't have such evil spirits." He kept frowning.

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