The central emperor hurried from the harem. This time there is no grand opening of the road, the grand scene of ceremonial opening, everything is simple. Only a few of my close friends, including Wen Tianshi, were traveling with me.

"How is the situation outside?"

The central emperor did not blame the leader of the embargo army, but the latter lived in the court for a long time. How could he not have this mind? While guilty and shouting his misconduct, he explained the situation outside to the central emperor briefly.

"This **** traitor, when no one in my central dynasty succeeded, actually struck at the foot of the imperial city. He should have been arrested and beaten by his nine clans."

The central emperor hummed.

Wen Tianshi scattered aside without saying a word, but his eyebrows opened a vertical face, gray-black eyes seemed to be able to pass through the heavy city gate.

A clear view of the wind blowing grass.

A long while.

Wen Tianshi closed his eyebrows and raised his eyes, and then slowly said, "Your Majesty, this person is really a human being, not a native star."

"Why don't you know?" The central emperor hummed. The Shifang leader was sent by him, and he naturally knew the origin of Lin Lang.

It is just that other people, including Wen Tianshi, did not know the death of Zi Yuxiao until now, and thought he was still alive.

Of course, this is also the reason why the Central Huang ’s secret was not announced and the news was closed. Otherwise, as soon as the news of the death of the prince is leaked, the chapel and the harem may indicate how many factions will cause an open fight.

Wen Tianshi nodded slightly, and if he hadn't looked at Sun Qian, he seemed to have guessed some inside information. Then said: "From the point of view of the thief's just a few shots, most of this person's strength already has the combat power of the ultimate fairy, and even he has mastered some kind of true fairy power."

"This kind of practice is to say that it is the Imperial City embargo. It is calculated that moving 100,000 troops will not necessarily kill him. It is also reasonable to lose the embargo."

The chief of the embargo nodded with gratitude to Wen Tianshi, but the latter was totally unconscious, and continued to say, "There are three strategies for the superior. The superior can retreat the enemy, the middle can defeat the enemy, and the lower can lead to rebellion thief."

"I wonder who your Majesty would like to hear first?"

"Naturally, he caught him, pushed him on the long street to show the public, and then lived up to thousands of knives to make a difference." The central emperor hated his teeth and wished to rush out to kill Lin Lang himself.

But he restrained.

On the one hand, his body of wealth, how can a mighty king of a country charge like a soldier? In the second place, even if he went out on his own, he might not be able to kill Lin Lang.

Even he is the pinnacle of heaven with more than 70 species.

"Then there is only one way, to worship the Emperor Hengdi Garden, and ask the dynasty for details. And only in this way, maybe he can be caught half alive." Wen Tianshi said word by word.


The Central Emperor shook his head subconsciously and refused.

Diheng Emperor's Garden, these are the national treasure swords of the two major towns of the central dynasty, each of which is a supreme holy sword, handed down from the upper world and possessing vast power.

The holy sword is the holy warrior exclusive to the fairy king. The true fairy can only exert some of its power initially, but even then, it cannot be underestimated. It can completely cut off the mountains and rivers and cut the land.

If you give it to the Fairy King to use, it will not matter if you split a star. Such immortal soldiers can be called the inside of a star.

Unless it is overthrown and threatens the heritage of the Tao, it will never be used. Otherwise, once lost, the consequences are endless.


At present, the Emperor of the Central Government can still deal with it, but it is not necessary to invite the true ancestors.

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