Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 691: Lin Lang's Demon

Tian Mo Huang used to be the master of Mo Ling Island. He is the most supreme of Jiuding, but in just a few days, he was surrendered and turned into an empty body.

It's embarrassing.

Today, the demon emperor was repaired and abolished by Lin Lang, which is equivalent to an abolition. However, this place is still a big man with more than 10,000 people.

On the one hand, he has accumulated great power for a long time, and the majestic majesty of his Majesty Kings has long been ingrained, but the most important aspect is that Lin Lang is behind him.

The demon emperor lowered the altar, but came a more horrible Lin Youye. And the demon emperor is equivalent to his spokesman, that demon overlord dares to make trouble?

In this battle, many demon overlords have died, and there are also a lot of magical medicines that have been transformed after their death. Coupled with the fact that the Demon Emperor is familiar with the bases of the demon overlords, a large number of Lingzhi Xianzhi was soon collected. Enough for Lin Lang.

In the evening on the third day.

The Emperor Emperor sent twenty Lingzhi Xianzhi together with several other divine medicines totaling more than forty strains to Lin Lang. At this moment, Lin Lang was accumulating a large number of spirit stones, and he was trying to march to the Eight Pattern Jindan.


In these days.

On the spirit island, however, there was a lot of noise.

Many monster overlords who have not participated in this battle have received news one after another over the past few days, and some have described to them the process of this battle.

"One Emperor is missing, but now there is another Lin Youye." The kings of the counties smiled bitterly. There are tens of billions of monsters on Mo Ling Island, but they are led by a human monk. It sounds too incredible.

There are also many human monks who sneak into Mo Ling Island, each hiding their identities, or already holding important posts in a county. After receiving this news, they were shocked.

Lin Youye conquered the Demon Emperor and dominated the fantasy world of the heart.

"This Lin Youye can really make a world upset everywhere you go." The human monks who got the news couldn't help laughing.

Although it was rumored that Lin Youye used the heavenly golden dan to control the overlords of the demon island, this defeated the emperor. But this does not prevent them from awesome three points to Lin Lang.

Because the Tianmo Emperor was originally the earth immortal, and with so many overlords, even if the power of Tiandao Jindan was limited, it was still difficult to meet rivals in this level of adversity.

These days.

Mo Ling Island is calm and there are no waves. Lin Lang also took advantage of this rare opportunity to retreat. About three months later, he finally raised his realm to Jindan Jindan.

at the same time.

Qin Ya also went through two weird advents one after another, and one of them even fought for three days and nights with the old demon king Wang Chang, and no one benefited.

After Lin Lang went out of the customs, Qin Ya asked Lin Lang some questions in the practice. Lin Lang gave a few simple instructions, and Qin Ya suddenly realized.

At the third weirdness.

Lin Lang happened to be on the side, giving a few pointers, Qin Ya finally successfully defeated the old Demon King. Since this time, Qin Yaxiu has made rapid progress and realized one of thirty-six kinds of Supreme Avenues in the space of the magical realm.

I am pursuing Mao Huacan and others who are pursuing the past. I believe that it will be completely surpassed in a few months.

"The mind demon refining the heart. After passing through, the thoughts can be transparent, which can make Xiu in a short period of time. I don't need to continue suppressing the demon." Lin Lang said to himself.

After the Emperor Emperor stood beside him, Lin Lang simply issued a few commands before waiting intently for his Demon to take shape.

After about two months.

Strange came again.

Lin Lang ushered in his own heart demon. The moment when the heart demon appeared, it actually caused the heart and demon fantasy to be turbulent for a moment, and it seemed to exceed the range of the heart and demon fantasy.

Eventually the flayers took shape.

His demon is a body of consciousness. It comes from the mysterious strongman who met on the broken continent that year. He cultivated a cognition that surpassed Lin Lang.

Under the blessing of the magical fantasy realm, such a powerful monster is no less inferior to the Emperor of the heyday, and is comparable to a giant powerful man.

Even surpassed.

Because the magical demon used by Lin Lang will be the same, and it can be copied perfectly, which is extremely difficult to entangle.

"The demon is the fear in my heart. The fear nightmare becomes a reality. After all, it is a dream. Even if you can copy my moves, I have killed even the gods, how can you be afraid."

Lin Lang shot calmly.

The spirit demon was the enemy that Lin Lang encountered on the outer continent at first, and it was difficult to measure his strength, but only an idea broke his foundation of heaven.

Lin Lang is impressive.

But after all, Lin Lang has thousands of years of cultivation experience, and has no fear in his heart. Even if the mysterious strongman is far beyond him, he will never defeat him with a fearless heart.

Coupled with heavenly gold.

Even though the strangeness of the magical state of the mind can imprint all his moves, including the magical powers in the Nine Xiaoxian Code, it is impossible to copy the heavenly path after all.

This is his greatest support.

Lin Lang and the demon battled for seven days and seven nights. He was bathing in blood and his arm was unable to lift the evil bone sword, but after all, the conscious body that the demon was born was torn.

For a while.

Lin Lang has a sense of enlightenment. It seems that in this state, he cultivates all magical powers and understands any Taoism.

"There is no lack of state of mind, no further thoughts, and I will practice fast." Lin Lang looked calm, and already knew everything. But also take this opportunity to practice.

He did not make too much ascension in the realm, but set the main goal on the realization of Daoism. After all, it is only a matter of time for him to improve his realm. After all, in the later stages of cultivation, he still has to rely on Taoism to win.

"I have now transformed the Tao of Gravity into Tao in my body. Of course, the avenues that have been enlightened in previous lives can be achieved overnight, and the Tao can be condensed without enlightenment."

"But I can't do this." Lin Lang shook his head, and his heart was firm. "I can be reborn again in this life, and double the time in the past, how can I waste time and waste my old life."

"Don't inherit the previous avenue, see other avenues. Finally, the avenues that were mastered in the previous life will be good for my other body."

Lin Lang made up his mind.

In addition to the past life avenue, Lin Lang has only studied the way of the Seven Feelings, which is to focus on the perception of the Way of the Seven Feelings.

People have seven emotions and six desires, so this avenue is ubiquitous and easy to comprehend.

Until after two months.

Lin Lang's perception of the Seven Feelings has reached a bottleneck state. He has not accumulated enough for a short period of time, and I am afraid he cannot continue to improve.

This is the end of perception.

The few things he ordered the Tianmo Emperor to do soon became apparent. The Tianmo Emperor captured another immortal immortal in the Thunder Kingdom within the territory of the Tianmo Kingdom.

Now that they have entered the magical state of the mind, these human powers naturally have no reason to not come to the Demon Island, and Lin Lang launched the demon kingdom to trace the country's power, and soon captured this person.

He once took Lin Lang's Soul Sword.

Lin You Yeben also planned to retrieve this holy sword, but after repeated interrogation, I learned that although the ice sword outside the Meteor Sword Abyss was obtained by him that day, it was too elder when he returned to Zongmen. Extortion.

Bingmo sword is now enshrined in Wind Thunder as one of the holy swords of Huzong.

"Feng Leijiao has deep grievances with me. It seems that Feng Leijiao must do it for me." Lin Lang squinted slightly. "But before that, go to a strange place to see what kind of secrets it contains. "

For thousands of years, only Mozun and Su Shilan have come out of the magical world alive, and following this clue, there is a great chance of Su Shilan's clue.

He had to go.


The strange place in the fantasy world is the strange birthplace of the whole fantasy world. It can be said that the birth of each demon here has an inseparable relationship with the strange land.

No one knows what secrets there are. However, from the demon's mouth, Lin Lang still heard a lot of information.

Part of the reason for the strange land to enter or leave is that it will produce eternal existence of the demon entity, and all have immortal bodies, one by one, and powerful, so it is almost difficult for entrants to walk alive come out.

There is the origin of the birth of the demon entity.

A strange advent phenomenon occurs one to two months apart from the outside world, but the weirdness in the weird place is eternal, so the born demon can be called immortal.

And when he gets there, the monk himself will give birth to endless magic, splitting up another self. It is almost impossible to survive under the siege of many demons.

Mozun is one such existence.

The only difference is that Mozun successfully walked out of the strange land by virtue of his overbearing strength.

Soon thereafter.

Lin Lang embarked on a journey and landed in a strange land.

The demon emperor was found out because of the secret of jealousy of this place, so he has always sent heavy soldiers to guard it, and there are several demon overlords guarding it, who can mix into strange places.

But now the kingdom of the demon is changing hands, and everything is not worth mentioning.

"This weird place ..."

Lin Lang stood outside the strange land, looking at this space, this is a continent, surrounded by a sea of ​​boundless sea, surging waves, seeing no end.

On the azure sea, an island stands.

It can be described as an island in an island.

The island is full of trees, and it is covered by a mist of fog. The light blue mist is highly toxic and poisonous to the soul. It erodes the soul.

Even if the immortal is on this round trip, I am afraid that the spirits will be eroded. Lin Langsheng is powerful in the soul, and the poison of the soul may be a disaster to the earth fairy, but it is nothing to him.

This made the blue haze of countless immortals returning to the feathers, which basically did not cause any injuries to Lin Lang, and he passed it smoothly.

The trees in front of them were lush and lively.

There are trees and grasses, and countless delicate clusters of flowers are racing to grow, just like a round of the sun, which emits light, which is unique and elegant.

But Lin Lang did not pass through the release of the soul toxin, but frowned.

"Of course the poison of this spirit is nothing to me, but can Su Shilan really bear it?" Lin Lang came to the island, thinking unconsciously.

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