Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 874: Demon wolf

At this time, I don't know how many forces are secretly watching the round sun in the sky. With the wolf's head devouring, the sky turned into a light rain.

If you look closely.

There was a trace of blood in that raindrop, and there was faint blood in the crystal-clear water droplets.

at the same time.

There is a faint layer of mist between the heavens and the earth, but I don't know why, while breathing the mist, it can make life have a violent and bloodthirsty emotion.

Cholera Mind.



Ye Xuanzong's mountains were filled with a loud popping sound, followed by a noisy quarrel.

That was a wave of fighting against many people.


Inside Ye Xuanzong's gate, there was a large-scale chaos. Many disciples and elders participated and attacked each other. They tried their best to put their opponents to death.

"Kill, kill! Let's all die!"

An elder Ye Xuanzong's eyes were bloodshot, and his body was filled with tyrannical atmosphere, waving his halberd to kill the Quartet.

Just a moment.

More than a dozen outside students were injured by the elder, and many accidentally died under his halberd.


This did not cause those disciples to have the slightest fear, they faced the elder's halberd, and rushed to kill the past at the cost of life.

"Cheng Fang, you beat me on the left leg three years ago, and today I want to make you pay!"

"Du Bin, you die for me! Why can you take the first place outside the door every time, but I can only take the second place, killing you, from now on I will be the first person outside the door."

"All of you ants must die under the elder's sword!"

The voices of the battle rose one after another.

In a short period of time, dozens of **** wars had already occurred in Ye Xuanzong, where the master and the apprentice killed each other and the door was destroyed, such a scene can be seen everywhere.

"This mist is weird!"

Lin Lang and a group of senior officials from Ye Xuanzong quickly reacted and flew out of the Dongfu to stop. Lin Lang wandered between the mountains of Ye Xuanzong, spreading mountains and rivers.


He also performed magical powers to disperse the mist that had previously poured into Ye Xuanzong. Many disciples and elders returned to Qingming.

"Oh my god, what did I do!" An elder Ye Xuanzong held a halberd in his hand, and the halberd was still dripping blood next to him.

There were more than a dozen inside disciples lying in a pool of blood.

"My son--"

His eyes fell on the body of one of his self-disciplined disciples, and his head trembled, and he knelt down with trembling.

He killed his own son.

However, until now he was eroded by the mist, and this only came to pass.

"Kaidan Pavilion, save people."

Lin Lang has nothing more to say. Many high-level Ye Xuanzong naturally understood his meaning, rushed to Dange non-stop, took out a large number of Lingtan, and swallowed the injured disciples.

The elders and elders also dispatched to heal the disciples. Fortunately, Ye Xuanzong responded fast enough, and many Tianxian shot in person. Most of the disciples could be saved with some treasures as long as they did not completely disperse without the three souls.

of course.

This elixir resource is not a small number either. Rao was Ye Xuanzong's ability to bring it out, and it was also a vital injury. Dange's more than ten years of history were almost exhausted.

Even so.

There are still a dozen disciples who have died of their lives, and even the elders who have shot too much have failed to save them.

"The demon wolf swallows the sun. The first vision alone can cause such a calamity. I don't know how many visions will follow and how many people will die as a result."

Lin Lang stood on the top of the mountain, staring silently at the sky.

The demon wolf swallowing the sun is just an appetizer of all visions, and God knows how many terrible things are behind.

Everything that happened to Ye Xuanzong was just the tip of the iceberg on the entire Emperor's presence. I don't know how many cases killed each other and how many civilians were affected.

"The opening of the so-called fairy palace is destined to be a **** road poured by human life." The mysterious Taoist came from behind and stood at the same position as Lin Lang.


"One will succeed and all bones are dry. All practitioners are pursuing unpredictable heavens and chasing opportunities to become immortals, but a few people in the world can become immortals." Lin Lang sighed deeply.

"Do you know why the Emperor Linxing declined and entered the end-French era?" Mysterious Taoist said softly.

"Isn't it the emperor war in ancient times?" Lin Lang casually said.

"Not at all." Xuansu Taoist shook his head with a smile: "In ancient times, the imperial palace was opened, the nine emperors were in chaos, and the fallen emperor realm was countless.

"But there is another person who is alive and persists until the end of the first vision, and the Buddha and the Holy Immortal are detached. At this time, the universe stops."

"It was the Nine Emperors who joined forces to seal the Emperor Linxing, and then the descendants of our emperors were merged into the spiritual fluid and lived to this world."

"You mean, the nine emperors sealed the emperor Linxing together in the later period?" Lin Lang suddenly turned back and looked at him.

This truth is too amazing.

Originally, he thought that the nine emperors were fighting in disarray, and the emperor Linxing was returned to its original form, which led to the end-French era of hundreds of millions of years later.

But in the end, the nine emperors dropped their prejudices and jointly banned the emperor Linxing. But why is this? Will the Four Emperors be allowed to seal the ancestor?

"But it's not just them. It is said that there were eight detached people at the time. Seventeen of them joined forces to do a terrific event, so they sealed the Emperor Linxing."

"They should have figured something out." The mysterious Taoist gently bowed his head and said, "Of the nine emperors, my father Yunluo Zun's fighting ability is not obvious, but his deduction ability is the top of the nine emperors.

"Father Emperor informed the rest of the eight emperors about something he deduced, so he would let go of his prejudices. As for why, I'm afraid they only know it."

Lin Lang was silent.

It wasn't the mystery of the mysterious Taoist that shocked him, but when he looked at the sky, especially the head of the wolf, he would devour the last sun.

The blood in his body was burning, and his warfare was boiling. He seemed to be facing the sky and rushing to the top of the cloud to kill him.

A very strange feeling.


Stranger things happened again.

The wolf's head was about to devour the last bit of the sun, but the last area burst and burst, and the wolf's head did not respond.

Be ashamed.

The exploding sun turned into thousands of essences, flying towards the depths of the universe. Di Linxing is the first to bear the brunt, countless fine gasification into the sky light rain, fell into the various areas of Di Linxing.

"The opportunity is here!"

this moment.

The forces of Emperor Linxing dormant for a long time were dispatched, and countless arrogant figures in the sky skyrocketed, trying to collect these scattered 'sun fragments.

They can feel that in the 'shards of the sun', pure and huge immortality is brewing.


Only a few have succeeded.

Those 'sun fragments' seemed to be savvy, but they could avoid countless monks, choose actively, and directly integrate into the body of the selected person.

Lin Lang is also preparing to join the scramble, but he has n’t waited for him to rush up, and the ‘sun shard’ disappears in an instant.

One of them quietly fell on the surface of his body, and instantly turned into a faint stream of air, melting into the depths of the Linghai.

"this is……"

Lin Lang's mind shook. He could feel that the ray of air thinner than the hair in his body was completely coincident with the blood in his body.

The power of the same source!

"Muffy ..."

Lin Lang stared at the sky suddenly, his mind was extremely bright, and he seemed to have touched the truth. The sun in that sky was not the real sun.

It is the Tao fruit of Hongmeng Sanren!

The wolf's head is devouring the fruit of Hongmeng Sanren, does it not mean that the fall of Hongmeng Sanren has a great correlation with this wolf's head.



The wolf's head was very angry, the howling shook the earth, and the whole universe was clear and audible. At the same time, an immense sense of heaven and earth covered the entire planet, sweeping almost like a three-foot plough.

Even the mighty monks have nothing to hide.

Every soul of Dilinxing was searched one by one, and those monks who received the 'shards of the sun' were even more concerned.

Wait for the consciousness to dissipate.

They suddenly had the illusion of being marked.


That incomparable consciousness fell on Lin Lang again, and inspected everyone of Ye Xuanzong one by one.


The wolf's head snorted, and God's consciousness seemed to encounter great resistance and was bounced back.

Ye Xuanzong in the sky.

A white-haired phantom stood up, looking at the wolf's head in the sky, and said lightly: "Sir Sir, you are overdone, do you think the four emperors are not here, and the emperor's star is your back garden?

"You are a demon, even if you have swallowed more fruit, don't even want to transform the demon fairy." White hair Xuying said.

The wolf's head didn't continue to answer, but just hummed and dispersed.

At this time, heaven and earth returned to Qingming, and many disciples of Ye Xuanzong stared at the figure with white hair and frown above their heads.

this person.

I am afraid that the vast majority of Ye Xuanzong's disciples present have even met, and some people even joked the white-haired old man as Ye Xuanzong's worst talent.

none of them.

"Did I hallucinate? This is not Ye Xuanzong's famous elder monk. Each time he ran out of Shou Yuan, he broke through the realm, and it took him decades to reach Jin Dan.

A disciple of Ye Xuanzong patted his face and thought he was living in a dream. The dying old man could even talk to the existence that caused the vision?

This is too ridiculous!

The mysterious Taoist also stared at the scene in front of him, looking at Lin Lang with a strange expression, and said quietly, "Ye Xuanzong is really a place where crouching tigers, hidden dragons."

"Ah ha ha."

Lin Lang played a haha, but did not continue to explain. So far, even his lord does not know the origin of the white-haired master, or even the other party ’s name.

"In fact, you can't tell me that my own practice has a lot to do with him. Well, how about it, should you consider living in Ye Xuanzong for a while?"

Mysterious Taoist: "..."

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