Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 578: Donation of ancient scriptures

At the same time as the voice fell, Zhong Ruwei came slowly from the door, and there was still a hint of irony on her face, which seemed to be sarcastic about Lin Lang's uncontrollable power.

"There are three immortals in human immortality. One is the realm of immortality. When you reach the realm of immortal, you can truly communicate the heavens and the earth. Every move is natural, and the power of the vast world can be motivated by raising your hands. The second is Jindan Jue. The three systems of spiritual power, spirit, and horizontal training are perfectly integrated into the innate foundation. The innate foundation is gradually consolidated, and all are transformed into a golden dandelion. There is a natural suppression of monks below any godland. "

"The third is magical power. When the monk reaches the realm of human immortal, he is considered to have crossed the threshold of self-made exercises. He can perform magical powers and even Taoism as he wants. However, monks in the spiritual realm can't. The stronger ones can Barely performing magical skills, but the power is greatly reduced, far less than in the hands of immortals. "

"The reason why the immortals are invincible is because of the three territories. Since ancient times, no one has ever heard of someone who can break the terrific fields. Even the excellent Tianjiao is the same." Glancing at Lin Lang: "Shouldn't you naively think that you can beat the immortals with the effort of your three-legged cat."

"Three terrific fields?" Lin Lang smiled. I didn't think there was such a saying in the Kunxu world. The so-called human immortal is indeed too much stronger than the innate realm monk. There is a considerable gap, but this does not mean that it is impossible. Passed. There are many Tianjiao who can fight across the realm, and various means are enough to crush the immortals.

Of course, it can only be achieved by unparalleled skills and magic weapons, but not impossible. It's just that the strongest in the land of Kunxu World is not at the level of the immortal. Whether it's Gongfa or the magic soldier has been completed, even if the talent is against the sky, it may not be able to defeat the immortal. They are bound by their vision to limit their imagination.

But this does not mean that no one can do it.

It is ridiculous that the people in the Kunxu world are restrained by their vision, and they have also concluded that the so-called three terrible realms are invincible for witnesses.

However, Zhong Ruwei did not answer when she saw Lin Lang. Instead, she said again: "I see that you are not a monk in the realm of immortals. You can even say that you are not a monk. You can only be regarded as one who has done a good job in refining. Strong. "

"But that doesn't mean you can despise people."

Lin Lang frowned, not salty and indifferent: "Then I ask you, who stipulates that the immortal cannot be defeated. Is this an established rule in the cultivation industry, or does the person who pioneered this cultivation system has already stipulated people early? Invincible. "

Zhong Ruwei couldn't answer with Lin Lang's words, her face was cloudy, so she hummed coldly, "You can't believe it."

"There is only one simple truth in the cultivation of immortals, that is, weak flesh and strong food, whoever has the fist who says it is big, even if someone has enough strength, the immortal can only stand at his feet." Lin Lang said lightly.

"I am the human fairy. Although breaking through the human fairy is only a matter of two months, although it is not as old as a human fairy like He Lanmingde, but it is also called a courtroom. I need to prove to you the human fairy. Strong? "Zhong Ruweifang's coldness surged in her eyes.

Since Lin Lang refuted her theory and determined that her thoughts were wrong, it is very necessary for her to use the most intuitive means to prove that her speech is the most correct.

She is such a real person.


Lin Lang fainted.

"You are ready to challenge me." Zhong Ruwei's expression was as proud as snow, her eyes were cold, with a hint of contempt.

Zhong Xuanzhu naturally saw that the smell of gunpowder between the two people was getting stronger, and he quickly interjected: "Sister, Lin Youye is a guest. How can there be a fight with the guests?"

Zhong Ruwei's cold and snowy expression returned to normal in an instant, the cold remained, but she had no previous murderous spirit. She just said lightly: "I'm kidding him."

After all, Zhong Ruwei turned and walked away, leaving some dull people in the room. Before waiting for two seconds, a very dissatisfied hum came from outside the room.


Zhong Ruwei stood in the room, feeling a little embarrassed, and had to smile: "My sister has always been like this, don't mind, my sister has become such a cold appearance since the beginning of cultivation."

Lin Lang shook his head. Naturally, he wouldn't care about this little thing. Besides, Zhong Ruwei Kong has a talent, but his personality is radical, and it is easy to be restrained by the inherent cognition. His future achievements may not be too high.

It was Zhong Xuanzhu that made Lin Lang very much appreciated.

Now that Zhong Ruwei returns, Lin Lang finds out that the second daughter of the Zhong family is actually not simple. Zhong Ruwei is a **** of the sun, and she can be ranked in the thousand people's constitution list. And Zhong Xuanzhu is not simple, it is the Tianyin **** body, and the ranking is still above the sun **** body.

It can be said that the two daughters of the Zhong Family Owner were not simple and they were born together. They gave birth to the two properties that are completely opposite, but they are extremely powerful.

It is just that Zhong Xuanzhu's physique needs extremely harsh conditions to cultivate. Without a famous teacher's guidance, he is basically buried in the fate of all sentient beings.

"Oh, I almost forgot the serious business." Zhong Xuanzhu patted his head, and then pushed the bag on the table, saying: "While the Lord of the Yongjiang city has not ordered, you should run away first, otherwise I'm afraid Zhong family Can't protect you. "

"Why should I run away."

Lin Lang mournfully laughed.

"Of course you have to run away, do you think you have beaten the Yongjiang City Lord? He is not an ordinary immortal." Zhong Xuan Zhu stomped his feet.

"So what? If He Lanming dared to come, then he would have the right to practice his hands." Lin Lang shook his head. Although he is now unfit for use, the fist of the heavenly body cannot be underestimated, even himself I don't know how much strength I can give at all.

Zhong Xuan's anxious kick.

However, after thinking about it, I am afraid that now the Lord of Yongjiang City is in the midst of anger, most of whom would expect Lin Lang to flee, it would be better to sneak in and stay at Zhong's house for a few days to avoid the limelight.

"If you want to leave, it's really not a good time now. It's better to wait until the New Year's Eve Gala on the first day of March. At that time, it will be a gala in the whole northern region. My sister will go in person. We, along with my sister, should have no courage to act. "Zhong Xuanzhu thought about it, said.

"The Lantern Festival?"

"Yes, it's the Yuanxi Festival." Zhong Xuanzhu nodded, and then said, "The Yuanxi Festival is also the Lantern Festival, but it is also a festival for practitioners in the north, lion dance, lantern lanterns, lantern riddles, and from the north. The Tianjiao battles among the majors are very lively. "

"The Yuanxi Festival is also a carnival night for practitioners." Speaking of this, Zhong Xuanzhu's eyes flashed a dim light. She can't practice, I'm afraid she can only be reduced to a spectator in her life.

"Do you want to cultivate?"

Lin Lang looked at Zhong Xuanzhu and asked suddenly.

"Cultivation?" Zhong Xuan Zhu froze, a flash of inconspicuous light flashed in his eyes, and then shook his head again: "I was born with no veins to practice."

"What if I say I have a way?"

Lin Lang spoke loudly.

"It's impossible." Zhong Xuanzhu sighed, trying to thank Lin Lang for his kind comfort, but suddenly realized something, and suddenly looked at Lin Lang suddenly.

Yes, Lin Youye was judged to be a stubborn body by Master Donglin, but now he has not yet set foot on the road of cultivation and has achieved so many results. Now that the stubborn body can be exploited, then she ...

Thinking of this, Zhong Xuanzhu raised a glimmer of hope in his heart and smiled at Lin Lang sweetly, saying, "Since you have a way, shouldn't you give me some pointers, we are good friends."

Lin Lang smiled and shook his head. He saw that Zhong Xuanzhu was very talented. He couldn't bear to let her be buried in this small place in the Kunxu border. Besides, to some extent, this girl could have saved his life. It makes sense to pay back.

Lin Lang walked to the tea table in the room, raised a pen and sketched on the paper, quickly listed a list, and pushed it to Zhong Xuanzhu: "These are the lists that you need to prepare before practicing. As for the exercises, I will order Give you."

After all, Lin Lang raised his hand at Zhong Xuanzhu's eyebrow, and a crimson mole appeared in the eyebrow of the latter, which was completely hidden in the skin for a few moments.

At this time, Zhong Xuanzhu's mind suddenly added an exercise method. She just glanced at the beginning of the introductory article, and a large sound of Taoist sounded in her mind, rolling, as if it had not been a long time ago The ancient scriptures are average.


And it is quite strange that although she can't understand what is written in the ancient scriptures, with every vibration of the Daoyin, she can develop a strange sense of enlightenment. Can't understand but understands.

"This is ..." Zhong Xuanzhu opened her mouth. Although she didn't know where the ancient scriptures came from, this ancient scripture faintly gave her a feeling, which is probably more precious than any existing exercises of the Zhong family!

"You just have to practice along the exercises. I'm not sure if I can reach the heavenly realm, but one day there will be no problem in supreme giants who are going to crush the Kunxu realm." Lin Lang smiled.

The reason why he is not sure whether Zhong Xuanzhu can reach the heavenly immortal realm is not because the level of the exercises is not enough, but because of the existing spiritual power in the Kunxu realm, it is difficult to give birth to the heavenly immortal.

"Power overwhelming giants?"

Zhong Xuanzhu stayed. The giant is the supreme ruler of the Kunxu Realm and has absolute dominance. If it is true that Lin Lang said that this exercise can allow her to reach that realm, to what extent should this ancient scripture be precious?

Before someone changed, if someone told her that a book could make her supreme giant, then she would definitely scoff. But now that she speaks from Lin Lang's mouth and witnesses the divine difference in the ancient scriptures, she is somewhat convinced.

From Lin Lang's appearance to the present, all the actions of the other party show that he has an extraordinary history, and mysteries are revealed everywhere. Zhong Xuanzhu has believed for a few minutes.

After adjusting his mood, Zhong Xuanzhu thanked Lin Lang and went out to buy Lin Lang's list. But she didn't realize how precious the ancient scriptures presented by Lin Lang at the moment.

Or, in other words, she underestimated the origin of this ancient scripture.

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