Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 794: Shifang Leader

From Lin Lang's advent of the Ling Dynasty to the present, it has been half a month since the full fight, and the Ling Dynasty has been disturbed.

The ancestors were captured, and more than 26 million spirit stones were blackmailed.


Guided by the Ministry of Households, nearly ten million spirit stones were transferred from the state treasury to Lin Lang. It was only half a month that the Ministry of Households had exchanged money at various major money shops.

There are not so many spirit stones in the treasury. The remaining half of Hushang Shangshu is ready to be exchanged with Yanjing. Although the exchange rate is relatively high, there is no spirit stone in the treasury.

But Lin Lang did not accept Yan Jing.

There was no way, after the Ministry of Households had requested instructions from the Emperor Ling Ling, he converted the remaining debt of more than 10 million spirit stones into ten bottles of Saint David.

That's it.

"I had known that he was so difficult, and I would just send enough spirit stones to send him away, save these troublesome things." Ling Ling Huang really regretted it, but now it is better, not only the spirit stone gave away, even Dao Hailing Spring And crash.

Fortunately, I finally sent the plague **** away.

"Give me all your mouths. If you spit out half a word from someone's mouth in the past half a month, don't blame me for the emperor's feelings."

Emperor Ling Ling stared fiercely at the people behind him, causing many people to fight the Cold War. Huang Lingnai couldn't help Lin Youye, but trying to cure them was not a cure.



Lin Lang was walking with Sun Qian in the mountains and rivers, and countless crimson rocks along the road backwards.

Since he entered Daohai Lingquan, so far, forty-nine Tao species have been condensed, which is only one step away from the 50th Tao species.

Of course, these forty-nine kinds are all trails, and their power is far less than the real avenue, but it is a good choice to improve the realm.

A complete return to the realm requires condensing one hundred Taoist species, but before that, as long as more than fifty Taoist species can break through to the next realm.

In front of Lin Lang, he only practiced forty-nine Taoist species. As for the remaining fifty-one types of avenues, for the time being, he could only ascend by two ways of swallowing the Holy Daodan and Spiritual Dan.

Along the way, Lin Lang swallowed two soul pill, completely releasing the energy. As for Sun Qian, he has always been that way. He has never been seen in cultivation, but he has never been defeated during the battle.

The true strength is unknown.

At present, even Lin Lang can't see through his cultivation, but according to his guess, Sun Qian should have gathered 70 to 80 Tao species.

"It is very difficult to wake up a hundred battle star who has no fighting spirit." Lin Lang shook his head. He left Sun Qian with him, and he was worthy of the king of battle hundred immortals.

Otherwise, once Sun Qian showed up, he was afraid that he would be taken back by the people of the central dynasty soon, and it might even affect those hundreds of stars.

The two sat in the shuttle and moved forward slowly.

About the tenth day.

With a loud noise, the shuttle seemed to hit a thick wall, and the entire hull was shaking violently.

The bow position has been twisted and deformed. The head tank has been sunken for a few meters, and the whole has been completely deformed.


Lin Lang frowned.

When the two of them came out of the cabin, they saw that there were people separated in four directions: southeast, northwest, and northwest. There were ten people in each of them.

Ten leaders!

Lin Lang floated above the shuttle, looking around at everyone, his face was very calm, and he said slowly, "How long have I been waiting here?"

One of the priests took a step forward.

He shook his head and smiled: "It didn't take long, just three days."

"Lin Youye, you have such a big face. In order to kill you, we have used the Shifang leader to the fullest, and we have a good record in the annals."

"You are really patient."

Lin Lang shook his head: "In addition to sending the ten-party leader, there should be two peak celestial celestial beings, and they will lay the matrix on my way."

The main reason for the shuttle to stop is because he unknowingly drilled into the array, and finally hit the other side of the array.

"Not bad!"

There were two slaps in the void.

Looking for sound, two figures emerged from the void where the voice came. The two were restrained and looked like mortals.

Only Tianxian in the same realm can feel the unique coercion exuded by the two, terrible and amazing. These two people are not far apart even if they are not true immortals.

One of them, wearing a black gown, smiled politely: "No wonder the prince is folded in your hands, not to mention that he has a little skill and can actually see through the illusion of this seat."

"This array is called Sunset Seal Zen. The centuries of dominance of the formation method is that as long as it is deployed, unless everyone in the formation method is dead or until the next day dawn. field."

"Not difficult."

Lin Lang said softly, and looked at the twelve for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It would be possible to kill me with such a little hand, plus one or two true immortals."


Hear the words.

The young man in the black shirt couldn't help laughing and said, "You really look at yourself. Zhenxian is a big man who can't see the dragon at the end of the dragon. How can he share his energy to kill you?"

"To deal with you, in fact there are too many of them."

"Out of your own control."

Although the other leaders did not laugh like the young men in black shirts, they all stared at Lin Lang with cold eyes, which means self-evident.

"Why not talk to him? Since everyone is invited to kill him directly. I'm in a hurry." The animal skin man said coldly.

Compared with this young man in black shirt, another man with animal skin around his waist seemed much more irritable.

"Go and stop Sun Gan, and Lin You will give it to us. Remember to stay alive!"

The voice fell.

The animal skin man acted immediately, and he rushed in a strange posture, crawling on the ground with his limbs, hands and feet.

But this is the stance of the beast running, but the animal skin man uses it much faster than ordinary people's speed. A few jumps, the animal skin man leapt forward, turned into a tiger, and stretched out two powerful forelimbs.

"Is the flame beast itself."

Lin Lang looked at the tiger claws that were constantly enlarged in his eyes, and his expression was quite calm. He just reached out his hand to pull out a sword lotus, and then the light expanded rapidly.

To the end.

With a width of more than three meters, it looks like a white jade lotus platform, and finally collides with a pair of tiger claws. At the same time, the leaders of Shifang also killed one after another.

Each of them has a unique ability to display superb powers and brilliant ways, and the sky is reflected in colorful colors.

"Kill you, I'll be enough."

A leader snorted. He stretched out his hand, resting his left hand on the back of his right hand. At the back of his left hand, an over-shoulder dragon extended to the shoulder position on the other side.

With the change of Indian tactics.

The tattoo also began to run slowly, as if to live, the faucet on the back of the hand suddenly opened his eyes, gray eyes stared at Lin Lang.

Followed by the limbs, two pairs of dragon claws slowly materialized and arched upwards, a long black dragon stood up, leap forward with black water splashes, and rushed forward.

This is his specialty. He used to get it from a strange star prisoner. He has been practicing it for thousands of years. The power is very scary.


Lin Lang sneered, stretched out his hand, shot a sharp sword qi from his fingertips, directly penetrated the head of the black dragon, and shot into the distance. "It's useless. The dragon pattern is immortal. No one at Tianxian level can completely destroy the dragon pattern."

The leader sneered.

But next moment.

His expression suddenly became rigid.

Because in his vision, the penetrated black dragon did not repair itself, but the dragon body tended to disperse. "Not good!" The leader's face suddenly changed, and he was trying to use the means to remedy it.

But it was too late.

Before he could make any remedial measures, the black dragon's huge body collapsed.


Just in this gap, Lin Lang got up and pointed out, a terrible blood hole appeared in the eyebrow of the priest, still exuding appalling residual waves.


The lord's eyes were empty, leaving only such a moan before he died, and then his body was light like a feather, turning left and right, and falling into the sky.


Lin Lang said silently.

"First you head!"

Another strong leader came at a sneak attack, but Lin Lang looked like he had countless eyes, turned slightly, and clicked again.

The same is the forehead position.

A blood hole spread quickly, and the residual destruction energy spread through the whole body through the wound, and even the nerves were cut off and simply cut off.

The man died directly on the spot.

"the second."


Killing two master-level powerhouses one after another, these stern shots are all scary. Almost subconsciously, the Celestials temporarily stopped attacking.

These are the two leaders.

There are big-headed figures on the oracle star, and if there is not a large-scale martial conflict, usually one will not fall.

But now, Lin Lang, like cutting leeks, killed two people in a row. How not to be daunted, this is the leader of the god, who is already standing at the top of the star.

The life of the leader is also worthless!

of course.

They didn't mean that Lin Lang would hesitate. At this time, Lin Lang strode out, his feet shrank into inches, countless spaces were folded up, and a few steps away was hundreds of meters away.

next moment.

Lin Lang came to a priest, and before everyone responded, a golden elephant fist fell, smashing the latter into a pool of flesh.

"The third."

The fluttering sound dropped.

Another priest fell.

Undoubtedly, this does not contain any emotional voices, which made these leaders snorted together.

Is this reporting?

With the figures accumulated by the life of the leader, it is clear that the devil is ringing the death knell and the **** of death is wielding a sickle. The master of the master, it seems that he is not so strong in front of Lin Lang!

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