Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 597: Mochizuki Seven Fingers

Lin Lang stood at the gate of the eighteenth floor and looked at the waiter girl, and said, "It should be possible to conduct auction transactions at the auction of Trinity?"

The waiter girl froze, and some did not understand what Lin Lang meant. Just listen to the latter and continue: "Now I have a magical power in my hand that needs to be auctioned, and I need your help to contact the senior management of the auction house."

"Dear distinguished guests, the articles of association have been arranged for this auction. In theory, for the time being, it is impossible to trade with this auction house." The waiter girl always had a professional smile on her face.

Obviously, her charm only applies to Chu Li. After all, that is the son of Tianzong's Tianjiao, and the future Chumen helmsman will have endless use if he has the opportunity to catch Chu Li. However, Lin Lang was included in the list of kills by Tianzong, and it is very difficult for her to maintain such a standard smile.

"It's not feasible in theory, but it doesn't mean it doesn't work, right?" Chu Li opened the curtain and saw Lin Lang leave and was about to go out. Lin Lang understood the meaning of Chu Li, so he looked at the waiter girl again and said, "Trinxiu's auction house cares nothing more than the quality of the auction items. Go ahead and inform your president. The quality of the things I have produced will never be worse. . "

The waiter girl opened her mouth when she saw Chu Li, nodded respectfully, and walked away. Soon, a middle-aged man in a long shirt came to the gate of No. 18 Dizi. No one had arrived yet. A clear laughter came before him: "Recently, the auction house is busy, and you ca n’t wait for bad reception. Chu Gonghai Haihan. "

For this young master of Chumen, even if the president of the Trinity auction is already a nine-printed immortal, he has to deal with it forever. The two of them chuckled for a while, and the chairman smiled and said, "Since Chu Gongzi has notified me to come, there must be rare things to be auctioned?"

"It's not me, it's him looking for you."

Chu Li shook his head.

The chairman looked away from Chu Li, and looked at Lin Lang, frowning, and said, "Lin Youye? What do you want to put up for auction?" Obviously, the recent events in Zhongzhou City have been making a lot of noise. He Even if he did not know it deliberately, he knew very well about Lin Youye.

"There is indeed something." Lin Lang nodded, and then pulled out a stack of golden paper from the space spirit ring and handed it to the chairman, saying: "This is a magic skill of the earth god, fifth-grade superb magical power, Mochizuki Seven-finger, I now need to use the power of the Trinx auction to auction it out. "

"It was the magical power of the fifth-ranked top grade, what, the fifth-ranked top grade." The chairman suddenly stared, surprised. You must know that the Kunxu practice is very rare. Basically, every exercise is firmly controlled by the major families, and it is strictly forbidden to spread it.

Dixian-level magical powers are only in the hands of Tianzong and a few first-rate ancestors. There are no more than 20 divine magical powers circulating in the entire Kunxu community, and each step is precious. Even some land fairy strongmen still practice fourth-order exercises.

It is enough to see the preciousness of a local immortal.

Ordinary people will inevitably cover up the Dixian Gongfa, and don't let other people know. This Lin Youye is better, not only directly taken out, but even put on the auction floor for auction. However, although President Trixo was shocked, he was not at a loss.

After a brief absence, the president took a deep breath and solemnly said: "Dixian Shentong is very involved. We need to find someone to identify it first, and if there are any problems, we will inform the two. If there are no problems, we can directly participate in the auction. You will be contacted later and a final commission of 14% will be charged as a service fee. "

"Probably these things. If there are no other things, then I will identify them first."

"No problem." Lin Lang nodded naturally.

The president glanced briefly at the seven fingers of Mochizuki. Just the first few words made him feel intoxicated. He is a monk himself, and he is not low, so he can see the seven fingers of Mochizuki in a few eyes. What is extraordinary is that even if it is not a fifth-order supernatural power, it is not far off.

However, this matter does not need him to worry about, Trilinxu auction house naturally has a senior identification team. He took the seventh finger of Mochizuki to an inner hall, and there were four elders sitting in the room. These people used to be the personal servants of Patriarch Trinity, and later hosted numerous auctions. They were very knowledgeable and far beyond ordinary people.

Even if he was the chairman, he did not dare to be too self-confident in front of the four. He handed the golden paper to the hand of one of the old men: "Lao Lao, this book may be a magical land fairy, please come and palm it."

The old man whom he called the old man nodded, held the golden paper in his hand, and said lightly, "The magical powers of the fifth order and above can already be called the immortal law. Each move contains a great magical power. Most of them are written in Wuben, and the true meaning of the immortal realm comes, and it is rare to copy the paper directly. "

The magical powers that have reached the fifth level or higher are already close, and cannot be expressed in simple words. Only by realizing the true meaning in it can we practice step by step. If it is only written on paper, even if the content is consistent, it is impossible to realize the true meaning.

There was a disappointment in the chairman's eyes. If the old man said, I am afraid that the value of this land immortal magic power will be greatly reduced. Even the fifth-order magic power, it can only be reduced by one level, like a chicken rib. But on the other side, a voice of doubt suddenly appeared.

"No, no." The old man held the paper in his hand, his eyebrows tightened, until he injected the aura into the paper, only to find that every word on the paper jumped at this moment, reflecting a picture in front of everyone.

It was the shadow of a human figure, but it was lifelike without seeing the face. The body was as transparent as it could be. Every meridian could be clearly seen. Pointing in front of everyone, practicing martial arts. With each glance of the old man's gaze, the way of the human shadow changes, showing another martial art.

"Tibetan painting in words, one martial art in one word, this is a great magical power!" Lao Lao screamed in shock, exclaiming: "This kind of anti-sky means not only requires the consciousness to reach the micro realm, but also requires a deep understanding of painting Research."

"This method can seal God!"

Old and trembling hands are undoubtedly not showing his turbulent mood. Everyone is obviously shocked by this method. They have seen Gong Fa, and very few have even seen Dixian Gongfa, but this is the first time that Dixian Gongfa has been copied.

"But then again, which earth **** has created this skill, who can come up with fifth-order magical powers and master paintings ..." Everyone looked at each other, and the same name appeared in their hearts.

It seems that there is only one Kunxu community who is a strong man who is well-versed in painting and who is proficient in painting. That is the master of the city of Zhongzhou City today-Painting Saint!

However, the paintings are the most important figures in the entire Kunxu market. They control a main city, and the resources are endless. How can there be a lack of spiritual stones, they will not hesitate to put their own skills out for auction.

"President, who is this sacred person who is preparing for the auction of the Seven Moons?" The other three old men also looked together, waiting for the latter's answer. The chairman just smiled bitterly: "I don't know the specific origin of this exercise, but maybe some of the people who sold it will recognize it."

"It's Lin Youye who made a lot of trouble."

Everyone looked at each other, naturally it was impossible not to know the name Lin Youye. This man lost two of the seventh son of Kunxu in a row, and was faintly known as the king of the younger generation, whose name has already been heard throughout the continent.

"This class of talents is definitely not something that can be cultivated by small forces. Achieving talents at this age requires not only the accumulation of a large amount of resources, but also a senior who has been trained to guide martial arts. It is likely that it was a great person Secret disciple. "

"And it is said that this son was chased and killed by Kou Ming and two other immortals in person, and then he was saved by the holy power of painting. Now he comes up with these exercises, does it say ..." The president frowned, thinking deeply. It was a coincidence that they had to make them think more.

Hua Sheng has never received a disciple for hundreds of years, and there is no one who can inherit his mantle. Will a generation like this succeed without anyone? Obviously not, it is not surprising that a disciple capable of competing with Master Tianzong secretly could not be secretly cultivated.

It is not difficult to understand the strength and insight of painting sages, who have not lost the giants in all aspects, and cultivated such a peerless Tianjiao under his personal teaching.

"not always."

Lao Lao suddenly made a noise, everyone seemed to ask, "What's not necessarily?" Lao Lao suddenly smiled mysteriously, and said, "The Kunxian world masters who are proficient in painting are indeed the only ones who paint the holy one. There is a sage. "


Everyone was shocked. Ordinary people do not know the origin of the Kunxu world, and they all think that they are born and raised in this world, but these people know very well. Since the establishment of the Kunxu Realm, it has only been a thousand years. They are the survivors of ancient times.

The painting sage is also one of the sages who opened up the Kunxu market, but before that he had a master who was well versed in calligraphy, painting, calligraphy and calligraphy, and was honored as the literary sage by the world. It was only later that he went to the sky with the Northern Han Sword Fairy.

At that time, Xu Shuo was absent for some reason, so with the rest of the people, he opened up the world of Kunxu. Later, with Xu Shuoxiu's refinement, over time, he was respected as a painting saint by the people in the Kunxu realm.

In the impression of the ancients who opened up the Kunxu boundary, the painting master can only be called the junior, and only his master Wen Shengliang painting house is qualified to sit on an equal footing with them.

Eighteen large-scale auction venues cover almost all of the industry leaders in the auction industry in Kunxu.

But they have their own rules of conduct, and even the owners of Zhongzhou City have maintained a tacit attitude.

"This method is not easy." Elder Chang sighed. Under the inspection of everyone, it was found that the rank of the seven fingers of Mochizuki has reached the fifth-grade top grade, and it is also called a rare superb grade in the top grade.

This is not just the general magic of the earth.

At the same time, the joint auction outside, with the arrival of a female protagonist, the auction has begun.

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