Fan Xing.

A member of Chang Wangfu's rank is highly regarded by Chang Wang. If seniority ranks enough to rank among the top three generals of Chang Wangfu.

Its own strength should not be underestimated, reaching the peak of the immortal level, so this time the action of clearing up the thieves can lead the expedition, to conquer the **** church thieves.

And his death represents the end of a battle. The strongest advent of the remaining people is just Jiuwen Renxian, which is hard to stop Lin Lang's offensive.

"Master is dead!"

The army quickly became an uproar, and no one had expected that the peak human immortal, such as Fan Xing, was killed directly and strongly in front of this scholar of scholarship.

Even the coaches of the three armies died on the spot, and the officers and men were without heads, and they were in chaos instantly.

"Everyone stays calm, when we are often bullied into the palace and cheer up. Fan Shuai can't die in vain and avenge Fan Shuai!" A general stepped forward in time to try to stabilize the army.

Unfortunately, even if he stood up in time to organize the army, his prestige was far below Fan Xing, and his morale was still low, making it difficult to organize an effective attack.

The trend is gone!

The generals shook their heads. The large-scale battles between monk armies are different from those in mortal kingdoms. In contrast, the three armies' coaches are important but necessary in the battle between mortal armies.

Even if the Lord is beheaded, the final victory can still be achieved under the absolute number of people.

But the monk army is different. As monks, everyone has their own ideas. Individual strength can determine the direction of a war.

An absolutely strong monk, even if there are many enemies opposite, can completely influence the direction of a war by himself. And the army coach is often the strongest in this army. When the coach is beheaded, it basically declares the defeat of the army.

Lin Lang stepped out, the ground collapsed, and countless monks were drawn into the ground. The ground collapsed and was instantly pressed into a cloud of blood.

Numerous stabs emerged from the ground, piercing a monk, and the ground was bloody.

For these sergeants, Lin Lang did not show the slightest weakness. Each of them might be stained with the blood of the villagers, so he was not prepared to stay alive.

"He came over!"

When the distant Chang Wangfu people saw Lin Lang killing them, his face immediately changed, each showed his magical power, and fled quickly to the distance.

Would the ordinary soldiers behind them stay here to die, one by one, throwing their helmets and throwing off their armors, and fleeing.

Just how fast can they pass Lin Lang? Within a few breaths, Lin Lang had already rushed into the army of Chang Wangfu, setting off a monstrous murder.

Where he passed was a torrential storm, his footsteps falling enough to easily radiate the violent howling wind that the monk of the realm had torn away.

This slaughter lasted for more than half an hour, including several immortals who were fighting the niggas. They were also solved by Lin Lang one by one. Chang Wangfu's 6,000 sergeants killed in mighty ways, but few of them may have escaped alive.

The entire Guojiacun has turned into a sacred hell. The blood on the ground is drifting, and the blood on the ground has not drained. You can step on the blood with a series of blood bubbles.

There are corpses all over the mountains.

Lin Lang was wearing a light blue robe, and he was not blood-stained. He always looked down at the earth indifferently. At one moment, he suddenly felt something and suddenly looked up at the sky.

A thundercloud floated in the sky, brewing a terrible number of robbery, and was about to fall down. The blood Dan above Lin Lang's head continuously devoured the blood in the heavens and the earth. At this moment, he finally came to an end, and a looming Dan pattern emerged.


Thunder thunders like rain, falling down.

Few people know that there is not only one heavenly golden dandelion in Lin Lang's body. In addition, there is a blood dandelion formed by blood gas.

Scarlet Jindan is one of the ancient monks, usually such people are called blood. Unlike other monks, what they absorbed was not the heaven and earth aura, but the flesh, the monk group that was born to kill.

The combat power of each blood cult is unprecedentedly powerful. Even without training any magical power, a combat power can fight across an entire realm.

They are full of blood and can be healed in the blink of an eye. Even if they are seriously injured, they only need to adjust their breath for half an hour to recover.

Resilience is quite abnormal.

This is a very scary monk.

It is said that in ancient times, there were powerful people who cultivated blood. In the name of immortality, their souls are immortal and they last forever. It's just that the practice of blood cultivation is too bloody. When it appears, it will cause a great killing, so it will be attacked by the people in the world, and it will end the Taoism.

Coincidentally, Lin Lang broke into an ancient cave house at an accidental opportunity and got a broken blood tradition.

Blood Dan uses blood as a bait, contaminated with endless killing, and it will inevitably lead to annihilation and killing at the moment of final formation.

Blood Dan Jie now!

Thunder and thunder roared, countless roads of thunder landed, and completely enveloped Lin Lang's location in a horrible thunderstorm.

Rao Lin had predicted that Blood Dan ’s Robbery would be terrifying, but it wasn't until this moment that he found himself far underestimating the power of Blood Dan ’s Robbery.

Almost comparable to the number of ordinary immortals in the immortal realm.

Blood Danzhao is equivalent to the monk who was promoted from innate to Jin Dan realm, but the law is too violent, and the thunderbolt dropped by a hundred times.

How terrible is a quasi-jindan monk who is facing the calamity that the immortal priests have passed through?

That is to say, the two Jindans who are fellow initiates in Lin Lang, the heavenly Jindan has reached the level of six patterns.


Tianlei muffled, and it was only half an hour before it ended. Lin Lang used the power of the heavenly golden dan, and his body was cracked, and finally he barely blocked the blood dan.

Clouds dissipated, while blood dansell was running, Lin Lang was full of strong blood, and his injuries recovered in the blink of an eye.

"Although Xue Dan Jie was terrible, it was a good experience. At least it solved the problem of instability for me." Lin Lang smiled and took Tian Dao Jin Dan back into his body, and Xue Dan was left by him.

Suddenly, Xuedan erupted into a horrible suction, slowly revolving around, absorbing all the remaining blood in this place.

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