Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 580: Star Court

Meteor Sword Abyss.

In the notorious and strange place in the northern part of the Kunxu border, there were several bloods of the immortals. The Grand Canyon was filled with the blood of countless explorers, most of whom were strong immortals.

However, every ten years, the Meteor Sword Abyss will erupt once, and occasionally some outrageous swords will be rushed out, leading to the competition among the strong in the Kunxu industry. At that time, the weirdness of the meteoric sword abyss will drop to a freezing point, which is no longer as dangerous as usual.

Some people on the flying boat have heard of the name of the meteoric sword abyss, but for most people, they have heard of it for the first time. They are sitting on the flying boat, their eyes are constantly looking down.

However, there is no legendary meteoric sword abyss below. Some are only a few thousand meters wide and narrow, and the two left and right continents split at an amazing distance. Inside the crack is a dark space. I don't know the depth, and I can't see my fingers. It's hard to imagine what's underneath.

The bottomless dark space is like an endless huge mouth that devours all sight. From time to time, a breath of astounding sword power was blown up, and the terrifying power was released. When it appeared, it chopped the air, bursting into bursts of sound, and disappeared straight into the sky for nine days.

"Is this the Meteor Sword Abyss?"

Everyone at the scene sighed. Most people also saw the infamous Meteor Sword Abyss for the first time. Although the Meteor Sword Abyss didn't look so terrible, the people who actually entered knew the horror of the Meteor Sword Abyss. Jukou is not exaggerated at all.

"Lin Lang's eyes flickered. The consciousness could not help but diverge downward, but almost only reached a few hundred meters inside the canyon, and was blocked by an invisible film and rebounded back.

Feizhou moved forward carefully under the control of the Sword Sword sent Tianjiao, constantly avoiding the sword air, but the power of some swords was really extraordinary. Even though the airboat had been avoided in time, it was still swayed by the sword. Yu Wei swept away, crooked, and deviated from the original track.

"Let me control the flying boat."

Zhong Ruwei faintly voiced out, and then took control of Feizhou from Tianjiao's hand.

After all, she was the only person immortal present. It was quite stable for her to control the flying boat, and the group smoothly passed the area covered by the meteoric sword abyss.

Soon after, the outline of a majestic city has been vividly remembered, and as the flying boat continues to move forward, it begins to become more and more clear. The compacted city walls are paved and piled by a single piece of green brick, which is 78 meters long, like a copper wall and iron wall.

The city wall shrouded the entire city, extending in both east and west directions, boundless and enveloping endless territory. It can be said that this main city alone is worth the size of several Yongjiang cities, and it also covers the entire territory of various villages and towns.

Above that tower is a golden plaque with a length of several ten meters, exuding a wave of astonishing soul, with the powerful three words carved on it: "Zhongzhou City!"

People flowed around the gate of the city, and those who entered the city never cut off. And basically every pedestrian who enters the city is riding a mighty beast or a luxurious car.

Every pedestrian, all over his body exudes the cultivation wave. None are simple roles.

"The plaque of Zhongzhou City was written by the owner of Zhongzhou City. He is the most famous calligraphy master in the Kunxu industry and a strong man of the earth. Therefore, he is qualified to take control of this prosperous city. No. "Tianjiao, a puppet sword sighed.

"It's extraordinary."

Lin Lang nodded secretly. Judging from the handwriting on this plaque, Zhongzhou City Lord has been able to imprint the spirit of spirit on it when sculpting, which is equivalent to his personal presence, and therefore has terrifying coercion. I am afraid that the owner of this Zhongzhou city is probably already a strong player in the giant series.

Everyone was at a loss as they walked forward. The guards at the door stepped forward to investigate the identities of the people one by one, but when Zhong Ruwei showed his edict, the city guard immediately changed his respectful look and politely invited everyone into the city.

The face of the Sword School is equally effective in Zhongzhou City.

Everyone walked into the city one after another, and there was a brightly lit pavilion, each with red lanterns hanging on it, and there were a lot of people in the city who were doing business on the street, but the things they drank and sold were beautifully made Device. Zhongzhou City is the capital of the northern region.

"It really looks like Xiuxianjie." Lin Lang stepped into the city and couldn't help but take a deep breath. The strong aura here made him feel as if he had come to the immortal realm, all the pores in his body were open, and he sucked the aura greedily.

Zhongzhou City is originally a super city with a large spiritual gathering, so the richness of the aura is naturally not on the same level as the earth. Although it is still thin in Lin Lang's eyes, it is not as good as the real fairyland, but every place has aura, which is stronger than the earth ’s situation where only some special cultivation treasures can exist.

Everyone was strolling around the city. When it was getting late, everyone came to a large inn. At first, the shopkeeper was still proud and told everyone that the Yuanxi Festival was approaching, and there were no extra rooms.

But when Zhong Ruwei and others showed their edicts, the shopkeeper changed his attitude and put on a charming expression. Not only did he arrange the best rooms for everyone, he even confessed that everything was free.

This made the Zhongjia people take a deep breath again, full of envy: "The Sword Sect is the largest sect in the northern region, and its influence cannot be underestimated even in Zhongzhou City."

"It's just our own industry."

Tian Jiao smiled with a sword.

Everyone went upstairs under the arrangement of the shopkeeper. Soon after, it was getting late. At this time, the Lantern Festival officially started. Pedestrians on the street shuttled around, some carrying lanterns, and long grass with no grass in them. The bun is a vivid expression of the lively place of Yuanxi Festival.

And Lin Lang was pulled out of the room early by Zhong Xuanzhu. For a girl who has never walked out of Yongjiang City from a young age, Zhong Xuanzhu at this moment is like a curious baby, pulling Lin Lang around the street in Zhongzhou City Turn around for a long time.

In the end, Lin Lang stopped near a magnificent three-story ancient building. This ancient building looks very extraordinary. The floor space alone has a size of several miles, and it must be in the land of Zhongzhou City. There are so many shops in this place, the host here is afraid of coming.

"Remember the seven royal palaces that I mentioned to you at the time?" Zhong Xuanzhu said with a smile. Lin Lang nodded gently. This sentence represented the combination of head forces in the Kunxu industry. How could he not remember?

"Here is the Xingchen Pavilion, one of the three pavilions. It is specially sold for Lingtan. The quality of each Lingtan is above the top grade, and the price is expensive. There were several times when the superb Lingdan of the Star Pavilion passed to Yongjiang City Auction, you can get a sky-high price. "Zhong Xuanzhu laughed.

"Does Xingchen Pavilion accept miracles?"

Lin Lang asked suddenly.

Zhong Xuan took a look at Lin Lang, and could not help but look at Lin Lang a little helplessly: "Xingchen Pavilion is mainly selling Lingtan business. Few people choose to auction Lingdan here, but in theory, Xingchen Pavilion also bought Lingdan."

"However, although the Xingchen Pavilion sells the shops of Lingdan in name, it actually runs the role of the alchemy union to capture the world's Dan divisions. Most Dan divisions will issue the Dan division medal after the professional consideration of Xingchen Pavilion. It corresponds to the level of the monk. "

"Xingchen Pavilion is also the alchemy union."

"That's good."

Lin Lang nodded, and then didn't even think about it, even though Zhong Xuanzhu walked into Xingchen Pavilion together.

"You want to sell Lingtan to Xingchen Pavilion?" Zhong Xuanzhu looked at Lin Lang with a dull look, and said: "Are you crazy? Xingchen Pavilion is spreading all over the river, the Kunxu market is blooming everywhere, and everyone who is recognized by Xingchen Pavilion. Dan divisions can exercise direct power to supply Dan to Xingchen Pavilion. "

"How can we fight those people."

The Danshi Medal of Xingchen Pavilion represents an authoritative certification. Only those who are extraordinary in Dandao attainment can be recognized by Xingchenge. Although there are few such people, they all represent the extraordinary generation of Dandao attainment. Basically, those capable Danshi will go to Xingchen Pavilion for certification.

Dan masters who have not been recognized by Xingchen Pavilion are basically nameless generations. So although Xingchenge has this rule, few people still choose to come to Xingchenge to sell their elixir.

The most important problem is that the quality of the elixir is not enough, and the inferior elixir that the Star Pavilion does not look at naturally will not be accepted.

However, Zhong Xuanzhu's reminder did not help. Lin Lang still stubbornly pulled her into the Star Pavilion together. Zhong Xuanzhu glanced at Lin Lang's indifferent expression, as if everything seemed to be in full bloom.

"Forget it, let him go, he will know when he loses." Zhong Xuanzhu shook his head secretly.

When they stepped in, the first thing that came on them was a scent of scent, which was refreshing and refreshing, as if they smelled lightly.

"What can help the two?"

A scent of fragrance came. A pure woman came gently, wearing a plain white dress covering her ankles, and there was a smelting furnace on the chest, and a crane was flying above.

"I want to sell Lingtan." Lin Lang said lightly.

The innocent woman heard Lin Lang's words apparently. It was obvious that most people went to Xingchen Pavilion to buy elixir, but very few of them went directly to sell elixir like Lin Lang.

Such people have not appeared in Xingchen Pavilion, but most of them are self-confident, but in fact Dan Dao Xiu is a messy incompetent. Most of them were in high spirits and lost their faces.

Few people are famous for it.

However, she was just a waiter, performing the tasks assigned by Xingchen Pavilion, so she didn't say much, just whispered: "Then follow me."

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