A hundred-person team in the Kunxu world soon separated from each other after entering the fantasy world. Furthermore, the fantasy world was vast and the two familiar people rarely met.

No one expected that during this time, Mao Huacan came to the Demon Island, and it was mixed with wind and water, and he also became the master of the crazy country.

"It was you." Mao Huacan fixed his eyes on Lin Lang and frowned. "Ya'er, how did you get together with him? This person's origin is unknown, I'm afraid he's not the Qiluo."

He had some conflicts with Lin Lang at the bottom of Shuiyun Gong Mountain, but now this guy is next to Qin Ya, and naturally has hostility.

However, Qin Ya was obviously not very concerned about Mao Huacan's concern, and said coldly, "It doesn't seem to matter to you who I am with."

Mao Huacan's face was slightly rigid, and he returned to normal after a while. Then, in the tone of Guolan Guoguo, he said: "Destroy the walls of the wild Lan County and anger the Holy Dragon.

"The native division will chop you down. As for you, Qin Ya, read that you and I knew each other. As long as you stand in place, I can ask the county king to relieve you of today's guilt."

"Who is rare?" Qin Ya rubbed her nose, and said, "But I really didn't expect that the chief elder of Feng Lei Church, the future leader would fall free and take refuge in His Majesty. Surprised. "

Unexpectedly, this sentence of her actually poked directly at Mao Huacan's sore point and angered her.

"What do you know ?! Where do you know the benefits of Demon Island, here I am under one person and above ten thousand people, I can do whatever I want."

"Power, money, women, everything. Qin Ya, I know that you have always looked down on me, and you are proud of your talents, but as a result, Lao Tzu has never been in the Seven Princes of Kunxu, but my cultivation is better than any of you. All are tall. "

"I am already practicing in the realm of the realm, and seeing a kind of avenue, but what about you? So far, it is just the pinnacle of immortals. What's so proud of me?"

Mao Huacan's emotions became more and more excited, his face began to distort gradually, and his face was extremely dark: "You are a canary living in a cage with low eyes. Today, I will put myself in my cage and be happy every night."

I don't know what Mao Huacan has gone through these days. The psychological distortion has been completely distorted, even some abnormal.

Originally in Qin Ya's impression, although Mao Huacan was not her dish, she was at least courteous and personable, but she was so dark inside that she could not think of it.

At this moment, Mao Huacan's image completely collapsed.

Qin Ya was so annoyed that she couldn't be outdone: "Mao Huacan, you are shameless!"

"It's shameless. Only canaries like you make me feel conquered. After today, you will know how much I like your body." Mao Huacan smiled evilly.

Since tearing his face and speaking these words, he naturally could not allow accidents, and rushed out in no time, only to Lin Lang and Qin Ya.

Lin Lang is his desire for revenge.

Qin Ya is the object of his venting lust.

He could not let go of both.

However, he does have this strength. He is built on the top of the human immortal, and he also realizes a kind of avenue. He is already an invincible character in the prosperous state.

The first collision, he directly flew Qin Ya out. Both were talented people, and the means were not bad, but Mao Huacan was higher than Qin Ya!

Qin Ya was hit and flew straight away, her throat was sweet, and her blood was stained with a red robe.

"The Seven Sons of Kunxu have nothing but a false name, what is it in front of me?" Mao Huacan laughed, and then chopped out the wind and thunder with one hand and blasted to Lin Lang.

Lin Lang took a step forward, stepped on the thunder, and crushed the thunder directly. Then he jumped, and turned his palm into the rain, turning it into a 100-meter palm print and suppressing it.

"It turned out to be the devil of Tianmo Cliff. It has long been determined that you have a problem with your identity." Mao Huacan sneered, surrounded by thunder and lightning, and a dark thundercloud was attracted above the sky.

"Ten Thunders of Heaven and Earth!"

A burst of drink is like a thunderstorm.

The thundercloud above the sky was tumbling violently, and a vortex condensed in the middle. With a loud noise, a thick silver thunder fell.

The Ten Thunders of Heaven and Earth is the Zhenzong magical power of Fengleizong. At the beginning, it was a gradeless remnant, but even this was quite horrible. The power of the magical power in the early stage was almost comparable to the fifth-level superb magic power.

It is just that there are many inadequacies in the later period. As a result, the elders of Feng Leijiao are unable to continue to enlighten, and are unable to break through. They can only find other supernatural studies.

"Yu Shulei!"

"Arctic Thunder!"

"Tai Yi Lei!"

Every sound of Mao Huacan's voice fell, corresponding to the fall of a sturdy thunder.

Mao Huacan's talents are very high. The Ten Thunders of Heaven and Earth that he is practicing can summon three heaven and earth gods at the same time, and each one has the power to easily kill the immortals.

Three horrifying thunders fell on Lin Lang and instantly razed the surrounding walls to the ground. Countless demon corpses were instantly evaporated and annihilated.

Not to mention the human fairy, even if the earth fairy bears the heaven and earth **** thunder, he will be injured!

"It's terrible!" The distant embargo leader took a breath of air, and even when they were far away, he couldn't help but feel a panic as Tianlei fell.

Thunder and lightning have always restrained demons.

This is also one of the reasons why the monsters of the raging nations are afraid of Mao Huacan and think that his strength is infinite. They were already afraid of the power of the Thunder.

Everyone stared at the distant sky, the power of the thunder had not dissipated, and they saw a figure walking out of the thunder, and the treasure body was shining brightly without damage.

"I thought how strong it was, but that's it. Now it's time for me." Lin Lang shook his head.

He has already raised Xiu to the peak of Qiwen, and his strength has reached a new level. Tianlei can't even burn his body.

The voice dropped, Lin Lang raised his hand and waved, his hands turned into a black hole, in which the lightning flashed and thundered, suddenly, a demon palm protruded out of the black hole.

The star picker and the big demon hand work together, and instantly turn into the hand of the devil, with a crown of ten miles, like the angry nine-day devil, to shoot all enemies into the flesh.

Mao Huacan's pupils tightened, he quickly stirred up a black shield, and the black air flow turned up and down to form a solid shield. This was a magic weapon that he had accidentally obtained. Although it was broken, it was extremely defensive.

Even in the face of Dixian also has a certain defense ability.

However, it is not enough.

The hand of the devil crushed the black shield directly, removing some of the impact, and the remaining terror power poured out on Mao Huacan.

In the blink of an eye, Mao Huacan flew out and landed in a distant city, smashing countless houses. After receiving the frontal impact of the demon hand, he was almost patted into a meat pie, and his whole body was crushed.

There was only one last hang.

"Oh it's you!"

Mao Huacan stared, and at this moment finally realized Lin Lang's identity. The cultivation of the Seven-Striped Human Immortal has also trained him into the magic of the sky magic cliff. Is there a second person in the world?

Lin Lang took off his mask and revealed his handsome face. Now that he had entered the fantasy world, the mask was useless to him.

"Go kill him." Lin Lang said lightly.

Qin Ya was not surprised to see Lin Lang's true content, and she was so disgusted with Mao Huacan that she would not hesitate even if she was stained with blood on her hand to kill this important character of Fenglei.

She stepped forward and a delicate sword emerged in her hand, piercing Mao Huacan's heart directly. Blood was flowing, and Mao Huacan took a last breath.

"I'm not willing!"

Mao Huacan's eyes burst out, full of unwillingness. Before dying, this sentence was naturally not spoken to Qin Ya, but Lin Lang.

For the first time, the two played against each other, and the other was still a cricket ant who died in his eyes, and the latter escaped by trickery.

The second engagement was outside the Meteor Sword Abyss. Lin Lang used the secret method to improve his cultivation and could only defeat him temporarily.

But for the third time, Lin Lang killed him like cutting vegetables, and he could easily kill him.

This is just a seven-striped fairy!

"Take the spirit sword from him, and other things will be sent to you." Lin Lang said lightly, if he remembered correctly, Mao Huacan should have been taken away before the Qing sword.

"Really treat me as your maid?"

Qin Ya glared, and had a bad airway. But after a while, she rubbed her hands, blinked, and muttered, "This is what you said. Don't regret it."

A first-rate chief elder, it is difficult to imagine what a huge amount of wealth he will bring on his body. Qin Ya is naturally very eager.

After a while.

She returned in a hurry and returned the Shangqing sword to Lin Lang: "This should be your sword. He also has more than 10,000 spirit stones on him, so I'll give it back to you."

She knew that Lin Lang's cultivation was very expensive, so she planned to return the spiritual resources such as Ling Stone to Lin Lang. She calculated that the spirit stone and the fifth-order spiritual sword were still there. Mao Huacan still had a lot of good things on her body.

The chief elder of the first class of Zongmen, the most important thing in his body is the baby.

"No need, just go to Feng Lei to teach." Lin Lang shook his head.

"Feng Lei Jiao is not a vegetable market. You can go if you want." Qin Ya rolled her eyes.

But then again, Lin Lang can easily suppress such strong men as Mao Huacan, and maybe he can be called a banter.

While the two were talking, the palace location in the middle of the city suddenly burst into a shout, a human snake tail, and a figure wearing a crown rushing into the sky.

"He Fang is evil, dare to disturb me in the country of madland!" The voice dropped, and the king of madland approached quickly, a huge breath burst out, and the entire city repressed, and countless souls trembled.

"This is the breath of the county king!"

"It's the king of the county! The king of the county has come to protect us!" Excited and excited voices came from the king city.

Countless demons looked in awe at the noble figure in the air.

This is the eternal totem of the Kuang Lan Country, the master of a million people!

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