I surrender!

As soon as Fang Jing's remarks came out, all the crowds of spectators were uproaring. This clearly seemed to be Fang Jingsheng, how could she suddenly give up.

"Well, wouldn't it be Miss Fang's fancy?"

"Well, it looks a little white-faced when looking at this picture." Some monks commented with strange faces.

But soon, the monks with a little eyesight could see that at this time, Ye Qigui was bland and standing, and the momentum of his whole body was still deep like the sea, and no signs of disorder could be seen.

It turned out that he jumped out on purpose! Seeing Fang Jing's appearance, and then looking at Ye Bugui, everyone suddenly realized.

At the same time, a luxurious car pulled by three fierce tigers and beasts stopped slowly,

"It's from the Zhu family." A monk recognized the origin of the chariot at a glance.

"More than that, you can see that the three tigers and beasts did not touch the ground at all during the march. If they were further afraid that they would be able to fly alone in the sky."


Someone took a sip of air-conditioning, just as a monk could fly in the air when he reached the extreme level of a human, and an alien beast could stay in the air for a short time when he reached the extreme level of a human.

One or three tiger beasts that are equivalent to the extreme powers of human beings can still pull the car, or the Zhu family logo is printed, then the identity of this person is ready to come out.

Zhu Luo's current owner, Zhu Luo!

After coming out of the Fang family mansion, Zhu Luo was originally angry, but when he saw Ye Bugui who fought with Fang Jing on the platform, he suddenly had another idea.

Hum, since your family is not benevolent, then don't blame me for Zhu Luo's injustice, I will accept it for your prospective son-in-law.

Zhu Luo couldn't help sighing that the Fang family hadn't found anything during this trip, at least a good seed was found, and after seeing what Ye Bugui had done before, he even made him sure that Ye Fugu had nothing to do with Fang family before.

It is not only his wrist that Zhu Luo can become the head of the family, but also himself, who is already a strong man in the extreme state, Ye Bugui's true strength is definitely more than what he had shown before.

He had such strength at a young age, and was plainly dressed, but did not want to provoke the Fang family, more like a casual repair, which almost instantly made him love.

To be able to dig up such a talented monk from Fang's house is very beneficial to their future development of the Zhu family. Thinking of this, he has already made up his mind, and even if he has given up his old man, he will draw the other side over.

"Little friends really are lovers of their own personality and can afford to let go."

At this point, Zhu Luo had come down from the car, and greeted him in strides, as if he had been friends who hadn't seen him for a long time.

"It's okay." Ye Bugui didn't show much interest in neglecting him, and responded casually.

"Xiaoyou has such a profound cultivation at a young age, and even the old man is ashamed."

"I think when the little friends just used the source power, there were faint clouds and extraordinary momentum, presumably it was the Yunxia School's method nearby." If Zhu Luo had set his mind to leave, the fashion would be a contemplative look.

"What Yunxia faction is just a casual repair travelling around the Quartet." Ye Bugui laughed at himself.

Zhu Luo's eyes brightened. Since it is a casual repair, it can't be better, then it's better to attract, money, treasures, beauties, what is their Zhu family?

"Haha, there is another son in my family who is too old to be your age. Although it is a cultivation practice in the middle of the open source world, it is far from being a friend in terms of combat power." Zhu Luo sighed for a while.

"If the little friend doesn't hate it, you can go to my Zhu family to sit down when you have time. Although the dog Zhu Yucheng is not a tool, he is quite accomplished in the way and loves making friends."

"What?" Ye Bugui stunned, why does this name sound so familiar? Immediately he remembered the guy whose face was swollen and swollen in the morning.

"Zhu Yucheng is your son?" Ye Bugui is still not quite sure, shouldn't there be such a coincidence in the world? !!

"Yes, did the little friend meet my unwieldy son?" Zhu Luo laughed.

Ye Bugui looked at the owner of the Zhu family who kept showing him good looks with a weird look. He didn't really want to deal with him. Now after his detailed explanation, he felt a bit of bad taste in his heart.

"Knowing, not just knowing it. I met him in the morning. You don't know yet. He is already working on the open source in the late period. Hey, I want to meet him for the first time in the year. Ye Yegui smiled and smiled.

Zhu Luo's heart even more convinced the fact that Ye Bugui knew Zhu Yucheng, because his son's cultivation was a breakthrough that both the father and son knew.

He was so happy that he didn't expect his son to still know such friends, and the chances for him to pull together were even greater. At the same time, he was also blaming Zhu Yu for not telling him about it earlier.

"Since it is Yucheng's father, then I have time to disturb it and verify it with Yucheng." Ye Bugui laughed, apparently the news of Zhu Yucheng's exile had not yet reached Zhu Luoer At the same time, he was wondering if he should pit him.

"Well, since you and Yucheng are friends, my husband will call you a good nephew with a cheeky face. It is better to hit the day with a nephew, and the nephew will be in the same car with me for a while, so that my Zhu family can do everything for the landlord. Zhu Luo didn't hear the irony in Ye Bugui's words. At this time, Ye Bugui had already intended to go to Zhu's house, how could he let it go.

At first Ye Yegui didn't want to pit him, but he heard Zheng Shuang, a good nephew yelling, and strengthened his thoughts.

At this moment he looked distressed and said, "I'm afraid it's not working now. There are still some things on my side, and I'm afraid I have some trouble handling them."

Upon hearing, Zhu Luo knew that the opportunity was coming, and said, "My Zhu family also has a lot of influence around this place. Even if the old man tells his uncle, he only needs to explain to keep you satisfied."

Ye Bugui sighed and said, "The young nephew is going to work in a dangerous place. That place is too dangerous. I am afraid that if the extreme person goes there, the Zhu family ca n’t help, so do n’t Trouble Uncle. "

Upon hearing this, Zhu Luo also understood that the other party was afraid that Zhu Yucheng's face was unwilling to pull them into the water, but then again, it is impossible for him to send a strong person in his family to protect Ye Wugui. The polar world is already the top fighting power of the family, and it really takes a while for the Zhu family to be injured.

But just now he has let out the big talk, and now it does not mean that he is unable to lose that person.

Hearing Ye Bugui there, he murmured, "If you can predict the danger in advance, it's better to have a whole body to retreat. Forget it, it's a bad life, and the danger is dangerous."

As soon as Zhu Luo's eyes lighted, he could not let the strong family follow him, and it would be a good idea to give away a treasure.

Some treasures of great value could not be sent out casually. After thinking about it, something suddenly appeared in his mind.

咣 Dang!

As he waved his sleeve, a rusty behemoth fell from the sky and smashed a large hole in the ground.

"My nephew, this is a treasure of my Zhu family. As long as the gods are refined, you can control this puppet. Do n’t underestimate it. This leather armor is indestructible, even if I shot it myself, I ca n’t break him. Defense. "Zhu Luo stroked his beard and laughed, constantly explaining the sacred difference.

Ye Bugui's contempt, this rust is covered with rust, and the joints don't look flexible, and what good things can make it blame. When I wanted to suggest that Zhu Luo changed a treasure, the voice of Tianziqin was in his heart in vain Ringing.

"Kid, take it, it's a good thing!"

Although Tianziqin's instrumental spirit is a bit insignificant, he is already an old monster who does not know how many years he has boiled. Is the good thing he said ordinary?

Thinking in this way, Ye Bugui's movements on the hand can be kept, half a push and half a moment have already taken the maggot into his pocket.

However, when he got half of it, his hand stopped suddenly, and he couldn't even accept it for nothing.

Zhu Luo put a face on his face, and in a big way, if you did n’t accept it, I would rush to you, and said, "Uncle said you would take it away, why wouldn't I be the one who sent this thing?"

"Since the uncle is already like this, nephew Xian will not take it up or not, he will go to the door and give it to his uncle personally." Ye Buguizheng said.

"Which nephew this is talking about, why both of his own family say two words." Zhu Luo repeatedly waved his hands, solemnly.

At this time, Fang Jing also came down from the ring, knowing that Zhu Luo was digging the corner of her house, but at least Zhu Luo was her elder, and she couldn't turn her face away, so she had to turn around and drink in vain.

"Dad come out soon, someone wants to grab a son-in-law with you!"

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