Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 65: Eliminate the white eyebrows! Deterrent!

The colorful flames are said to be the wrath descended from the gods, punishing the injustices in the world, and when the gods are angry, the fertile land will be transformed into endless scorched earth.

With a wave of heat rising from the face, although the roof has not really been touched, the immense momentum has long burned the roof out of a large hole, and even looked up, just to see the spire of the ancient castle.

The horrible temperature of the colorful flames can be seen.

As for the dozen or so advanced flame charms played by Bai Mei, although the volume is not inferior to the colorful flames, the quality is the difference between heaven and earth!

One is sky fire and the other is fire. How can they be compared?

I saw that the bonfire called by Baimei at this time, as if met the nemesis, could not help but retreat, but unfortunately, the colorful flame did not let it go, swallowed it with a cry.

"Everything is wrong. This is the master's method. He turned out to be a famous master?"

Bai Mei was horrified. The warriors were divided into the secret and the master, and the same was true for the practitioners. After the practitioners reached the peak of the path, they could jump into the dragon gate and become the master of admiration.

But he wanted to break his head, and did not expect that the young man standing opposite today would be a downright master of spiritual practice.

Especially at the moment when more than a dozen paper breaks burst at the same time, his pupils shrank, and if he was in a bad situation, he wanted to escape, and his steps had already been taken.

But how could Lin Lang ignore it? With a big wave of his hand, the rolled up colorful flames condensed into a dragon shape in the middle of the road, leaping out into the distance, and finally took Baimei back to his side.

Feeling the hot temperature around him, Baimei could even smell the scorched flesh of the skin, but even then he didn't dare to move, because he knew very well that if he touched a colorful flame, he would only be killed.

"Friend, I confessed this time. I didn't expect you to be a master practitioner. I am willing to use my nearly 10 billion yuan of assets to buy my own life."

Baimei stiffened his head and pulled out a few bank cards from his pocket, which were scattered together and even far exceeded the figure of 10 billion. It is expected that the other party should be able to spare his life even in the face of money?

"Money is just a string of numbers. Unfortunately, I can't buy it and change my mind." Lin Lang said lightly.

Upon hearing this, Bai Mei's heart was completely cold, and the other party had no intention of letting him go!

"Damn it, fight it. Even after punishment by the rear division, I will use that piece of treasure!"

"All souls and ghosts, younger disciples with white eyebrows, calling the Yasha Walker method to come down!"

Baimei gritted her teeth, then took a piccolo from her body, and played it on her lips.

The faint air began to suppress, and it was dull and terrifying, as if the day was about to collapse, making it difficult for everyone present to breathe.

Apparently, Bai Mei is calling for something terrifying.

However, he didn't have this time. The colorful flames rushed up, and Bai Mei didn't even have a resistance, and it turned into a ash.

"I always hated things like ghosts, you're hitting the muzzle."

For some reason, what Bai Mei wanted to summon made him instinctively uncomfortable, and he was good at such things as ghosts, as well as other cultivators, and they had a natural resistance.

After burning Baimei, Lin Lang's eyes fell on the only piccolo surviving in the body of ashes.

This piccolo body is made of black jade, and the red tail spikes are tied to the back, making the black red, and the dark red light inside the black jade will refract out, it looks strange.

"This flute is somewhat mysterious."

Lin Lang's eyes flickered, and the sky fire of the purple flame god's eye could burn all things, and even the second and third spirits could not be harmless in the sky fire, but this piccolo ...

After picking up Piccolo, Lin Lang looked back at the bunch of big bosses in the corner.

Because of the relationship between Baimei, if the fire was not controlled by Lin Lang deliberately, I am afraid that the entire Chateau Latour will be lit. Rao is so, it is not only devastating, it will not only directly surround the dozens of people. Only half of the large round table was burned, and even the surrounding walls were cracked.

"That ... Mr. Lin, have you finished fighting?" Mo's mouth swallowed, her lips were dry, apparently the water from Tianhuo's temperature almost evaporated.

"Well, that ash on the ground is him."

"Can you put down the fire first, and we will all be cooked before it burns ..." Mo Erye laughed.

Lin Lang nodded, and the seven-color flame rolled back, and in the horrified eyes of Mo Erye, he got into Lin Lang's eyes.

After these people regained their composure, they went to the table to sip a few drools, and their pale faces recovered.

At this time everyone looked at Lin Lang differently, with strange emotions such as fear and admiration.

They can be a rich and powerful country, and they can get monstrous power, but once they let them know that their efforts in these practices are just a flick of their fingers, and their lives are cut away like grass, they will never be proud again. Already.

They have a lot and they also care a lot.

It can be said that the emergence of practitioners is to undermine the general rule.

Because ... they can ignore the rules and even override them!

The complexion of Mo Xinrou's face was also a bit complicated. I thought that Lin Lang was only a master of martial arts. I did not expect that the other party had such profound accomplishments in the way of practicing the Fa. When she thought of the ignorance of Lin Lang in her mind before, she could bear it Can not help but give birth to a moment of shame.

She is a guru, and she does everything right. How can she be qualified to comment on others ...

"Today I have opened my eyes. Mr. Lin admires his magical methods. Zhang admires it."

"Mr. Lin, this time has helped us all. How about we give Mr. Lin a thank-you feast together?"

Of course they don't know what professional terms such as refining symbols are, but the only thing they can believe is who is doing good and who is telling the truth!

Moreover, the scene that happened before has made them completely shocked their hearts. In this world, there are really gods.

"Mr. Lin's spells are unparalleled.

Wen Liangshan also sighed and said solemnly.

"Thank you very much for helping me make a siege for me." Lin Langhan smiled. "I gave you the Zhujidan. Remember to go back and take it to protect you from becoming a warrior."

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately fry the pan.

Previously, Lin Lang said that an elixir could make Wen Liangshan become a warrior. They only thought it was a joke, but now speaking from Lin Lang's mouth, it can be said that it is a golden rule, who dare not believe its function.

It was thought that Wen Liangshan only gave alms at that time, but he did not expect that the other party made a big bet, but he made the right bet.

The thought of Wen Liangshan spending only one billion yuan changed into a warrior, who is not jealous?

"That ... Mr. Lin, is there any previous elixir, I am willing to pay a large price!"

"I have two billion, just one Dan!"

"My last little Zhujidan has been photographed to Wen's owner, but he is gone." Lin Lang shook his head.


There was a sound of disappointment around, and it was right to think about it. If such a powerful elixir was so easy to obtain, wouldn't it be that there were warriors everywhere.


Lin Lang spoke sharply, and immediately caught everyone's attention. They all listened carefully, for fear of missing a word.

"But if there are materials, I can consider making a furnace!"

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