Zhong Ruwei hurriedly returned to the vicinity of the ultimate ring platform. She was the leader of the sword school this time. It was impossible for Lin Lang to do not even work because of Lin Lang's actions.

However, some people still saw Zhong Ruwei's face change, such as the young man led by Zhen Wuzong, Jian Hongfei. Zhen Wu Zong Xiu is also the highest master, and his status is similar to that of Zhong Ruwei in the Sword Sect. They are all outstanding disciples who have the potential to compete for teaching positions in the future.

At this moment there was a group of young and handsome men beside him, some of them were disciples of Zhen Wu Zong, and some of them were some good friends made by Jian Hongfei, but those who can make friends with him are naturally not casual. If the Lin Lang people were here, it might be possible to recognize the people around Jian Hongfei, who were Zhou Xingqi and others who almost collided with Lin Lang in the Star Pavilion.

"what happened?"

Zhou Xingqi asked.

"It's okay." Jian Hongfei shook his head, but when he looked in the direction of Zhong Ruwei, he flashed a doubt. He beckoned backwards, called a disciple of Zhenwu Zong, and said, "Go and help me find out what happened in the corner where Zhong Ruwei stayed."

And at the moment. The same scene also happened to everyone in the Sword Sect. They saw that the face of the master was not very good, and then looked at Lin Lang sitting near the corner, and someone immediately noticed everything.

"Sister, I help you out!" Qin Shiyuan's eyes flashed cold. As early as on the flying boat, Qin Shiyuan saw that the master sister had a bad relationship with Lin Lang. At that time, he had a heart attack, but for the time being hesitated.

Now that this guy has touched the mold of their master sister again, how can Qin Shiyuan agree? Although he and Zhong Ruwei have not risen to the relationship between men and women, they have always been the object of admiration, and no one is allowed to insult.

On the final stage at this moment, there is a young man standing indifferently, having just gone through a fierce battle, but he does not look weak at all. He took the sword behind him, glanced down at him, and calmly said, "Is anyone still challenging me?"

Yaque below was silent, and in a short period of time, no one initiated the challenge.

After a long period of time, there was a commendation in the crowd below: "Brother Xiao Yuan is a peerless Tianjiao, and his skills are overwhelming. I can't wait to sigh."

The crowd looked at Xiao Yuan, who was standing on the stage like a young **** of war, and was completely convinced. As the No. 2 seed of Zhen Wu Zong, Xiao Yuan is now cultivated to the fullness of the Divine Realm. He is capable of communicating with ghosts and gods, and idle monks are not opponents.

Regardless of his family, his own ability, or his looks, Xiao Yuan is definitely the first class of the entire Kunxu industry. Numerous young girls below have long been secretly convinced. Who can find such a wishful Langjun, I'm afraid it is Sansheng Xiu Come blessing.

"A half year ago, Xiao Yuan was a perfect practitioner of the Divine Realm. At that time, he could regret the completion of the Divine Realm. Now he has reached this realm, for fear of being invincible under the immortal realm." Everyone sighed Only with such arrogance of the heavens can we achieve more advanced combat.

"Xiao Yuan is invincible in the realm of immortality. There are not many people who can fight against him in this realm, no more than the number of hands." One of the elders below shook his head: "One of the seven generations of the young generation who came out of the first echelon Besides, only the Qilinzis from the second echelon are capable. "

Naturally, the younger generations in various major gates have their own strengths and weaknesses, such as Jian Hongfei, the master of Zhenwuzong in the first echelon. Zhong Ruwei, the elder sister of the Sword Sect, Pei Jia of the Yunlang Palace, and others have already entered the Jindan realm one after another in these three years, and need not be considered.

The Tianjiao who stood on the second echelon later took over, occupying the positions that belonged to those seven, and vying for the name of the strongest in the second echelon. This is the basic composition of the younger generation in the Kunxu industry.

"If nothing else happens, everyone present will not be able to find Xiao Yuan's opponents, including those in the northern first class gates." He shook his head. There are sixty or seventy gates in Kunxu, but Tianzong has only seven from beginning to end. This is an absolute gap.

And this gap is obviously reflected in the contest of the younger generation. The competition with real gold content is among the younger generation of Tianzong, and others can't be ranked.

If there is anyone who can defeat Xiao Yuan, there is only two Tianzongs in the Northern Territory, another Qilinzi of the Sword Sect, Qin Shiyuan!

After a brief unmanned appearance, the eyes of everyone looked at Qin Shiyuan. The Seven Great Tianzongs have two major gates in the northern region, one of which is Zhen Wuzong and the other is the Sword Sect. Only the second echelon Tianjiao, who was able to defeat Xiao Yuan, was able to defeat Xiao Yuan.

Qin Shiyuan's eyes flashed a sharp edge. Naturally, he was not afraid of Xiao Yuan, so he stepped forward, and the whole person fell on the stage like a goose, with a weak hand saying: "Xiao Yuan, I know you are in a hurry with me Separate the strongest young generation in the north, but I still have things to do. "

"Lend you a table first."

Qin Shiyuan's words fell, and his eyes suddenly became extremely sharp. Like a dazzling sword, the sword fingers shot a thin line at Lin Lang's location, and he suddenly said, "Lin Youye, come up for a battle!"

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