Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 623: Ice Spirit Sword Spirit

Seeing that the hard-working and hard-bodied Taoism was blasted out of a crack by the breath of heaven, Lingtian heaven and earth were brewing again, and Lin Lang was anxious.


The breath of heaven is falling again, and it is about to be bombarded above the gravitational path. Lin Lang dare not neglect, mobilize his mental strength, and wrap around the gravitational path to escape quickly in Linghai heaven and earth.

However, the heavenly atmosphere is faster, and it splits again in an instant, flying away the gravity path species, and a crack is added above the path species again, and the gravity path uncontrollably escapes again.

Shen Lingxuan also noticed this, and she had seven or eight points of affirmation in her heart. If she hadn't condensed the Taoist species, how could she have the appearance in front of her.

"Being able to consolidate in the realm of human fairy, even if it fails, is enough to be proud, such a person is far more powerful than the ordinary peak human fairy." Shen Lingxuan meditated silently. At the same time, Lin Linlang's identity is more curious.

Boom boom!

The breath of heaven is constantly smashed on the surface of the gravitational tract, and the seeds of the original pea dice have been completely worn away in several breaths. Lin Lang had no choice but to watch this scene helplessly.

After all, he is different from other monks. Others only need to condense the Tao in Linghai, but he is the world of Linghai, dominated by the breath of heaven.

Seeing that the hard-working meditations were thrown into the air, Lin Lang didn't feel the heartache was false. Using such a large battle, even tens of thousands of spiritual stones were used to condense the Tao-style.

But he was still a little reconciled, and while the surrounding aura ocean did not dissipate, he tried to mobilize the way of gravity to condense again.

Perhaps only by trying again, Lin Lang will be able to find out the source of the problem, otherwise he will not be able to consolidate Taoism in the future, which means that he will be permanently trapped in the fairyland.

Lin Lang was unwilling to continue trying, but this attempt didn't matter, but the result was that he was ecstatic and gave out a cheerful long laugh.

The Dao dissipated, but he was still able to call the Gravity Dao, without harming the origin! Although there are no gravitational species, the results are the same.

When he calms down, he thinks secretly.

This is probably the reason for the beginning and end.

"My physique is different from that of ordinary people. Others must condense the Tao in the Linghai, but my Linghai is a world that has not yet formed, and the breath of heaven and earth is the only avenue between heaven and earth."

"That is to say, all the Taoism I have condensed will be transformed into the nutrients of this space. The beginning of the Tao and the **** of Wandao will eventually evolve into a real world." Lin Lang meditated silently, at least for him. Point out a direction.

"It's just that there are so many heavens and avenues. A person's talents are outstanding, and no matter how high his understanding is, it is impossible to fully understand all the avenues, not to mention that each state has its limits. Can my body accommodate so many species?

Thinking of this, Lin Lang felt a little shaken. But shaking his head, he didn't think about it again. After all, even if the real world cannot be evolved in the body, as long as he tries his best to consolidate the avenue, his combat power will also be in an unprecedented state.


There are a few people in the world who can beat Daganmenjiao. At least one hundred years old can do this?

"It's time to leave, or wait until Daganmen teaches the injury to recover, and with my current strength I can't deal with him." Lin Lang shook his head and stood up from the ground.

But before that, he had to do another thing.

That is to remove the sword at the bottom of the volcano.

It is this rule of holy power emitted by the sword that has caused the entire lake to be changed, giving birth to a rare spiritual fluid such as cold crystal water. A sword that can dispense rules, how could Lin Lang be indifferent?

Near this sword, there are dense ice rules, which have more energy than cold crystal water. Lin Lang only advanced to a position more than ten meters in front of the sword, and a thick ice rule swarmed over.

Even though Lin Lang had been prepared for a long time, under the power of this cold and cold, he was still not affected lightly, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were soon covered with ice crystals. Lin Lang stepped forward once more, crushed by a larger ice rule, frozen him directly into a lifelike ice sculpture.


Lin Lang faintly uttered a voice, releasing the fire around him, and the burning temperature immediately melted the ice crystals on his body. Divine fire is the second level of the Ziyan god's eyes, even the earth fairy can burn to death.

But even when the magical fire appeared, it was still a bit dwarfed under this ice rule. At most, it was only five meters in front of the sword.

Lin Lang had no choice but to return. The sword is extraordinary. It can release the rules of ice. Even the magic fire can't be resisted. Unless the purple flame god's eye can be upgraded by another level and evolved to the purple extreme hot fire, the flame rule can fight the ice rule.

But this is obviously impossible.

"There are countless swords in the abyss of the Meteorological Sword, and there are also psychic six-grade holy swords. Unless they can be recognized by the sword, there may be a few points in charge of the holy sword." Shen Lingxuan said softly.

She had done a lot of preparations before entering the meteoric sword abyss, and knew the meteoric sword abyss very well. If you want to win the sword, you must first get the approval of the sword spirit. Otherwise, even if the earth fairy comes, don't want to take them away easily.

The biggest reason why Shen Lingxuan was able to go down here was that she had the cold body constitution and had the opportunity to be recognized by the sword spirit. As long as she is tested, she will have a chance to bring the sword out of the meteoric sword abyss.

"What about gravity?" Lin Lang lifted his eyelids and waved his sleeves. The gravity in the space in front of him was twisted. The sword was pushed behind by an invisible force. The sword that was still in place was taken by him instantly .

It should be noted that the sword has been blooming rules. Even if Lin Lang moved to the front with the force of gravity, the power of the strong rules still exists, even stronger than ever.

Lin Lang immediately sacrificed Zihuo. He naturally could not resist the erosion of the ice rule, but Zihuo could. As a seed of the source of thousands of fires, even though Wei Neng is no longer in the past, it has also entangled the rules of flames, and even has a number of flame rules several times more than the Soul Sword.

With Zihuo's suppression, Bingmo's sword could not make any waves, and Lin Lang was easily recruited in front of him. Zihuo's power can't be blocked even by the dark rules, and when it appears, it will illuminate the bottom of the volcano.

Shen Lingxuan also saw an unforgettable scene in her life.

"You are so brave, you want to take charge of the Ice Sword without the consent of Ben Qiling, but it is whimsical." The sword body suddenly sneered.

Subsequently, a woman wearing a crystal blue robe stepped out of the sword, her cold eyes looked at Lin Lang with a murderous look. In those eyes, the rules of ice were shot, but they were intercepted by Zihuo.

"You're the spirit of the Soul Sword?"

Lin Lang looked at the woman who came out of the sword.

"It's this seat." The sword spirit woman snorted coldly. "You little doll is arrogant. If you don't pass the test of this seat, you want to take away the ice soul sword and make your spring and autumn dreams."

"What is your test?"

Lin Lang said faintly.

Seeing that Lin Lang was not so tough, the sword spirit woman's face also slowed down, and said, "Remove your flames first." The flame rules emitted by Zihuo let the sword spirit woman intertwine the ice rules. Very uncomfortable.

Lin Lang did not take it away.

"Crazy guy! I thought about giving you a chance to be tested a little bit, and preaching your Supreme Way, now it seems ..." Sword Spirit Woman sneered: "Of course, I can give you one last chance."

"Keep me on your knees, please ask me and I'll give you a chance to test." The sword-spirited woman spoke proudly, her eyes slanting Lin Lang, as if looking forward to seeing the other person thunder.

"Okay." Lin Lang just smiled slightly and raised his hand to point a finger, the mighty spiritual force smashed the illusory body formed by the sword spirit woman. There was a sneer in the sword body of the Bingmo sword: "I can't get my deity in this life without the approval of the sword spirit. How can I bear it?"

"Really?" Lin Lang's face was indifferent, and he turned the gravity to move between his hands, and grabbed the sword's blade directly into his hand: "Then you don't need to exist."

The sword body was constantly struggling, but how could the escaped Lin Lin who had been arrested hardly escape it. Seeing that he could n’t get away, the sword spirit simply gave up his struggle. Anyway, he was a **** born inside the Ice Sword, and was bred by rules. Unless the master of the refiner or Tianxian shot it himself, he would not be threatened by the current fire .

But it miscalculated Lin Lang.

Lin Lang raised his hand, and there were several heavenly breaths in his palm, and he blasted out towards the sword body. The heavenly road is supreme and dominates the million roads, which is absolutely feasible for all roads.

It can't be easier to destroy a sword spirit with the breath of heaven. It didn't take long for the voice of begging for mercy to come from Bingmo sword. Obviously, Qi Ling also understood that Lin Lang really had the power to destroy it.

"I can give you a chance to test, and I can waterproof in the test. I recognize you as the master, please don't destroy me!" Jian Ling complained endlessly.

Lin Lang turned a deaf ear, and the breath of heaven and earth constantly bombarded the sword spirit. Such obedient instrumental spirits are also a scourge after all. It is impossible to say that one day he would draw a sword to his master.

"You will regret it, stupid human beings, Lord Burning Heaven Sword will avenge me!" Jian Ling's voice became weaker and weaker until finally disappeared completely between heaven and earth.

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