The captain of the Jindan period shuddered and said that the monster on the airship was a terrible one, not to mention the strong man who could suppress all of them by raising his hand.

Even now, in front of this sick young man, he also feels a huge pressure like a mountain. This is a situation that can only be caused by the complete crushing of the state of cultivation.

But he was also clever, and soon realized that the young man in white should be the core of these people. As long as he told everything truthfully, the three practitioners should not care about the life of an ant.


Jin Danqi ’s captain also explained the current situation of the hundred battle stars.

It turned out that after march Yan came to the Battlestar, the battle with the royal family formed an almost one-sided battle, and the palace was destroyed because of that. The battlestar Battlestar was a soldier and killed too many people.

The King of Hundred Stars came forward and fought with a true immortal for a long time. Then another true immortal ancestor in the Yan march entered the battle and wounded him seriously.

In the end, I do n’t know how to get it. The march of Yan stepped out of the five true immortals and completely eliminated the royal family ’s resistance. The king led the rest and surrendered to the Yan tribe on behalf of the hundred battle stars, in return for a brief peace.

"In my opinion, the king of the battle star is really fierce enough. He surrendered to the Yan tribe for his own sake, and at the same time suppressed all the voices of resistance in the royal family, including the prince at the time, and was thrown into the prison. Suffering from mystic water all day long. "

"Later, the King of Battlestars was taken away by the Yan clan, and the second war broke out in Prince Yong's Battlestar. It was the battle between the Battlestars led by the rest of the royal family and the Su Qing Army.

"The Su Qing Army also belongs to the Yan clan?"

The youth in white keenly grasped the point.

The captain of the Jindan period sneered and said, "How does it have anything to do with the Yan tribe, all of them are big men. Now that they have conquered the hundred battle stars, how can they stay on the management of the hundred battle stars."

"That ’s why the Su Qing Army appeared. The Su Qing Army was recruited by the Yan clan from all forces in the universe, and many of them were starry thieves. This group of people was responsible for purging and plundering the rebel forces of the indigenous stars after the Yan march left. The resources we received were divided into thirty-seven.

"After all, the Su Qing Army did not have the courage to play tricks with the march Yan. As for me ..." Speaking here, the captain of the Jin Danqi team laughed at himself: "I did not even meet the criteria for joining the Su Qing Army, I can only call it to Su Qing The army works. "

"But then again, these natives of the hundred battle stars are really heroes, and the prince bravely raised his arms. The responders are still countless and the whole people are soldiers."

"When a person died in battle, a new soldier immediately came on top. The soldiers were not afraid of death. The general's first soldiers never yielded. Such a saw saw that in two years it had grown to the size of the Su Qing Army."

He talked endlessly, and when he was here, there was a hint of scum on his face. Sun Qian's body shivered more and more.

"Hundred Stars is definitely the hardest bone ever encountered by the Su Qing Army. In comparison, the King of Hundred Stars is also a downright fly rat."

at last.

Hear this sentence. Sun Qian, like a discouraged ball, completely languished.

On the other side, Nianzu Yaopeng didn't feel too deep. He stirred his wings and looked very impatient: "Go and go, it's nothing to do with you."


The man was pardoned and dragged away several seriously injured players. Except for Sun Qian's silence, others did not have much emotional fluctuations.

Ba Xia stretched out lazily: "It's better to walk around and feel the local customs." Nianzu Yaopeng rolled his eyes, and said that the living habits of the Yan people and the people seem to have not much difference. .

Several people did not return directly to Di Linxing, but stopped by the way while passing by the hundreds of stars, and also wanted to see what kind of small place the warrior king of the universe had come out of.

"The East is so strong."

The youth in white looked into the void. The words fell, and the eyes of the other people came over. Although the other party suffered a serious road injury and has not recovered now, but in terms of cultivation, they are still far from satisfactory.

Not to mention the other party's heyday, even now, the white youth's strength does not exist, and the three of them have no certainty of winning.

"It should be a large-scale war. Check it out." The young man in white fluttered and flew towards the sky. "What about these two human race dolls?" Nizu Yaopeng pointed at the two human races bound by the roadside.

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