Rao was prepared for Ye Bugui. This time, the transmission of the method has been done for nearly twenty days. The huge amount of information stored in his head is enough to make people feel groggy.

It also took three days, and this feeling slowly subsided. Others couldn't see it, but he could see clearly inwardly.

Three groups of memories, one of which is the magic spell of Qingxinzhen and the method of worldly consciousness exercise.

The second is Ning Yuan Jue, which is also inherited from ancient times, making him much thicker than the monks of the same rank.

The third is the footwork martial arts footsteps, repaired to a level that is comparable to that of the Peach Blossom Fairy Yijing, which is an unpredictable body style.

For a while, Ye Bugui was full of arrogance, and each of the three was enough for the monks to study throughout their lives. After Dacheng, it was very easy to enter the queue of the strongest.

Owning a chance that is already against the sky, and at the same time, it is jealous of God.

"With these things, the one that doesn't get stronger is really unreasonable." Ye Bugui lamented in his heart, and at the same time gave a little sadness.

"Trapped in the underground palace, but got the opportunity to turn against the sky, it is really jealous of the sky." Ye Bugui shook his head again and again, trapped in this completely enclosed underground, even the master of the Qiantaomen was helpless.

"Old Tianshu, do you know any way to escape?" To be honest, Ye Bugui did not report much hope. If there is a way, how can Qiantaomen make such a big noise?

Tianshu's instrumental spirit groaned for a moment, carefully recalled in memory, and suddenly said: "After you say that, there really seems to be a way out."


Ye Fanggui returned for a moment, followed by infinite excitement, and asked quickly.

any solution? !!

"The only way is to cultivate the footsteps to Dacheng, you can ignore the forbidden law and travel through space."

Ye Bugui almost sprayed out old blood and reached the end. What is Nima's approach? Is the emperor's stay so enlightened?

Maybe hundreds of thousands of years later, he may have a sense of following the footsteps, but the question is which gas-refining monk can live that long.

Well, I know the seniors, I'll try my luck and see what can be gained.

Ye Bugui sighed, leaving in desperation to search around.

In the outside world, the whole cultivation world has already been fried.

After the meal, whether it is a gas monk or a suzerain-level combat power, all are talking about the topic of Qiantaomen.

The incident this time was really too loud, far more amazing than the birth of Miaoyinge Zhibao before, and the master of Qiantaomen set up a full set of pits to kill the powerful people who belonged to the major forces.

Then he tried his best to open the underground palace below Yanwutai, and got the best chance in it.

No one knows exactly what the chance is. They only know that Qiantaomen suffered heavy losses this time, more than half of the elders were backstabbed, and more than 90% of the disciples were killed in the backstab. It can be said that Qiantaomen has already survived Now, it is impossible for thousands of years to completely restore vitality.

On the third day of the past, many of the top sectarian gates almost killed Qiantaomen at the same time. They could not care about the resource industry controlled by Qiantaomen, they were wondering what kind of opportunity Qiandaomen got.

However, when many united forces approached the place where Qiantaomen was located at the same time, they emptied everything, except for some mortals who did not know they wanted to worship Qiantaomen, and could not even see the shadow of a monk.

The entire Zongmen world has evaporated!

The wind and waves of this incident followed the waves. Under the deliberate guidance of some insidious forces, three or four gates were destroyed by themselves. The entire continent, and even the entire hundred cities, the monks were crazy, looking crazy. The whereabouts of people in the Qiantaomen.

Some people also deliberately checked the history for this purpose, but from a wild history roughly inferred what was obtained by the Qiantaomen.

According to historical records, the ancestor of Qiandaomen was an ordinary and weak monk, and once again he got a precious exercise book in a unique adventure.

In connection with the news once obtained from Qiantaomen, Qiantaomen is most likely to have the second half of the Taoist Fairy.

It is conceivable that their news was so powerful that what Ye Yegui did not understand when he went deeper into the palace was speculated as such.

However, no matter how powerful the intelligence is, no one can find out where Qiandaomen went.

Qiantaomen's strength was severely damaged this time, but there is a god-level exercise method. Perhaps thousands of years later, when Qiantaomen reappears, it is not impossible to rival Guzongmen.

They are not thinking about entering the Taoyuan Garden, but the position of Yanwutai is uncertain, and no one knows the exact time in this world. Perhaps the Yanwutai is now a few hundred meters deep under someone's feet.

In short, this is not a breakthrough they can do.

Gradually, Ye Bugui, who had attracted monks looking for three months ago, was gradually forgotten.

And these leaves are not in despair in the earth palace, but also excited.

Desperate is still unable to find a way out, and the source of excitement is that he deliberately searched and found two hidden superb source stone mines.

He was very excited to play the role of a miner, sweeping out the 100,000 superb source stones in these two veins. As for other places, there is basically nothing that can be used.

In desperation, Ye Bugui had to pin all his hopes in the only place.


Rather than stupidly beat around, go to the library to gather all the valuable news together.

This may be the only feasible way out!

With this idea in mind, Ye Buhui turned back even when he rushed to the library.

I have to say that although the gate building of Taohuamen was not so magnificent, the materials used in the building were so precious that they still stood like this after undergoing 10,000 years of erosion underground.

Compared with Miaoyinge's library, the library in the underground palace can only be described with one word.


It may be buried in the soil for too long, full of decay, and this feeling gives people a strange sense of entanglement.

As it is recorded in the book, some corpses are buried in some cold places, and corpses will change to form evil corpses.

Or it is not impossible to have a domineering ghost in an extremely overcast place.

God knows what ghosts will come out of the ground tens of thousands of years ago. Although Ye Bugui is dignified, he hasn't reached the point of tension. The fire of the origin of the whole body is ignited to isolate this cold atmosphere.

As he moved forward, his consciousness unfolded completely, and he explored the way for him first, so that he had enough time to deal with emergencies.

I have this feeling before I entered the library, which is not a good sign ...

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