This sensational event in Zhongzhou City ended in this way. No one would have imagined that Lin Youye caused the land fairy strong to come after beheading Tianzong Tianjiao. First, Dan Wangli protected Lin Youye. Later, a painting sage came forward to resolve the crisis.

The dispute has temporarily disappeared.

After the painting sacred came out to deter Kou Ming, the scroll also slowly collapsed, turning into a stream of light, shooting at the location of the city's main mansion, and then there was no fluctuation. The painting master is very clear. After he revealed his practice, Kou Ming was a smart man, and naturally he would not do it again.

As the painting said, private fights are usually forbidden in Zhongzhou City. Once the battle begins, the city guards will come immediately and deal with it according to the severity of the plot. The lightest punishment is also sent to jail.

"You have a good blessing." Kou Ming glanced at Lin Youye with an expressionless expression, and said lightly, "Today I will give the painting artist a face to spare you. He protected you for a while, but could not protect you for a lifetime. I. "

"You'd better stay in Zhongzhou City all the time."

As the words fell, Kou Ming's voice suddenly became loud. Under the blessing of spiritual power, the vigorous voice spread throughout the inner city: "From today on, who can pick up Lin Yu's head on the skull and admire thousands of spiritual stones, Regardless of their qualifications, their juniors can send one to worship inside the Sword Sect. "

There was another uproar below. Many people looked at Lin Lang's eyes suddenly became fiery, as if they saw a golden mountain and silver mountain. The resources of Kunshi are very scarce. After years of development, there are fewer and fewer spiritual stones. The number of spiritual stones is an astronomical number for any monk.

There are few such net worths, including Renxian, but in fact it is nothing for a Dixian, not to mention that Kou Ming is leaning on the Sword Sect.

In addition, the matter of the inner disciples mentioned by Kou Ming has aroused the hot eyes of many older generations. The threshold for worshipping the Sword Sect is extremely high, and many people can only look forward to it with sighs. The conditions for becoming an inner disciple are even more demanding.

Basically, every inner disciple of the Sword Sect can achieve human immortality in the future, and may even impact the position of immortality. This condition of Kou Ming almost all had the seniors who were present immortal.

Having said that, Kou Ming naturally will not stay here. After lifting the restraint that restrained Dan Wang Xiannian, the two met again, but they also snorted and galloped in both directions.

Inside the city's main mansion at this moment.

A handsome and handsome young man stood in front of the black wooden table in the study, standing straight and painting with ink, and was very focused.

Gradually, a scroll slowly took shape. The painting on that scroll was like the previous inner city dispute. He raised the pen again and brushed it a few times. Even the crowd around the audience were drawn by him on paper. All of them are extremely beautiful, wonderful.


The young man exhaled slowly, put a red seal on the lower left section, and waited until the ink was completely dry, and then rolled up the scroll and hung it on the wall of the room. If there are people who do n’t know, there are at least a thousand paintings in this study, and each one records the experiences of young men.

"Master, I am afraid that the people of Tianzong will not be reconciled today. Just in case, you do n’t need an old slave to inquire about the movement of Tianzong. After all, you also had an agreement with the Seven Great Tianzong hundreds of years ago." A commoner slave opposite the young man bent down and said.

"Anyway, they haven't had the courage to question me." The young man waved his hand, humbled his eyes through the space, looked at Lin Lang's figure, and laughed: "There is a wonderful person in the city, so this painting will come with him Obviously, it's called Tianjiaotu. "

The old slave's eyes gathered with the youth, and he laughed, "Kunxu is too peaceful, and now someone is finally preparing to stir up this stagnant water."

"Those who know me study the old, too." The young man laughed and was poked, but seemed very happy.

It can be said that no one would have thought that this matter would end in such a way of turning around, but it did not end completely. After all, Lin Lang stayed in the city and no one dared to defy the golden rule of painting, but it was not necessarily out of the city.

Therefore, even though Lin Lang, the moving Baoshan, was standing there, countless people were jealous, but everyone was quite satisfactory, and no one was stupid enough to challenge the majesty of painting.

Lin Lang stayed in place for a while, Chu Li stepped forward and talked to him, Lin Lang did not refuse to leave a thousand miles away, but it would never be simple to meet with the other party for the first time.

"Speaking of which this time you made a lot of noise, soon there will be no place for you in the entire Northern Territory. Now there are a lot of people outside the city watching your every move. It's better to wait to get out and go to the east in the future. Chumen's door is open to you at any time. "Chu Li smiled, and he was very clever and didn't mention the previous thing, so it would only increase embarrassment.

After all, he had previously boasted that Haikou said he could shelter Lin Lang. Who knew that his guardian would not intervene until the immortal came, and there was no room for the guardian to intervene.

"You must go if you have a chance."

Lin Lang replied with a smile. He did not mind Chu Li's move, after all, he had no intention of pinning his hopes on the former from the beginning. However, he did not expect the appearance of the Zhongzhou Chengcheng Lords Association. According to his original plan, he was about to set off a huge fire to kill Zhongzhou City.

Under the arrangement of Chu Li, Lin Lang quickly lived in a first-class inn. He wanted to pay Lin Lang well and naturally arranged everything in Lin Lang clearly. This is an industry belonging to Chumen. It is safe and secure to live here.

Soon, what happened at the Yuan Xi Festival was a tumultuous event in Zhongzhou City, and many strong players in the entire Northern Region also heard the news. Countless warriors stood outside the city and stood by at any time, ready to hunt Lin Lang.

Although Lin Lang did not provoke so many people, after all, the reward given by Tianzong was too high, and the 10,000 spirit stones were enough to meet the income and expenditure of a third-class family for one year.

Just killing Lin Lang will have the reward of 10,000 spirit stones. If it can be captured, it will be more valuable. Under the reward, there will be brave husbands. A large group of people will soon join the queue to hunt down Lin Youye. Most of these people are composed of the first-order fairy. Occasionally there are several intermediate-order fairy. But it looks like The high-ranking immortals above Qiwen did not participate.

Because they didn't bother to participate personally, they just left the matter to the rest of the family to do it. In any case, the number of strongmen who are waiting to hunt down Lin Youye has exceeded one thousand, among them there are nearly fifty immortals.

The vast majority of these people are some casual repairs, or the heads of several third-rate families. In addition, the elders of the Feng Lei religion and the elders of the two great ancestors have joined the queue.

The most active of these was He Lanmingde, who was blinded by his bereavement. He stayed close to the gate of Zhongzhou City. Once Lin Lang appears, he needs to face his thunder blow.

At this moment, Lin Lang lived in the superior inn arranged by Chu Li. This inn is also good, with classical decoration and good service. Lin Lang sits cross-legged,

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