
Outside the imperial city.

Countless people looked at this scene in horror.

I saw in the sky not far away, two seemingly thin figures rushed over, and there were hundreds of thousands of imperial forbidden soldiers in front of them, as if in no one's realm.

The two cascaded one after the other, killing the forbidden army and losing their helmets and armor, and fled. Those two were too strong, and even the banned army could not do anything under their control.

It fell instantly.

Although the army was caught off guard by Lin Lang, at least it wasn't enough to be self-defeating after being hit by a single shock.


The leader of the embargo had already reacted, and quickly organized a counterattack. Various types of chariot turrets and war machines were quickly pushed out of the city gate.

These were all spurred by Yan Jing, and extraordinary powers could be gathered in an instant, and many soldiers lined up, setting up brown shields, stretching for a few miles, as if the walls were generally in front of the eyes.

The rear battalion of God Machine crisscrossed and ran fast. There were commanders shaking the banner in the array, waving the banner, and commanding a unique combination attack formation.

The combo formation consisting of thousands of earth immortals and heaven immortals will fall even if the gods of the **** level are accidentally inadvertent.

The quality of the soldiers of the Central Dynasty is evident. !!

Otherwise, the central dynasty won't dominate the gods. In any way, it is by no means comparable to the other four immortal dynasties.

"Shenwuying vertical cloud ladder shield, one column and two columns are prepared to form a thousand hands dragon and snake array, three squadrons and four squadrons are flying to the magic cloud array, five squadrons and six squadrons ..."

The leader of the embargo commanded in an orderly manner at the rear, marching forward at a dazzling speed and combining quickly. When the leader of the embargo ordered an attack, countless fascinating beams of magic power enveloped Lin and Lang.

Boom boom!

Countless magical explosions swept the sky all day and violently struck. The sky was like a broken mirror. In the eyes, there was a broken space of black holes. The wind was blowing continuously and howling.

"The preparation of the Shenji camp, the twin shadow array to fight the invaders ..." The embargo leader continued to order.

At this time.

Wow ...

At the forefront of the Shenwuying formation, a series of people's images have suffered tremendous impacts, flying backwards one after another.

at the same time.

The two figures were about to break through the defense of Shenwuying to the extreme. Hundreds were lost and flew out at the same time.

"This is impossible. The parade can't stop them either. Is it the peak Tianxian?" The leader of the parade couldn't help but scream.

He knew, however, that everyone in the embargo was a strong man above Dixian, and that the aggregate formation of thousands of people was not something ordinary people could break.

The only remaining explanation is that the two in front of them are at least the top generations and even the best generations who are comparable to the extreme ones.

Such a strong man, by no means can never be an unknown person. But why has he never seen these two?

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