
The total number of people on the battlefield is not small, on the contrary. There are constant strong news from the deep sky.

The same is true of the most powerful Supreme Beings. Numerous opponents around them are around, and they are in danger, and one is inadvertently attacked.


They acquiesced to each other a rule that as long as someone is seriously injured, everyone will be attacked simultaneously.

Kick out the weakest first.

The entire starry sky.

True immortal bones, celestial corpses, and magical warriors continued to fall, drifting in this endless void, gradually drifting away.


Deep in the endless void.

There is an old and a young standing calmly in the void, they stare with distant eyes in the distance, the area where the imperial palace is located.

At this moment, from a distance, it looks like a huge grinding disc. The blood of countless imperial monks is constantly being worn away by the slow rotation of the grinding disc.

"It's ridiculous. In order for the so-called dream of immortality in their hearts, a group of people can give up morality, give up their lives, and pursue the so-called immortal margin regardless of their body."

The teenager's face was strange and wicked, and he cracked his mouth and smiled: "If they let them know the truth, the fairy palace in front of us is just a flesh mill set by us, what should they look like."

"Imagination is exciting!"

The teenager smiled and smiled, his face getting more and more distorted, and eventually turned into a series of sick laughter and a few coughs.

After a long time, he just turned his head, looked at the old man beside him, and casually asked, "How many floors has the blood tower risen to?"

The old man next to him was holding a red cloth tray in his hands, and above it was a small red seven-story tower, reflecting Yin Wei's strange blood.

Four of the blood towers were already lit with red light, and sounds like tides were heard. As for the upper three floors, it was dim.

"Back to Master, there are already four and a half floors."

The old man replied.

"The speed is still slow." The young man shook his head and sighed: "This large-scale battle will only raise the blood tower by half a layer, and let these guys who have become fairy dreams continue to fight, it is estimated that they can only fill the fifth layer . "


One old and one young was silent.

"Chengxian, is there really a fairy in this world?"


Emperor Linxing.

Ye Xuanzong at the top of the mountain.

"The fairy palace is already open."

Lin Lang stared at the streamers formed by the countless supernatural powers in the sky, faintly speaking.


The mysterious Taoist nodded, and then shook his head: "However, according to my father's calculation, the end of the Hongmeng detachment phase should be the chaotic detachment phase, and the imperial palace will not open until the chaotic period ends."

"The timeline between the two is too far apart." The mysterious Taoist frowned.

The nine emperors in ancient times have their own styles. Among them, the Emperor Yun Luo Zun of the Emperor Lin Xing is well-known for deducing the natural world. It came out.

Even the timeline is pretty accurate.

"In terms of my father's emperor, the time for chaotic enlightenment should be a hundred years later, and all visions will end completely. But now the imperial palace has appeared, and I doubt ..." The Xuansu Taoist wanted to stop talking.

"You're right, most of the immortals in front of you have a big problem, otherwise how could it be that only these immortals in the universe can shoot."

"None of the ten races in the fairyland have appeared." Lin Lang smiled. The allure of the imperial palace is enough to make the emperor go crazy. If the imperial palace was born, how could those imperial realms be indifferent.


Reaching the level of the Emperor Xian already has the power to penetrate the two realms. Even if he is unwilling to bear the cause and effect, he can completely release a law body.

How could it be so calm like now.

"Then you still ..."

Mysterious Taoists tried to dissuade Lin Lang.

"So what, even if it is a scam, you have to fight, don't you?" Lin Lang smiled freely, his body slowly floating up, straight into the sky.

Which monk is not pursuing immortal fate, even if there is only a one-billionth chance, you must make an attempt.

What if it succeeds?

A few breaths.

Lin Lang has flew off the earth and rushed directly into the battlefield.

At the beginning.

Lin Lang's appearance did not attract much attention, and several of them were sent away decisively.

One of them is worse.

In the besieging of strong men, they were directly beaten into ashes, and no bones were left.

Human life is like a mustard!

Not to mention Tianxian, even the true immortal condensed in the Tao realm, which can be called the Supreme Being in the universe, is extremely vulnerable at this moment.

"This kid is weird!"

At this time, someone finally realized the existence of Lin Lang, and the emperor revealed his hatred and flew directly to Lin Lang.

"In the past, the emperor of Japan retreated, did you kill the emperor's clone?" The emperor's eyes were cold.

"Fighting quickly, we joined forces to kill him." Yan Huang also stood on the same front as Xinhuang. There is an irreconcilable contradiction between the Yan people and Lin Lang. It is impossible for Yan Huang to let go of this good opportunity.

Lin Lang looked at the two of them calmly, and said lightly, "I'm afraid it's not enough if only you two are."

"Plus me?"

Another person stepped out of the crowd. This person was a solitary monk, who was a solitary monk and had a good personal relationship with Emperor Huang.

So stand up and help at this time.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, kill him first, and then compete for other people's place in Xiangong," Gu Ying said fiercely.


Gu Ying rushed out first. He really deserves his name. He doesn't know what magic skills he has cultivated. The speed is extremely fast. Even in the vision of monks of the same level, he can only capture one afterimage.

"He has cultivated the Tao of Speed ​​to the level of Xiaocheng's completeness, and it is not far from Dacheng. And ... it also contains some mysteries, and he is already trying to transform the Tao."

Yan Fang knew that, if he was usually alone, he would have to lose more lives than less.

In the face of a strong man who has almost transformed the speed avenue into a doctrine, it is a headache for him to attack the expert in the wild.

At this time, he was even glad that Gu Ying was his teammate, not his opponent.

"The Thunder Sword!"

Gu Ying flashed, attacked behind Lin Lang. The long sword in his hand, the crackling thunder fire flashing on the tip of the sword, the speed is amazing.

It is also very difficult to stop Ningdao Realm.

at this time.

Lin Lang turned his back on his thunder sword, as if he didn't feel the attack behind him, or he hadn't responded yet.


He froze in place, as if the whole person was frightened, motionless.

"Dead to me!"

Gu Ying's face was embarrassed.

at this time.

Lin Lang suddenly turned around, her upper body turned at a very strange angle, and her lower body still kept the posture facing the two of Yanhuang.

"No, this is his face!"

Gu Ying's face changed slightly. Regardless of Lin Lang's predecessor or behind, from any angle, it seems that he is his front, and his defense is impeccable!

"But then, even if your defense is excellent, you will have to peel off your sword to bear my sword!" Gu Ying grunted coldly, and increased the output of spiritual power.

And this time.

Lin Lang's body has been paused, and new movements have appeared again. He gently raised his hand, and a magnificent light broke out in the palm of his hand. His upper body moved to the left and his right arm spread to the left.

The sword crossed him.

Gu Ying's head was sent directly to Lin Lang's palm, and the infinite magical power in his palm broke out, directly crushing Gu Ying's head.

The headless body still maintained its inertia, and rushed deep into the sky until it hit a huge meteor.

After a while, the headless body crawled out of the meteor, and a new head condensed on the shoulder. How powerful Zhen Zhen's vitality is, she won't die even if her head is smashed.


The cost of re-gathering vitality is extremely high, and even the true fairy immortal can't afford the second time. In other words, Gu Ying's strength has been greatly damaged, and it is already difficult to participate in the war again.

of course.

Unless he is dead.

"Abominable, he even practiced the speed avenue." Gu Ying grudged his teeth, although it was only his intentions.

But it was also due to his strength. He never expected that Lin Lang would cultivate the Speed ​​Avenue to the same degree as him. If this were not the case, Lin Lang would never have escaped his attack in the end.


At the time, Yan Sheng poured thousands of avenues into Lin Lang's body. Although Lin Lang cut off most of them, he retained several of the most powerful avenues.

Among them is Speed ​​Avenue.

If not, even if he is now the ultimate celestial celestial body, he would never expect to face the true immortal condensate.


"I said, because you two are not my opponents at all." Lin Lang took a step forward, and struck his foot, the starry sky trembling.

As if he couldn't bear his power, he could be broken at any time.

"As for the lone shadow, let him delay the time that will solve both of you." Lin Lang said coldly.

Maybe on the previous suspended island, his existence as such as strength and majesty seemed to exist, but when he returned from the void.

He can easily defeat Ning Tao Realm.

He has already achieved the extreme of Tianxian's power. No, he can even call it more than extreme! Because in the history of fairyland, such a powerful Tianxian has never appeared before.

"How could this guy be so strong!"

Cold sweat oozes from the forehead of Yanhuang. No wonder this one can overthrow the ancestor of the Yan tribe by his own strength. This strength alone is enough to stretch the sky.

This is an invincible character!

But what about that? Yanhuang was solemnly right, Lin Youye was not a good stubble, but how simple was he?

In this modern era, he is also comparable to the ancients, and most hopes to use Zhenxianxiu to cross the threshold of the emperor.

He also has his own pride.


The flames of Yanhuang spit out flames, and wild fires poured out wildly, turning a starry sky into a boundless world of fire, and faintly burning the starry sky into nothingness.

The different fire list ranked 76th, the flame of the last days!

Each of the top 100 flames on the different fire list is a world of wonders. Similarly, the first 100 and the tens of thousands of flames on the different fire list are very different.

The first hundred flames are called Jun flames, which are flames that only the fairy king can control.

And Yanhuang can melt the flames of the last days in the realm of the real fairy, without igniting the fire. This is a very incredible achievement.

"The flame is useless to me."

Lin Lang grinned, purple eyes spread in his pupils, and two tiny fire dragons suddenly bloomed in his eyes. Compared to the flames of fire that bloom in the wild wilderness, the power is almost a heaven and a ground.


It is such two seemingly disparate flames, but their positions are completely opposite!

As soon as the two small fire dragons appeared, the flames of the end of the world began to tremble violently, and the feeling was like that the courtier had met the king.

Not to mention launching an attack, it is already very difficult even if the master is not backstabbed.

"Well, this flame is weird!" Yan Huang's face changed so much that he finally suppressed the raging flames of the last days.


The eschatology of his body, which had finally shrunk in his body, was still afraid to calm down, and there was always a feeling of getting out of his body, trying to blend into the two fire dragons opposite.

"This flame, could it be!"

An absurd idea suddenly rose up in Yan Huang's heart, but when this kind of thinking appeared, he couldn't stop screaming.

"The source of all fires!"

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