
In order to maintain the avenue, a large amount of spiritual power must be drawn from the Linghai and injected into the Tao, so that the corresponding avenue might be inspired. However, there is no spiritual power in the void space to supplement, only the spiritual stone can sustain it.

Fortunately, he carried a large number of spirit stones plundered from the God Star, and for the time being there is no need to worry about supplementary issues.

The rest is how to penetrate the void.

"If I vanish, nothing can swallow me."

Lin Lang murmured.

He is very clear about his current situation. With his current strength, he cannot break the void from the inside.

It's easy to get in, but hard to get out!

The only way to live is to understand the avenue of nothingness. If you can assimilate nothingness, it is not a problem to escape from nothingness.

But how slim is hope.

Even though Lin Lang himself didn't have much confidence.

As one of the nine ancient ancient avenues, is the Avenue of Nothingness so easy to understand?

Even if ordinary people have been enlightened for thousands of years, they will not be able to get a glimpse of the ancient avenues. Some people with outstanding talents have to oppose the heavens and get at least a thousand years to get started.

What's more, the entrance to the Void Avenue alone is far from tearing the void.

But this is the only way to live!

He needs to withstand the extreme light rain at all times, and every spirit stone consumed is a horrible astronomical figure, so that he cannot make ends meet, and the spiritual power in Linghai is reduced a little.

In this case, it is good to maintain for ten years.

Must race for life!



Lin Lang was sitting and thinking, using one heart to support the avenue barrier on one side, and the other side was to continuously perceive the emptiness avenue everywhere in the void space.

Void space is indeed a good place.

However, few people are willing to do this, because the void space is not a general danger. Whether it is the light of the Tao and the light of the extreme stream, it can easily kill any monk.

Even Emperor Xian is the same.

They may be able to stay a little longer in the void, but they cannot escape from the void. It is said that there were two great emperors fighting, and the repairs were almost the same, but one of them was beaten into nothingness and died!

I don't know how long it has passed.

Lin Lang closed her eyes tightly and stood like a rock, but her body began to tremble involuntarily. The avenue barrier supported by her opened a slight opening, and a drop of seven-color rain quietly dripped through Lin Lang's thigh.

He seemed unconscious.

The second drop of rain dripped, punching his right leg out of the big nail cavity.

The third drop, the fourth drop ...

Raindrops continued to infiltrate along the tiny cracks. In just a few days, the flesh and blood on Lin Lang's thighs had been swallowed up, and the exposed bones were covered with holes, as if nests were drilled by countless insects. same.

Finally for a moment.

Lin Lang suddenly opened his eyes, and a strange engulfing force erupted in his dead body, and the fine products were exactly the same as the avenues filled with nothingness.

Nothingness Avenue, getting started!

Lin Lang stood up, but did not try to pierce through the space with nothingness, only to reveal a helpless smile.

In just a few years, he has realized a kind of ancient avenue to the level of entry, and the speed of this realization must be appalling.

It's just that.

There was little spiritual power left in him.

It is not enough to support him to continue to support the avenue barrier for too long, and if he wants to penetrate the void space, at least he must reach the level of the void.

"I won the world, but I lost time."

Lin Lang smiled bitterly, and the words were helpless.

He has done his utmost to perceive the avenue of nothingness. Perhaps he can raise the avenue of nothingness to the level of Xiaocheng within a hundred years, but even the fastest speed will take time.

He has no chance.

Lin Lang moved his sore limbs a few times, and stood up, like an old monk who saw through the red dust, no longer caring, but walking peacefully in the void.

Since the plan to pierce through the void has fallen through, it would be better to walk around.

After all, he didn't want to sit and wait to die.


Endless void.

There is no light and darkness, and no day or night.

There is only the eternal emptiness and the colorful rain of the sky.

So he walked aimlessly.

I don't know the direction and don't ask my way home.

"Speaking of it, I haven't seen Huadao Shenguang and Meteorological Wind for so long."

Lin Lang smiled lightly, and it was also his luck. After being swallowed up by nothingness, except for the extreme flowing light rain, he had never encountered the enlightenment light, otherwise he would never live now.

I don't know how long he walked on the road, the avenue barrier was already full of holes, Lin Lang's body was also broken down, the entire left leg had completely disappeared, and the right leg was the skeleton of the broken ankle, dragging Walk forward.

The tedious void space makes people look tired.

He walked horribly, without knowing how long he had walked, and for a moment, he blinked in front of him, as if a gleam of light shot from endless distance.

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