Standing on the five-foot glazed platform is a wonderfully aged woman, with a dignified and beautiful face, a beautiful and pleasant face, and a slight cinnabar mole on the tip of her brows, which did not destroy the appearance, but looked more charming. This woman's body is also very good. Her exquisite and delicate body is wrapped in a bright red package hip skirt, which is more **** and charming.

The exquisite looks and the perfect match of the figure together can't help but make people's eyes bright, shocked to heaven, and with a smile, I don't know how many men are disappointed.

"Qin Ya! The auction officer of this auction turned out to be Qin Ya, and Qin Ya, one of the three beauties of the Central Region, even came to our North Region, and also served as the main auction officer of this auction."

"It's her. There are three beauties in Zhongyu, and the other two are juniors. They are useless, but this Qin beauty is not only beautiful and glorious, but also extremely horrible. One of the people who hopes to break through Dixian. "

Countless uproars sounded below, and I don't know how many people were drunk. You must know that there are three beauties in Central China. Qin Ya is the deserved one of the three beauties. Both family and talent are top-notch, and even Xiuwei has reached the level of Jiuwen Renxian.

Qin Ya, a descendant of the first-class family in the Kunxu community, worshipped under the gate of a giant in the Xiaxia Valley, and her status was top-notch. In addition, she was also one of the seven sons of the previous generation in Kunxu. Now she is a cultivation of the Jiuwenrenxian, and it is by no means a futile vase.

What's even more insane is that there are countless suitors behind her, but she has not yet chosen a husband, so I don't know how many people want to get a chance to be a pro-Fangze.

Sure enough, as soon as Qin Ya appeared, all the eyes on the field focused on her. However, Qin Ya seemed to have no sense, and it was commonplace for such countless people to stare. She lifted her palm with a smile and pressed down, and suddenly the auction house was silent.

Many people think that asking Qin Ya to be the host may be a very wrong decision for Trinity Auction, because most people's eyes are likely to focus on Qin Ya and ignore the auction itself.

However, this is not the case. Although Qin Ya is beautiful, it is by no means a vase, and her ability to control the field is quite deep. In a few words, the emotions of the bidders are mobilized, and sometimes the auctioned items have far exceeded their value under constant price increases.

At this moment, Lin Lang and Chu Li have returned to the VIP box, sitting on a willow green rattan chair and watching the auction below. Moreover, the prohibition in the VIP box is also unusual. It is soundproof to the outside but not soundproof to the inside. The situation of every treasure introduced by Qin Ya is clear and audible.

"I believe everyone will hear the treasures next to the auction, calling them exquisite." Qin Ya's white arm slightly lifted, and a lotus altar rose slowly beside her. The delicate jade carved the petals, Lifelike, at the position of the flower heart of the lotus altar, a ball-shaped object is held up by a jade pillar, shaped like a bell, and the whole body is red.

Immediately after the appearance of Que Linglong, a beautiful music sounded in the auction hall, as crisp as a pearl and a jade plate, just like the sound of natural sound. The sound naturally came from the bird.

"Ching Linglong is born to be raised in nature. Mostly, it will be born in the extreme sun and must fall to the earth, or in a place where the Tao is born in a different place. Chi Linglong is born near the road. , Into the realm of enlightenment, with a bit of luck, it is possible to perceive a kind of sonic magic from it. "

"Well, I won't introduce more. I believe that everyone has a deeper understanding of Que Linglong. Now I will announce the starting price, the low price is 3,000, and the price increase is not less than one hundred."

Qin Ya spoke softly, and then the paragraph receded aside, so that everyone's attention was better focused on Lingling, not her.

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