As early as the **** of the gods, Lin Lang already had the ability to defeat the true immortal. Although he would spend more time and effort, the monks who entered the true immortal had few opponents.


Lin Lang chopped Taoism, but already contained 105 Taoist species in his body, which has achieved the ultimate celestial celestial body.

And now.

Lin Lang's blood was replaced by the blood of Hongmeng scattered people, and his combat power soared. Don't look at him, he only has Tianxian realm, but in the real fairy realm, not many people are his opponents.

"Not out yet?"

Lin Lang's eyes flashed a cold color, and when he raised his hand, the magical power was blooming again, and he was bombarded on the real person of Cui Yu, only to see the latter's body burst like fireworks.

Followed by the silver ring real person.

When he turned his finger and pointed at the real silver ring.

There was a roar suddenly in the depths of Qixia Mountain.

"Lin Youye, you **** it!"


The ground exploded and earth and stones were flying.

I saw a figure burning with flames flying from the depths of the ground, not to say much, directly driving a gray-black spear.

This person is the first master of Qixia Mountain.


The spear in his hand is even more amazing. It is a half-step holy weapon. It is said that it is the beloved thing of the immortal emperor who came out of Qixiazong. He accompanied him through countless wars, until he fell. It was handed over to future generations as the treasure of Zhenzong.

An immortal emperor can only half step holy artifact? It sounds funny, but it is true.

In the Archean period, there was no current productivity. At that time, everyone was still martial arts, and even the refiners did not form a avenue. The number of truly high-level weapons was quite scarce.

The serious problem that many emperors have to face is not that they are strong enough, but that they are a weapon that can exert their strength to the extreme. Some immortals did not even own a sacred artifact.

Coupled with the early death of the immortal Emperor Qixiashan, he lived with less than one Yuanhui, and died with his enemies, so he left no precious treasures for Qixiashan.

of course.

Even so.

A half-step sacred artifact contaminated with imperial will is also quite scary.

"Lin Youye, you must die!"

Gu Xiazi hated to go mad.

"Can we finally have an opponent who has seen it?"

Lin Lang said in silence.

There seemed to be endless stars flowing in his eyes, and his body exuded a layer of pale blue light, mysterious and holy, like a dignified and elegant nobleman.

But next moment.

He shot violently, with both hands straight into the sky, and the vigorous power in his hands slowly moved, which seemed to stir the sky.

The sky changes, and Xinghe is upside down.


The power of the endless stars condenses a spear in front of him, and the starlight flickers, exuding a terrifying killer.

"Qixia gun, sunrise east."

Gu Xiazi danced with a spear, and the moves were repeated, and one shot was stabbed, like a new born sun, exuberant and energetic.


A round of burning sun rose.


The star spear and Guxiazi's half-step holy gun slammed into each other, and the waves were turbulent. The sharp gun strength was mixed with Xinghe Weili and swept away to the four sides.

Gu Xiazi flew upside down, but the waist was still straight, and she had to fight again. In a sense, there are not many people who can block Lin Lang's move in the front.

Gu Xiazi was also a little shocked in the heart. In the ancient times, there was only the realm of immortals and immortals. He was able to be sealed into the present world because of his super-powerful strength.

Although there is only the real immortal realm, half of the Tao has already condensed in the body, but this is a ghost, even if some fairy kings have never done it.

It can be said to be the first person under the emperor realm of Qixia Mountain in the ancient times.

"This guy……"

Gu Xiazi clenched his fist with a half-step holy gun. Although he was a man in the Archaic period, his actual age is not large, and he has only practiced in the realm of real fairy for about 300 years.

Since his birth, leapfrog challenges have been commonplace. Unexpectedly today, he actually encountered a demon **** who could fight with him.

Make him suffer.

"But what about that, the mountain gate was destroyed, my brother died, and the one who committed my case, I will kill Xiazi!" Soon, Guxiazi resolutely made up his mind again.

Regardless of his realm.

Gu Xiazi screamed in anger, and once again performed magical powers, the half-step holy gun drew the cold mang in his hand, and the rapid shadows flashed, the gun was like a dragon!

Qixia gun, second style.

Big day!

This used to be the marksmanship left by the last Immortal Emperor of Qixia Mountain. Although it was only rough, it was at least an Immortal-level move!

Coupled with the half-step holy weapon, it is almost like an arm to show.

Under the endless dazzling fluctuations, the two figures kept colliding. The star spear was against the half-step holy gun. Within a hundred strokes, there was no victory.

The shadow of the gun is densely spread, sometimes exuding mysterious and obscure fluctuations. The tip of the gun seems to contain vitality, just like the incarnation of a avenue.

"Just the real fairy realm has condensed the rudiment of the debut but the ghost." Lin Lang glanced at Gu Xiazi quite admirably.

"The gap between the real immortal and the immortal realm in the Archean era is that the avenue Xiaocheng and Dao are ghosted, and the Dao can be directly transformed into Dao.

"You are very good."

"Less nonsense!"

Gu Xiazi snorted coldly, his hands moved faster and faster. Later, in the void, there was only one gun, as if the gun body had disappeared as a result.

The whistling sounds were emitted.

Qixia grab, third form.

Sunset in the mountains!

The sky and the earth are full of explosive energy of destruction. In the sky, the round of rising sun rising in the east, I do not know when it has moved westward to the sky.

The coldness of the rising sun, the split sun at noon, and the setting sun at dusk, three distinct landscapes overlap at this moment, erupting into a world of destructive power.

"You have the right to force me to use the sacred weapon." Lin Lang thought silently, but the next moment, he changed his mind. Instead of removing the sacred tool, he went straight towards the spear.


The spear stabbed Lin Lin's body surface, the terrible energy on the tip of the gun poured out instantly, at the same time, Lin Lang's body was compressed to the extreme.

On him, numerous silver lines suddenly lit up, reflecting the phantom of a spear, and almost instantly, a bright silver armor condensed on the body surface.

He is magnificent and dressed in dazzling silver armor, like a **** of heaven. The energy of the spear Peran Moyu poured out, but he failed to break the armor in the slightest.


Armor Yi escaped a strange power. At this moment, the position of the spear's tip was strangely bent, which could be clearly seen by the naked eye, perhaps only a millimeter.

But its gun tip has indeed become stewed. Even if it is still a half-step holy weapon, it is no longer sharp.

The flesh blocks half-step holy artifact!

And still in the hands of a half-step Ning Tao real fairy!

"Is that human being!"

Gu Xiazi uttered a horror, terrified to take a big step backwards, and could no longer remain calm. Someone can catch the holy artifact unscathed,

Is this not a monster?


The third type of Qixia gun is already the strongest attack he can perform. In addition, he can no longer take Lin Lang.

"I lost."

Gu Xiazi smiled bitterly, and no fighting spirit. Even though my heart was so angry, it was all useless.

What's the use of struggling again?

"The times are developing too fast. Are we already out of date?" Gu Xiazi sighed in the sky, meaning unknown in her heart.

It was not without cost that he crawled out of the spiritual source. He slept through countless annual meetings. Even if the vitality of his life was reduced, it also lost a large part of his body functions.

So after he regained consciousness for several years, it was only recently that the damaged physical function was restored as before and the combat power returned to its peak.

But he still lost.

He even thought that he had lost to the times.

"A celestial being persecuted to such an extent, how many powerful people like Lin Youye on the earth?" Gu Xiazi asked himself, but his expression was getting more and more decadent.

And actually.

Gu Xiazi has fallen into a misunderstanding. Modern monks are no more arrogant than ancient monks. Even if Taoist magical powers have been improved, their realm is too high to make up for this gap.

Even beyond.

Not all celestial beings can strike true celestial beings, and monks like Lin Lang who can face the realm of half-step condensing the path, it is estimated that he is the only one in the universe.


Lin Lang is far less arrogant than he imagined. His body is connected with holy artifacts. That is exactly the essence of the blood of Hongmeng scattered people and the defense ability of the heavenly body.

Changing to the real condensed state real fairy can still hurt him.

"Tell me, who directed Qi Xiashan to attack Ye Xuanzong?" Lin Lang looked directly into Gu Xiazi's eyes.


Gu Xiazi smiled bitterly: "The area where the boundary between Ye Xuanzong and Qixia Mountain was approaching, and it involved a scramble for a spiritual stone vein, I thought ..."

Gu Xiazi did not continue.

"Just because you are so frank, I'll save you today, but I want to take away the cultivation of your true fairyland, can you be convinced?"

Lin Lang said lightly.

The voice fell.

Lin Lang didn't ask the latter whether he agreed or not. He hit the spirit sea of ​​Gu Xiazi directly, and the way that the latter's hard work condensed collapsed.

More than seventy species in his body were also chopped off by him more than sixty. For a moment, the powerful Ning Tao real fairy fell into the lowest heaven.


Gu Xiazi spit out a blood and looked wilted. By the time he responded, Lin Lang had long since disappeared from the Qixia Mountain area.

"He can chop my way!"

Gu Xiazi was shocked. For a long while, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, although Lin Lang didn't kill him, he just cut off the foundation of his true fairy.


Beheading has left an irreparable wound in his body. From now on, no breakthrough is possible.

That is.

Even if he cultivates into the ultimate fairy, he will not be able to set foot in the real fairy field in the future.

"It's nothing but practice in the future. If you can break through to the limit of the immortal realm, you can be regarded as the last guardian of Guxia Mountain's inheritance." Guxiazi was disheartened.

Stumbling back to Dongfu.

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