Having said that.

Qin Ya's body was weak, and she collapsed in Lin Lang's arms. Wenxiang nephrite is in her arms, exuding the sweet fragrance of the heart and spleen.

Lin Lang couldn't help showing a bitter smile, took out a few healing elixir from Space Spirit Ring, and stuffed it into Qin Ya's mouth. Then sit cross-legged, take out a hill-like spirit stone pile, and start to improve.

After about three or five days.

Qin Yayou woke up and recovered most of her injuries. She noticed her ragged clothes, a flush appeared on her face, and quickly took out a large robe to wrap her body.


The two began to discuss the march to Mo Ling Island.


When it comes to the inner circle of the magical heart, there is an endless starry sky, but there is no star in front of it, and some are just a vast and endless island exuding a watery blue shimmer.

Deep and mysterious.

This is the inner circle of the magical realm of magic, the magic island. There are a lot of demons on the island, which can also be called indigenous humans, but most monks in the Kunxu community are used to calling them demons.

The appearance of these demon spirits is no different from that of ordinary people, but the biggest difference is that they are not human beings, but are transformed into elixir. If they are killed, they will expose the body and become a potion that can be slaughtered by others.

And there are so many peculiarities on the Demon Island. The survivors are not limited to the indigenous demon. Various secrets have not been dug up until now.

Killing a demon represents a potion. There are many demon on the island of demon. Each one is a walking potion and has always coveted monks.

It's just that the demonic group is too powerful. There are more than one earth fairy-level demons sitting in the town. With the power of the monks who entered the magical realm of the heart, they can't fight at all.

Therefore, monks in the Kunxu kingdom would carefully hide their identities after entering the Demon Island, secretly hunting the demon, and beware of identity leakage.

Soon after.

The two landed on the Demon Island one after the other.

Everything on Mo Ling Island is basically similar to the human world. There are green grass, human living, some people live a life of slash and burn, and some people also live a nourishing life of Jinyiyushi, similar to the Kunxu world.

The only difference is that they were born with a destiny. Mortals are mortals. No matter how hard they fight, they ca n’t be monks, and they ca n’t be kings and nobles.

Everything here is realistic.

Without talent, there is no talent. It is impossible to change destiny through cultivation and struggle, because there is no aura here, all rights and statuses are born.

Some are powerful, comparable to the immortals, and are the rulers of the Devil Island forever. Some are born weak, and can only accept the fate of being enslaved throughout their lives.

The two landed in a rural field. An old man with a pickaxe was shovel in the field. His back was facing a hot sun and his skin was tanned.

"Does he belong to the category of demons?" Lin Lang said. Qin Ya nodded, and said, "All the monsters on the island are strong and weak, but they are collectively called demons. Some powerful demons are magical, and some do not, so they are weak. "

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