After the two separated.

In the gaze of countless strong men, Lin Lang growled his head, seduced himself to the extreme, brought forth boundless might, and galloped out of the stars.


The news channels of the major forces have exploded, and countless people stared at the news on the desk case for a long time.

A long while.

Finally someone shook his head and sighed: "The hero is late, after all, he won't let people farewell, let alone let him see his fallen decadence."

"He found a place that no one could find, and he fell asleep."

"It's a pity that Lingbao." Of course, there was such a voice. Because Lin Lang is almost full of treasure, not to mention the eternal emperor, even the holy sword is enough for the major forces to develop greed.


Even Lin Lang's body has valuable research value. Unfortunately, he rushed into the cracks in the fairyland like this, leaving nothing behind.

"I don't think much."

Another strange voice came out.

"You said, what caused Lin Youye's situation now? Are the injuries in the battle sufficient to kill him?"

"Which curve do you take to speak, and everyone doesn't know, Lin Youye fell from a traumatic attack and fell ..."

Having said that.

The voice stopped abruptly, and his breathing began to rush: "This guy ... wouldn't he want to forge a land of transformation?"

"Creating the fairy land, yes, only the cultivating ganoderma in the fairy land can save him, but whether he can persist in the fairy land is still unknown."

Good fortune land.

Located in the northern part of the fairyland, it is one of the famous secret realms of the fairyland, forming its own space. There are elixir everywhere, there are a lot of rare spiritual materials from outside, there are too many opportunities.

For a long time, the Fortune Fairy Land is also known as the aorta of the immortal world. As long as this place exists, the immortal world will continue to cultivate top power.

Fortunately, the Immortal Land has always been in the hands of the Northern Great Teachers. Many forces have jointly divided the interests, and those ordinary monks who want to enter here must pay a huge admission fee.


Sixty percent of the monks' income from the land of good fortune should also be paid in return.

But even so.

The monks in the fairy realm are still rushing and want to enter the fortune land. There is no reason for it. As long as you enter the fairy land of magic, as long as you can come out alive, you can basically have a lot of gains.

The reason why the monks were astonished by Lin Lang ’s actions was entirely because Lin Lang wanted to enter the fairyland within a few days, and it was basically impossible to find a good Ganoderma lucidum.

The Ganoderma lucidum is quite rare even in the Faerie Fairy Land. How can it be obtained?


In the cracks of the fairyland.

Lin Lang hurried forward, urging the maximum speed to rush to the fairyland. This rift was opened by Daozu himself. Even if Daozu is no longer there, the Dao he hit still remains in the cracks between the two circles.

Leading across the two realms is not so dangerous.

The other end of the crack is connected to the pure land of the fairyland, and it is not difficult to cross the past. With the full force of the outbreak, it took Lin Lang less than an hour to cross the two realms.


He descended on a primitive mountain group in the southern part of the fairyland. He looked around and finally found a young monk whose cultivation was not high, probably only around the earth fairyland.

How could the monks in that place resist, and they were arrested directly by Lin Lang to ask.

"This is the poisonous moth forest, which is located in the southwestern part of the fairyland. The four hundred million acres of surrounding land are respected by the four major religions: Flying Tiger, Xuanyin, Luofeng, and Bailongmen."

"The four major religions have their own support. The backing behind Flying Tiger Sect is Jingyue Mountain, and the backing behind Xuanyin Sect is ..."

The monk in that place did not dare to neglect, and reported all the information he knew once.

"Just tell me where there is a teleportation array."

Lin Lang didn't bother to listen any more, and he picked up the latter directly, let him point the way, and rushed to one of the gates.

Flying Tiger Sect.

Hegemony forces with a radius of tens of thousands of miles have countless powerful men. There are nearly a thousand monks in the heavens, hundreds of true immortals, and a half-step fairy king-level monster.

The people of Feihuzong were very good at talking, and they did n’t have much to say. After the old monster of the half-step fairy king was kicked out and beaten up, the people of Feihuzong politely opened the transmission line for Lin Lang.

The land in the fairyland is too vast, more than ten times larger than the small world like the Kunxu World. Therefore, if you want to cross the two domains, you must use the realm to send the array.

And this kind of teleportation team is only qualified to build a large teaching force. Similarly, huge transmission costs are required to cross two domains.

Jingyue Mountain.

One of the fairy tales.

Although it is not as good as the holy land of the human race, it is also a lot of powerful people. There are countless real immortals. There are many immortal kings. There are even a few imperial immortals.

It can be called one of the hegemonic forces in the southwest of the fairyland. Jingyue Mountain has a large teleportation array that spans two domains, just below Jingyue Mountain.


This large transport array requires huge resources for each use, and usually requires a sufficient number of people to open it later.

Lin Lang's luck was very good. When he came to the bottom of Jingyue Mountain, more than a thousand monks had been lined up before the teleportation. They were verifying their identities one by one and paying spiritual stones.

Lin Lang lined up the team. Soon, a disciple of Jing Yueshan stepped forward and verified that Lin Lang's identity was correct. This allowed Lin Lang to pay the spirit.

"One million spirit stones, after the payment, go to the square and wait for the teleportation array to open." The mirror moon true fairy who was responsible for registration raised her eyelids.

"So expensive?"

Lin Lang frowned, although he also knew that opening such a teleportation team would consume a lot of resources, but it would be expensive to pay a million soulstone excuses.

One thousand monks, on average, each took out one million spirit stones, which is one billion tolls. Jingyue Shanguang is a spiritual stone that earns hundreds of millions each time a monk is transported.

This is too exaggerated, right?

Moreover, a million spirit stones is not a small number, even if it is a well-known true fairy, there are a few who can have a million net worth.

"You're right, it's a million. You know how much resources it takes to start such a teleportation mirror. Yueshan is not a public good."

"A million spirit stones can be taken out to the square to wait, but can't be turned around to get out of the way." The true monk hummed.

Lin Lang frowned deeper, but didn't say anything. One million spirit stones was nothing to him. Besides, he now needs to rush to the land of good fortune as fast as possible, and it takes no time to waste.

A million spirit stones is time to buy.

"Okay, I'll give it to you."


Lin Lang directly took out a million spirit stones from the Spirit Ring of Space and dumped them in front of Jingyueshan Zhenxian. Looking from a distance, it turned out to be a small hill.

Disciple of Jingyueshan froze.

He looked at Lin Lang a little aggressively, almost subconsciously. He walked to the hill of Lingshi and picked out a piece of Lingshi to examine.

"Suddenly, is he all a spiritual stone with high aura reserves." This time, the disciple of Jingyueshan was shocked.

However, he quickly converged his emotions, and calmly put away the spirit stone. When he looked up again, Lin Lang's eyes were already greedy.

Only Tianxian Realm repairs, but can take out a million spirit stones without blinking.

This is a big fat sheep!

"Now I can go to the square." Lin Lang said lightly.

"Wait a minute." Disciple Jing Yueshan called Lin Lang, who was about to turn around, and said, "Wait a minute, your identity information has not been verified yet, and our supervisor needs to adjust the information."

"After all, we are just guarding the teleportation team, and everything has to follow the rules. So, I can only trouble you for a moment."

"Don't worry, it won't delay your trip." Disciples of Jingyueshan rolled his eyes and tried to appease the road.


Although Lin Lang was dissatisfied, he did not have an attack. After all, people are doing things according to the rules, and Jing Yueshan's teleportation array is not something he can break through.

"Hello, I want to go to Beiyu."

While Lin Lang was waiting, a true monk walked to the desk of Jingyueshan's registered disciples.

"A million spirit stones."

Still a familiar conversation.

"I only have one hundred thousand spirit stones here, can you see if I can be acquainted with it?" The true monk seemed to have expected it. When he said this, he directly inserted a sixth-order elixir into the mirror moon. Disciple's hands.

Disciple Jingyueshan felt the elixir in his hand and smiled, but still a serious voice: "No, rules are rules, and they can't be broken."

Brother Zhenxian gritted his teeth, and handed a slightly rusty bell to disciples of Jingyueshan: "This bell is worth my exploration of an ancient ruin. It is of great value and should be able to bear some spiritual stones."

After saying this.

He was like a discouraged ball, and the whole man was choking.

At this point, the disciple of Jingyueshan nodded with satisfaction, registering and registering the other party orderly, and then letting go after checking his identity.

One to two.

Lin Lang also understood that the spirit stone collected by the teleportation team was only about 100,000. As for the rest, the disciples of Jingyueshan played on the spot, asking for compensation.

after all.

They have this right and naturally want to earn some extra cash. And it seems that every monk who comes to know this, knows that after paying the basic spiritual stones, he will actively take out some bribes.

Lin Lang didn't bother too much. Anyway, one million spirit stones have already been spent. As long as you don't delay your trip, this money should be bought.

After a while.

A middle-aged man from Qi Yuxuanang, dressed in a purple gown, walked in front of Lin Lang.

"Meet the King of the Purple Shirt."

The disciples around the mirror Yueshan saluted.

This is truly a fairy king, the steward here.

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