At the same time, another Kuanglan County issued the King of Kings again. This time it is no longer the four major counties, but it is facing the 36 counties in the southwest.

The content of the seal book is very similar to the last time.

If you do not surrender, you will destroy the country!

Thirty-six counties in the southwest haven't recovered from the bad news of the four great county masters falling down, and this edict again shocked their hearts.

At the same time, the thirty-six counties in the southwest were surrendered. This is no longer a power dispute with the thirty-six counties in the southwest, but it is a direct declaration of war to the demon kingdom and the emperor!

Although the thirty-six counties in the southwest have their own soldiers and fight each other, the premise is that each county is under the demon kingdom. Because the demon emperor is the strongest of the spirit island, and it is the real master here.

If the King of Kuanglan wanted to annex the thirty-six counties of the southwest at the same time, wouldn't he despise the majesty of the Kingdom of Demons and overthrow the rule of the Demons?

How could the Emperor allow it?

Sure enough, the Kingdom of the Demon received the news at the first time, and the Emperor of the Demon was furious. At that time, he announced that he would be a royal conscript and lead the army to destroy the rebels of the Kuanglan County.

After the chapel was adjourned, the Demon Emperor personally put on the battle, and brought nearly a hundred top masters of the Demon Kingdom to the 36th County in the southwest.

After three days.

Outside the king city of Kuanglan County, a cloud of dark clouds shrouded, and a arrogant figure stood on top of the clouds, exuding suffocating coercion.

A large number of creatures in the city were trembling, trembling on the ground, and tremblingly looking up at the hundreds of powerful demons on top of the clouds.

"Heaven Emperor is calling!"

"When it's over, you blame Lin Youye. If he didn't challenge the authority of the Kingdom of Demon, how could the Demon Emperor come down in person."

"No one can bear the anger of the demon emperor!"

The people in the chaos of the Kuang Lan County were heartbroken, and what Lin Youye did, after all, angered the authority of the Demon Emperor. He led the army with hundreds of powerful men and was about to perish.

The chaos in the field was chaotic, and the civil and military officials were panicked.

Lin Lang also noticed the arrival of the Emperor Emperor, and transformed into a streamer. He went directly to the wall of the capital of the mad king and stood face to face with the Emperor Emperor.

"Unexpectedly, the person whom Mozun asked me to kill turned out to be a demon born by himself." Lin Lang smiled. The opposite Tianmo Emperor, he has also seen, it is the demon statue of Tianmo Cliff.

It's just that this demon is not another demon, although the demon emperor in front of him is the face of the demon, but it is very different from the breath of the demon cliff demon.

The true demon is a real demon. Although the demon emperor in front of him is extremely energetic, he does not have the shadow of a demon.

The only thing that is similar is that they have the same magical powers, and their fighting power stands on top of the giant. It's even more terrifying than the true deities.

When Lin Lang spoke these words, the demon emperor also vaguely guessed Lin Lang's identity, saying, "Human, so you are another one I sent to kill this seat."

"You may be wrong, I can't help him." Lin Lang smiled.

From the beginning to the end he was not ready to help the demon. The reason to anger the demon emperor was to try to kill as many demons as possible and get some magic medicine.

If possible, figuring out the connection between the demon emperor and the deities is also one of the purposes. He was curious as to why the demon born from Mozun was himself, and why he can survive to this day.

"Oh?" Lin Lang said something unexpectedly.

"That kind of dare not face me in person, in the past thousand years, I have tried to put me to death by various methods, collected Luoqi strangers, made various secret devices and sneaked into the Devil Island to assassinate me, but unfortunately did not succeed. "

Emperor Demon Road.

"You should be indistinguishable from you in the realm of magic respect, why not dare to come in person?" Lin Lang wondered.

"Because I am his demon, no matter the strength of cultivation, or the supernatural magic skills that we are good at, they are exactly the same. If we want to see each other, we will only devour each other, and we can only survive one person."

"Maybe it will become a whole new life."

Mozun said lightly.

"So it is." Lin Lang nodded. It's no wonder that the demon is afraid to stab the Demon Emperor and dare not set foot on Demon Island easily. It turns out that the Demon Emperor turned out to be a fetal fetus.

Replace the demon, become a new life.

Mozun was worried about this, so he did not dare to set foot on Mo Ling Island easily, and fight against the demon emperor to the opposite side.

"Since you are not a demon, why are you standing opposite me and declaring war against the emperor?" Tian Mo Huang asked lightly.

Naturally, it is impossible for him to believe Lin Lang's position because of his few words. All threatening factors should be strangled in the cradle as soon as possible.

"Of course it is for Lingzhi Xianzhi." Lin Lang smiled: "If the Emperor can provide me with more than ten Lingzhi Xianzhi, I can stop it and not hurt any creatures on the magic island."


The civil and military hundred officials who followed behind the Demon Emperor immediately changed his face. A large part of them are formed by elixir such as Ling Zhi Xian Zhi.

If the Emperor Emperor could provide more than ten Lingzhi Xianzhi, wouldn't it mean to cut off many of them?

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