Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 885: Fairy Trick

In addition, there is a magic Tao avatar nearby to press him, there is no need to worry about whether someone will shoot when he is baptized.


The world shuddered suddenly.

Lin Lang's footsteps suddenly stopped, because he suddenly found that the imperial palace not far from him shook violently at this moment.


Immediately followed by a second ...

Third sound!

The world shivered and the universe collapsed.

As if at this moment, on the other end of the endless starry sky, a giant flood monster is striking the tough space barrier.

Visions pop up.

"What's the matter, is it time for the imperial palace to end, and it's about to collapse? Well, you see, that fairy gate is about to close."

"Impossible, since Xiangong said that in this life there will be one person to become immortal, so that even the last immortal does not appear and disappears?"

"No, this fluctuation is ..."

"Someone is trying to break through two barriers!"

Someone suddenly exclaimed.

The impact of this level has far exceeded the range of influence that the true immortal and even the monk of the fairy king can cause. Then, the only possibility is that someone is in another realm, and is striking the barriers with the universe.

"Underworld? Or immortal?"

Lin Lang frowned.

He had expected that the opening of the Imperial Palace would inevitably lead to the puppet masters of the Three Realms, but since the time of the Imperial Palace, there have not been many experts.

This made him subconsciously ignore this matter. Until this time, someone in the other world was bombarded by the universe, which made him think again.

Although the universe and the realm of the universe are subordinate, the monks will break through the realm and rise to a certain extent. Few people know that.

Cosmos Realm and Fairy Realm were originally independent individuals. The same is true for the underworld, which is independent of the immortal world and the universe and has its own world rules.

All three.

Call it the Three Realms.

And legend.

There is a fourth realm between the heavens and the earth, which is called the demon realm by the majority of monks. There are countless large devil heads living in the demon realm. As long as one is born, it can cause the three realms to be coated.

Breaking through two barriers is actually not troublesome. It only takes about four or more immortals to shoot at the same time. Of course, they may be backfired to a certain degree.

But for the temptation to become immortal.

What's the point of causal backlash?

"What about the Emperor Xian, I want to become an immortal, even if Jiu Di comes here, I don't want to block my way. You don't have enough time to penetrate through the two realms!" Lin Lang's eyes were firm, and he made a step towards Xian Palace.


Just then.

Heaven and earth burst apart.

A long and narrow crack ran across the sky, and chaotic rules swept the cosmic space directly. Secretly, many monks could see another world of singing and dancing through the crack.

"Is that the end of the practice of countless monks, fairyland?" In the starry sky, countless monks were dead and silent, staring at the crack in the void solemnly.

I haven't waited for these people to think about it.

A celestial palm protrudes from a crack in the fairyland. The length of such an arm alone is tens of millions of kilometers, almost covering the starry sky.

Every hair on that arm was like a pillar holding up the sky. Between the twinkling stars, the arm waved past, seeming to bring up a galaxy.

A majestic voice followed.

"Okay, blind the world with the fairy palace, plunder the blood of the blood of the blood of the peoples of the Nation to plunder the blood of the Nation. Your hands in the underworld may be too long."

"This is the **** family of thousands!"

Lin Lang's footsteps suddenly stopped, and at this moment he had no desire to move forward.

Blood of all races.

It is an underworld law circle.

It is said to be able to absorb the blood of Tianxian's billions of races, condensing all the essence into a drop of essence blood.

"What does the Underworld want so much blood for?" Lin Lang frowned.

The other direction.

An old force, a young force and a small force suddenly exploded into a shocking force, and a huge, dark and gloomy portal emerged out of thin air.

next moment.

A picture scroll flew from it.

The underworld opens, and the demon draws.

Xian Gong San!

In the demon painting, a middle-aged man wearing an armor came out. Behind him, a ghost soldier crossed the border, and various visions of the Hades appeared. There was a chilly look behind him.

The middle-aged man stepped out of the scroll and raised his hand to regret it with the master of the palm. The master of the palm did not retreat in the slightest, but the middle-aged man was far away by Zhen Fei.

"Daozu, you have too much to worry about."

The middle-aged man snorted coldly, although he fell into a slump, but he did not show the slightest retreat, and looked at the palm of his hand that protruded from the crack in the fairyland to show endless warfare.

"It's immeasurable."

The master of the palm said a grand voice: "You are just a mediocre general, you are coming as a clone, and you are not my opponent."

"Fastly disperse the blood of the peoples."

"Daozu, don't assume that the king doesn't know what's going on with you. You just want to take down the king with one hand. It's too much of me.

The middle-aged man hummed.

Fight fiercely with the palm master.

Many powerful men in the starry sky looked at the two sides of the fierce battle in awe. Some people still mutter two words in their mouths.



Who is Daozu? One of the eight detached people in the world is almost at the same level as Hongmeng Sanren. Such a big man even tore the fairyland space and came to this small place in the universe and the universe?

And what about Ming Jiang?

It was under the Pluto throne, one of the eighteen Phantoms, and his strength was unfathomable. Even if the immortal emperor who had passed more than several Yuan conferences in the immortal world could not be the opponent of the eighteen Phantoms.

Perhaps this is why the middle-aged man has the confidence to take action against Daozu, who has been out of this world.

Man standing on top of the world.

Even if it is heaven, dare to fight!

of course.

This battle is destined to be a futile battle. Although the underworld is overbearing, it is more than a strong man who has surpassed hundreds of millions of years.

Still trivial.

Ming will be smashed, and the picture scroll floating out of that Fuming ignites an unknown flame, and in the blink of an eye there are only countless ashes left.


In the starry sky, the ancient and immortal fairy palace turned into a rain of light and collapsed. Between heaven and earth, countless gazing eyes stared at this scene.

Is it a fake?

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