God is beyond the stars.

A dark blue cosmic battleship is advancing at a rapid speed towards the orbiting star in the cosmic starry sky thousands of miles away from this crimson planet.

This battleship is quite large, with a length of 100,000 feet. The width of the decks on both sides is also tens of thousands of feet. The deck is equipped with electromagnetic cannons. The dark barrel is full of violent destruction. Everything is destroyed in general.

A thick beam of light shot out of the front of the battleship, and in a fan-shaped area in front of it, all the scenery in the starry sky was visible.

And the material of the battleship is quite precious. From the head cabin to the rear wing, every inch of the material is smelted with rare and rare metals.

In terms of the value of this battleship alone, these precious metals from the outside are not at all an asteroid with a life group that can afford it.

It stands to reason that such a warship travels in the infinite starry sky, and is most vulnerable to being plundered by the star bandit, but this warship is safe from beginning to end.

Not because of how strong the battleship's defense is, but because of the seemingly negligible flame giant totem on the tail, no interstellar thief dares to strike thoughts on them.

Yan march!

As the most terrifying force in all realms of the universe, the march where Yan Yan has passed is almost the one he is facing, and any star will be shaken by such a mighty army.

And these grandmothers, Yan marched south to the north, fiercely famous, as long as they do not encounter the military bases of the other ten royal families, this huge star fleet has always been rampant in the universe.

Take the spaceship in front of you. Although it is just an ordinary transport ship, its combat power is far less than those of Star Wars, but no one has dared to fight their ideas.

after all.

This is the transport ship of the march of Yan. If anyone dares to move, it will be the extinct blow of the entire march of Yan, who dares to provoke it?


Inside the warship's cockpit.

In front of a metal table full of science and technology, a handsome young man is sitting at the table, his hands tied with ropes to his legs, and beside him are two old-looking old men.

Compared with that young man, these two old men are much miserable and are **** with big flowers.

His face was black and gray, and his forehead was covered with Yin Hong's crusty wounds, his eyes were also light, and he looked like he had just retreated from the battlefield where the gunfire was roaring.

Needless to say, these three men must be captives who marched another star and captured them. However, a seat can be arranged in the cockpit, and even if it is a captive, it definitely has a considerable identity.

Opposite the three.

Sitting there were several red-inflammatory men, wearing robes and gorgeous medals on their shoulders, and they continued to shake as they moved.

The red hair represents the richness of the inflammation of the blood in the body of the body. Obviously, all three are nobles in the Yan clan. Epaulets can also illustrate this point.

In the march of Yan, the epaulets were used to distinguish the status of commanders from generals and ordinary soldiers. On the shoulders of ordinary soldiers are beast totems. Centurions and centurions are different.

One cluster of white flames is a general, two clusters are generals, three clusters are generals, and so on. As for the generals above the title, there are also the legions of purple flame epaulets, which are also divided into three or six or nine, respectively, the honorary legion leader, the war commander legion, and the holy palace legion.

The levels are quite distinct.

And at the moment.

Sitting at the table in front of the three clan, there are two well-known generals and a noble glorious army leader!

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