"Then, in your opinion, if there is no suspended island to maintain order and let the various forces on the Emperor's Land to attack, how much can these indigenous peoples have left." King Qianga said indifferently.

"Of course, if you have a better solution, you are welcome to come forward at any time."

Lin Lang glanced at him and said negatively: "Simple, fist is the best way to solve the problem. Why is it necessary to hang the island?"

It is a shame that Di Linxing is occupied by a foreign monk. If Lin Lang is younger, he may set out a ambition to expel these people.

However, he did not do so.

Today's Emperor Linxing has entered the field of vision of the universe, even if he has the ability to drive these outsiders all out, it is a solution to the symptoms and not the root cause.

It is tantamount to a retreat. One day, Emperor Linxing will again be occupied by foreign monks. At that time, perhaps he is no longer on this star.

and so.

If Emperor Linxing wants to rise and to be respected, then the native people must strengthen themselves. In this regard, even the Emperor Xian could not help anything.

"well said!"

The leader of Taiji Mountain came from a distance, clapping and applauding: "It is up to the tribe to decide what happened on the emperor, and when it is necessary for the tribe to make rules."

The leader of Taishan Yimai also came from behind, glanced at him, and said, "Tai Chishan is so attentive, and what will you do to participate in Emperor Fengyun?"

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