Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 813: Fairy King Body

No one would have imagined that the central dynasty, which once represented the most powerful force of the oracle star, would be so vulnerable before a young human race.

After sacrificing all kinds of sacrifice, instead of beheading each other, he was cracked by Lin Lang one by one, and even finally enriched by his counterpart.

Pa Xia.

Ni Zu Yaopeng.

Each had the ability to slaughter the entire central dynasty. At that time, in many people's hearts, no matter how the central dynasty flourished in the past, today it will be completely destroyed in front of these three people and one beast.

after all.

These people are the strongest forces beyond the universe. But what they didn't expect was that the central dynasty, which seemed to be running out of water and was about to be destroyed, actually led to the intervention of the Holy Palace of the Celestial Empire.

Although the immortal King could not descend across the borders, he could use a secret method to use the energy of the God Star to condense a body.

Although the energy body only has the realm of heaven, it is infinitely close to the true fairy, and it can explode far beyond this realm. After all, it was controlled by a fairy king.

"The heritage of the central dynasty is really terrible!" Many strong Yan clan powers at the moment gave birth to a trace of awe.

Separated from two realms, but can use anti-sky means to use the energy of the other realm to consolidate a clone, this method is almost magical, breaking everyone's cognition.

You don't need to think about it, even if that immortal king would have to pay a terrible price to perform such a counter-invasion method.

"My name is Hou Kou."

The old Pharaoh, who was transformed by the energy of the oracle star, spoke lightly and reported his name. At the same time, a vast expanse of coercion shrouded the entire oracle star.

Countless beings.

Whether or not you know the strong man in the battle of the Central Dynasty, at this moment can not help but kneel on the ground, facing the East.

The blood was trembling, the soul was astonished.

That is the coercion of the Yan family's supreme power. Anyone, as long as the blood of the Yan family is flowing, can't resist it.

The immortal king idea came into the world.

Even if he didn't come, he just condensed a Dharma with the energy of the God Star, but the instinct of battle and the ruler in his body was a terrible fairy king.


Lin Lang's eyes flickered a little: "The 21st place of Qiu Kouxian in the Celestial World Ranking?"

"Have you heard of me?"

In contrast, Qiu Kouxian appears more unexpected. It is not surprising if people in the fairy world have heard of his name. After all, the records on the list are the rankings of the fairy kings.

But now speaking from the mouth of a young man who has never entered the immortal world, it is actually a surprise to Qiu Kou.

"Have heard it by chance."

Lin Lang bowed his head, saying extremely calmly: "I thought that Yan Sheng Palace would send a ghost to die for the dead, but I did not expect that the top fairy king with the last name on the list would come down."


Lin Lang said again.

"The barriers of the two realms are not so easy to break. Even if you intentionally penetrate the barriers of the two realms, you need to bear the cause and effect of the day, and this kind of backwash is by no means a top fairy king you can bear. This, Yan Sheng shouldn't have told you. "


"So there is only one possibility. You have treasures that can erase the cause and effect, but the cause and effect of the two realms is not something that can be withheld. It may not protect you well."

Lin Lang stared at Qiu Kouxian with a very calm eye.

Qiu Kou's pupils tightened.

"How do you know this? A loach of the Nether." Don't look at King Qiu Kouxian on the surface, but the heart has already set off a rough sea.

There is a thick barrier between the immortal world and the universe, which is also the barrier between the ascendant and the people in the immortal world. Many people know this.

But few people know.

The barriers between the two realms are not insurmountable. Several fairy emperors joined forces to complete this task. For the fairy king, a slightly trickier way is to send a thought over.

The reason why few people do this is because the causal backwash that needs to be sustained is too strong. Once discovered by the will of all realms, it is not only their thoughts, but also their immortal king!

Even a single immortal emperor can't afford such consequences! The reason why the King of Chou Kouxian has a sense of confidence to send down a thought is because he has a magic jade gift given by the flame saint, enough to offset this cause and effect!

But these were all put on the table by Lin Lang, and even speaking in front of him, he could not help but feel shocked. Because even some fairy kings can't reach these secrets.

"How did you know this?" Qiu Kou stared at Lin Lang tightly and asked in an aggressive tone: "Tell me."

"There are many things you don't know." Lin Lang smiled and shook his head, and in a blink of an eye, the war was boiling. The sword pointed at Qiu Kou: "Come on."

"If you don't say it, just wait for this seat to catch you and search for your soul." Qiu Kouxian sighed coldly, and in the face of Lin Lang's invitation, the top fairy king could not sit still.


The two figures rushed into the sky, and they fought fiercely. It has to be said that although Qiu Kou's immortal body has only the highest realm of Tianxian, it is dominated by the immortal king's idea.

The combat power is amazing.

Even in the face of those powerful true immortals, they can calmly face them, because the knowledge and attack methods possessed by the immortal king are far from comparable to those in the same realm.


His opponent is Lin Lang.

It is also the body of a fairy immortal dominated by the immortal king's soul, but from a certain aspect, the knowledge and methods that the king of Qiu Kou is proud of are at the moment in front of Lin Lang.

After all, Lin Lang was the first person in the Tianbang list and was able to attack the existence of the Emperor. Could it be a top fairy king ranked 20th above the Tianbang list?

Qiu Kou's means can't hold him back!

This battle came quickly, and it ended abnormally. Within half an hour, King Qiu Kouxian fell from the sky by Lin Lang.

Although no scars could be seen on the surface of his body, in fact, Lin Lang had suffered internal injuries, and the energy law body began to be disordered with the first blow.

"What the **** are you?"

Qiu Kouxian screamed angrily.

If before, Qiu Kou only had a very deep curiosity about Lin Lang, but at this moment, he was afraid.

A celestial being actually gave him the illusion that he could not start. No, it can't be beaten at all!

"Sent you to death."

Lin Lang reached out a little, and his fingertips gave out a gorgeous seal. The milky white light formed a field. It was holy and pure, enveloping him all in a layer of sacred atmosphere.

"The Seal of Light and God, how can you perceive the Avenue of Light to such a degree, and what is your relationship with the Light Tribe." King Qiu Kouxian narrowed his eyes and was anxious.

Originally, he also tried to suppress Lin Lang by Taoism. A Taoist mastery of Taoism is far better than Tianxian, and his body is infinitely close to the limit of Tianxian Avenue.

But now Lin Lang is exhibiting at the Avenue of Brightness in his hand, shattering all his fantasy directly. The ancient avenue, the source of all Taoism in heaven and earth.

Even Qiu Kouxian, who refined more than a dozen avenues in the body, would not do it!

Boom boom!

In front of King Qiu Kouxian, the layers of defense defenses were shattered. The bright seal of God quickly expanded, containing heaven and earth, exuding an extremely peaceful atmosphere.

But this is soft behind.

It is endless sharpness and murder!

Rao is the king of Qiu Kou. There are many means, but at this moment, it is still too busy to use several kinds of magical powers to wipe out the power of the light.

at the same time.

Lin Lang killed again, holding the Soul Sword, flying in countless ways of ice and freezing everything around him, including King Qiu Kouxian's attack became slow.

"Swallow the moon."

Qiu Kouxian, Wang Xiaoxiao, swallowed the mountains and rivers, and his exquisite cultivation broke out completely. The supernatural powers changed and changed. From his back, all the light was consumed.

Although Lin Lang looked relaxed, he did not dare to take it lightly in the face of King Qiu Kouxian, and finally moved really.

have to say.

The strength of the two men has also reached the extreme of the Tianxian realm. After a battle, the void collapses and the earth smashes. Each hit contains the energy that sinks a continent.

Around the imperial city, the area of ​​tens of millions of miles was devastated, and the original heavy earth had been devoured by the void cracks at this moment.

The battle fluctuations of the two are still radiating outward, and the earth collapses for several miles each moment.

The aftermath is enough to kill Tianxian!

The true immortal actually has the ability to destroy a small star, not to mention that both of them can be able to kill the existence of the true immortal. Continue to develop like this, if the two men fight for more than three days, they are solid gods in space, I am afraid they will be destroyed because of this.

"This is the fighting power that Tianxian can have." Countless people swallowed, hurriedly avoiding the battle fluctuations, and flew out tens of thousands of miles, but the devastating fluctuations were still catching up at a rapid speed.

Strange to say.

No matter how the two men fought, even if one hundred percent of the area of ​​the oracle was destroyed, the imperial city was an exception. Despite the huge waves outside, the imperial city always stood there, standing still.

Except for a few collapsed walls.

"It's an extraordinary imperial city."

Ba Xia murmured softly. It can be unscathed in such a war, and this immortal dynasty, which has been established for tens of millions of years, indeed contains many secrets.

The central dynasty master hidden in the imperial city saw Ba Xia also hid in, almost frightened and fled towards the streets in the imperial city.

"Want to run?"

Ba Xia smiled coldly.

With a little finger, he was hiding behind several central dynasty generals and the central emperor's body was shattered and turned into a mist of blood. It can be said that within this imperial city, Baxia is absolutely invincible.

He entered the imperial city and opened the killing ring, and suddenly I do n’t know how many Yan clan masters died.

And at the moment.

In a world-fighting battle in the sky, the two powerful gods collapsed and collapsed into the super-strong land of thousands of miles. At the same time, they retreated backward, and finally used the strongest means!

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