Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 6: People from harm

In an instant, time passed quickly, and Lin Lang's perception did not know how much time had passed.


Lin Lang was flowing with a feeling of rejuvenation, and opened his eyes again. A pair of sharp eyes flashed in those beautiful eyes.

One night of cultivation did not make Lin Lang tired, but was energetic. This is cultivation, a tonic for a monk. He just likes people to eat. Not only will he not feel tired, but he will eat more satiety and satisfaction.

"The aura on this earth is really too light. If I look at the immortal world, I have the confidence to cross the three realms of refining, building the foundation, and congenital overnight to directly produce Jindan, and luck is better. impossible."

Lin Lang got up a little bit, and couldn't help it. The aura on the earth was just this, so he had to confess his fate.

"The five basic realms are subdivided into five realms: front, middle, late, and peak. But now I have reached the early stage of gas refining, and I can barely protect myself on this earth."

Lin Lang felt relieved at the bottom of his heart, and now he is no longer a fish to be slaughtered by anyone. What happened, relying on various means accumulated in previous lives, there should be no problem in protecting himself!

Lin Lang got up and just wanted to leave, but on the highway behind, two cars rushed over from a distance.

One after the other, the former stepped on the accelerator with one foot to the end. It is estimated that the speed has reached more than 200 miles per hour, and the car behind is not bad.

However, if you look closely, the latter still has a small advantage in terms of speed, and it won't be long before you can catch up.

The Maserati President's model that drives in the front must not be as fast as the sports car in the back, but the price is better, one or two million, and no tens of millions of liquidity can afford it.

Sitting in the car was a 27-year-old woman with a biased appearance, with a bit of British spirit between her eyes, a serious look, and a tired look. She should be a female CEO who lingers in the mall all year round.

"Even such women drive so fast, it is probably a drag racing."

Lin Lang shook his head. The highway is usually quiet, and it is normal for the second generation of rich people to drive here.

At the moment Lin Lang was preparing to go home, but at this moment, Maserati's wheel was crooked and he rushed towards Lin Lang actively.

Lin Lang frowned slightly, avoiding the attacking car on one side of his body, and wanted to question the other.

At this time, a woman took the initiative to open the door and jump out.


As the Leng Yan woman jumped out, Maserati opened a tragic arc by herself and fell into the Yangliu River.

Because the speed is very fast, although the Leng Yan woman jumped out of the car, although she first landed on her feet, this huge momentum still left her leg bent to one side immediately.

As for the sole that landed first, it was bent backwards.

Obviously, her legs and feet were slightly disjointed and severely fractured.

The face of Lengyan woman's face was full of pain, but even with this kind of injury, she still clenched her teeth, and she didn't let herself scream and immediately fell on the grass without moving.

Lin Lang's eyes flashed a little admiration. The pain of the bone fracture has definitely exceeded the scope of ordinary people. Do not let yourself cry, you can imagine how tough this woman's personality is.

"This woman has a stable personality and is extremely strong inside. If you polish it, it can be regarded as an excellent cultivating material."

Seeing Lin Lang standing still, the Lengyan woman coerced her pain and made a hissing gesture, then smirked and motioned for Lin Lang to leave.

Lin Lang is not a dull person. Depending on the actions of the other party, how can he do this if it is not forced by the situation.

In order to verify the guess, Lin Lang set his eyes on the car behind.

Just when Lin Lang and the Lengyan woman looked at each other, two powerful men with strong muscles came down from the car, and in their hands they held a bunch of black things wrapped in black cloth.

It's a gun!

Lin Lang's pupils shrank.

He understood what was going on. It turned out that these two men were hunting down Leng Yan woman, but ... what is the reason for two big men to hunt down a weak woman who has no power of chickens?

"Brother, this **** has fallen into the river. I said that the female driver was unreliable. Before we started, I didn't throw myself into the river."

The traitor man chuckled.

Because there is a distance between the two cars, they did not see the behavior of Leng Yan woman jumping in advance as Lin Lang generally.

"Don't care, this woman is very delicate, we can't care about it before we can solve her by hand." There was a wise light in the eyes of the flat-headed man.

"Perhaps, he's near us, searching, if not, he's down the river, don't let her run away from the water."

"Okay." The traitor man promised, then seemed to remember something, pointed at Lin Lang with a gun.

"This kid has all seen it, shouldn't it click?" The traitorous man put on his neck.

"Just do it, or we won't be able to survive without going back."

The flat-headed man nodded in agreement, and then set his gaze back to the front, sweeping the pistol.


What about people?

But it was the effort of a word, looked up again, there is no shadow of Lin Lang in front of him.

"This kid must be lying on the grass, wait for me to put two shots first." The flat-headed man chuckled, and then raised his hand and put two shots at the previous position of Lin Lang.

Because the muzzle is equipped with a muffler, the sound of the shot is not loud, just like a small stone thrown into the water, which is not noticeable at all.

"It's very deep, Asan, go and search in the grass," the flat-headed man ordered.

His words fell, and the other party did not respond, which could not help but make him look at the other party subconsciously.

However, he had no time to see a pair of handsome palms, slowly rising from under his chest, and climbing to the neck of the flat-headed man at a speed that was too late to react.


The flat-headed man, like his colleague's ending, was quietly twisted by Lin Lang's neck and died.

"Want to kill me? You almost still."

Lin Lang sneered, then thought of a crucial question.

"Here is the earth. After all, it is not the kind of place where human life is like grass and mustard. This is the legal world. It is estimated that there will be a lot of trouble for two people who die for no reason.

Lin Lang frowned, but he was not very worried. After all, he didn't do anything like destroying the corpses in the fairyland.

I saw Lin Lang's palm pressed on the ground, raised it again, and a faint cluster of flames beat in his palm.

This is a little magical power drawn from the essence of earth fire.

But it was this flame that seemed to be extinguished at any time, but after touching the two bodies, the fire was out of control, and the two bodies were burned to ashes in a blink of an eye.

But there was one thing, but Lin Lang didn't burn it. It was the clothes of the two.

A wave of Lin Lang's palm set off a breeze and scattered into the Yangliu River.

"I'm doing harm to the people."

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