Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 672: The channel starts again!

Chang Wangfu has three immortal immortals, which can be described as powerful, but with Lin Lang's shots, the three strong ones have fallen.

Even if there are some remaining sins.

It is no longer a concern.

About thirty minutes later, this battle came to an end completely, and all the strong men on the side of Chang Wangfu were beheaded by the Blood Demon Palace.

In the distance, there may be some family members of the strong men in the royal palace. They are a group of old and weak women and children who are not bound by the power of chickens.

A large part of the reason Lin Lang perished in the Wangfu House was from Guojia Village.


The entire Changwang Mansion was dug almost three feet. All treasures were searched and exhausted by Lin Lang's powerful men. Lin Lang also succeeded in refining the demon bone meal required for the clone.

But there are still obstacles to making a clone. That is the soul. Lin Lang was severely damaged in the Meteor Sword Abyss last time and has not yet recovered.

If you rashly separate the spirits, you will only cause irreparable wounds to the spirits.

So the top priority is Lingzhi Xianzhi.

As long as he gets Lingzhi Xianzhi, he has the absolute certainty to repair the soul. So even if Mozun didn't make a request to him, he must go to the magical realm of the heart.

As for today.

I'm afraid there will be another big storm in Kunxu.

Lin Youye, who had disappeared for two years, reappeared, and once he appeared, he directly killed Chang Wangfu as a declaration of his return!

For a while everyone in the Kunxu community was in danger, reminding them to be afraid, for fear that the devil would come over and destroy them.

Chang Wang's Mansion is extremely strong among all second-rate sects in the Kunxu Realm. It has three immortals and ten strong immortals.

But still destroyed by Lin Youye!

Everyone knows that Lin Youye has become a climate, and he is no longer the little monk who fled from the gates of the wolverines and escaped, but a man who can kill the immortal immortal Xiong Xiong and truly has the ability to chase the world .

As long as others are present, you can prop up a second-rate school at any time!


at the same time.

Another major event happened in Kunxu.

Every three years, a few monks in the Kunxu community will go to the common world to bring back some good seedlings to join the major gates.

This year is no exception.

However, the scale of monks going to the vulgar world this year is much larger than in previous years. In the past, only Tianzong was eligible to decide on candidates. If other gates want to go, they can only exchange with Tianzong on the basis of paying some price. Quota.

But this year is different.

Today, each of the ancestral gates in the Kunxu sector has been granted a place to go to the ordinary world, while Tianzong has two to three places. In addition, the standard for repairs to the vulgar world has also changed significantly.

In the past millennium, in order to avoid a large number of strong people going to the vulgar world and disturbing the order, the cultivation was limited to below the immortal.

But this year, the standard has been adjusted to the elementary human fairy.

This also means that any monk below the middle-order fairy can go to the ordinary world as long as he can get a place.

Although most monks in the Kunxu community have already seen this incident, it was not until the day when the passage to the vulgar world opened that it caused a lot of sensation.

Over the imperial city of Zhongyu, Wanzhang Xiaguang sprinkled, tearing the sky to a black hole, and a golden channel was connected from the Kunxu world to the common world.

At the node where the two realms meet, there is a man with two swords, elegant and easy-going, but with the spirit of the emperor. His erect body is like a pine. The force connects the two realms.

This sight.

It's clearly visible even thousands of miles apart.

Countless people looked up, as if looking up at a miracle, feeling the mighty imperial spirit, full of awe.

How far is the distance between the two realms? Let alone say that there are tens of thousands of miles of void space, which can open the passage between the two realms and shelter the monks.

The only master who can do this is Xuanyuan Puqi!

Lin Lang crossed the domain from Yunlang Palace in the Western Region to Shuiyun Palace in the Eastern Region. By chance, he passed by the Imperial City and was finally the only holy place to see the Kunxu boundary.

Imperial City!

This is a magnificent ancient city. The towering walls are inserted into the sky, exuding the imperial spirit, far larger and more magnificent than Zhongzhou City!

"Is the channel open again."

Lin Lang frowned. This time it was the first time he saw the opening of the channel connecting the two realms, much larger than the scene he imagined.

"I don't know if the old people of Ye Xuanzong are okay."

Lin Lang looked at the sky and saw the golden light channel over the imperial city that connected the earth ’s ordinary world, and monks stepped into it constantly, wrapped in a layer of golden light, and embarked on the road.

Now it is the seventh year that he has left Ye Xuanzong, and he has been wandering in the void for three years, and has spent nearly four years in the Kunxu world.

He didn't go back for such a long time, and he didn't know if the acquaintances were okay, Miao Xuan, how are his parents now, and whether Ye Xuanzong is still standing on top of the clouds.

Shaking his head, Lin Lang didn't think too much. Today, Ye Xuanzong has nearly ten gods sitting in the town, and Wang Gucheng, an immortal master and official shelter, is afraid that the vulgar world has little power to threaten Ye Xuanzong.

However, Lin Lang was still not assured, and sent an order to the Skeleton Human Immortal, asking him to select a master of the Three-Stripe Immortal Realm from the Blood Demon Palace to go to the ordinary world.

For Tian Mo Ya, getting a place is not too laborious.

After doing this, Lin Lang began to accelerate with all his strength and rushed to Shuiyun Palace.

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