The guns swept through the room, it seemed to encompass the whole world, the silver tip flashed above the tip of the gun, and a perfect arc was drawn in the sky. momentum.

Boom boom!

The air can't withstand the air, and it makes harsh squealing sounds. Even the Zhong family members who felt far away felt a gust of wind blowing like a knife, hitting their face fieryly. on.

"Sculpture of the worm."

Lin Lang snorted coldly, his eyes sharp, as if he could see through the falsehood, and scratched gently in front of him. Even though his spiritual power was restrained in his body and he couldn't use the purple flame god's eyes, his eyesight was still far beyond anyone.

Ding Dong!

In the space, a crisp sound of a soldier's blade collided, and then a fierce spiritual force swelled a wave visible to the naked eye, like a silver chain, sweeping in.

But at this moment, Lin Lang was holding the lance of a long gun in his hand, and the tip of the gun was close to his chest, exuding a dreadful cold light. The spear man's face was flushed, and he held the spear tightly with both hands, seemingly trying to solve the whole problem with Lin Lang.

But even so, the spear was still standing in Lin Lang's hands and it was difficult to move it in the slightest. The spear man is even more afraid to let go, because once the control of the hand-off weapon will fall to Lin Lang, he will have no threat to Lin Lang at that time.

But so much power ...

Men with spears continue to inject spiritual power into the spears, but they are also completely mud oxen into the sea, making it difficult to break free of restraints.

"not good!"

The spear man's face suddenly changed. I saw the spear in his hand, the part being held by Lin Lang at the moment, as Lin Lang's arm was pressed down, he was bending at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the spear had been completely bent by Lin Lang.

The spear man hurriedly let go, but he had lost the opportunity, and how could he rival Lin Lang's offensive speed. When he dropped the spear, Lin Lang's fist had already been killed.


The spear man was directly bombarded and smashed into the crowd of the city guards behind him. As for him, although he wasn't dead, he was definitely seriously injured, and he didn't want to recover after a year and a half.


Zheng Lun snorted coldly, his face was not good-looking, and then he took a step forward, as if stepping on the heart of the earth, making the whole earth violently shake.

The City Guards did not have many masters in total. The two men who had previously fought with Lin Lang were already few strong men under the system, but now they were defeated by Lin Lang, so how can Zheng Lun have the face to do it all .

Looking at this situation, Zheng Lun clearly wants to do it himself!

No one had ever imagined that the City Guards all came to personally invite Lin Lang, but the other side refused, and at the same time, there was no small conflict. I'm afraid this field is no longer an invitation, but a catch!

Zheng Lun took a step forward, the immortal power bloomed, and the suffocating coercion shook the monk at the bottom. He took a few steps forward and said coldly, "I give you the last three seconds Time binds his hands and goes back to me to plead guilty to the city lord, otherwise don't blame me for killing you. "

As his voice fell, a suffocating chill shrouded the world, as if to turn the world into a icy field.

The people present could not help but snorted and looked tremblingly forward. The Zhong family is not a big family in Yongjiang City. Even Renxian never owned it, let alone experience the power of Renxian level power.

However, it is conceivable that such consequences must be unbearable.

Especially in the world where there is no law in the Kunxu world, the immortal is equivalent to the supreme emperor, who can control the fate of the monks downstream.

The immortals are angry, and they will kill and destroy the clan!

The Zhong family owner wanted to persuade him, but he also knew that the situation was different now. If he spoke, he would probably involve the Zhong family, so he had to stand still.

"Kill me?" Lin Lang's eyes narrowed. He didn't want to wantonly kill the weak in the practice world, so he was kind of merciful in the previous battles, and he didn't put the opponent to death, otherwise he would be enough to shock a fairy.

But that doesn't mean he won't kill.

"The dog skin plaster is so ordinary, I still do n’t know how to be grateful to you. It seems that it is necessary to kill an immortal today to wake up Yongjiang City." Lin Lang glanced at Zheng Lun expressionlessly, his calm eyes did not set off any ripples, It seems as if he has already settled on the other party.

Kill a fairy!

Everyone at the scene was stunned. Lin Lang faced such strong men as Zheng Lun without any flinching, threatening to kill a fairy. This tone was really sensational.


"The thief is here!"

"Let me kill him!"

The city guards had already exploded the pot, and the soldiers who had been repaired one by one became angry. All insults are the same as insulting them!

"kill me?"

Zheng Lun stunned, and then laughed loudly, scornfully: "You deserve to talk about killing me, sacred realm, I do not know how much can be crushed with one finger, even dare to speak wildly."

"Also, I will kill you today to let you know that there are some people you can't provoke." Zheng Lun's tone was still indifferent, but it can be seen that he really has killed his heart, as his identity Even if he really kills Lin Lang today, I believe the city owner will not treat him like that.


Lin Lang said nothing, but took a step forward calmly.

A breeze blew, the autumn was slightly cool, and a few autumn leaves floated in the center of the position where the two stood. The air was filled with a killing smell.

At this moment, several figures in the distance gradually became clear. These people walked with the sword, the speed was extremely fast, and they spanned a few kilometers in almost three or two seconds, accompanied by a wave of violent wind. .

The sound was like a heavy aircraft flying at low altitude, deafening, making countless people's eyes look. Lin Lang, who was about to start hands, also put aside their hands and looked to the horizon.

"Stop it!" Before the several figures flew near, a coquettish sound came first.

There were four people in the group, two men and two women, headed by a young woman wearing a Zhu Xi, stepping on a **** sword at her feet, her appearance was also very beautiful, and it was a bit similar to Zhong Xuanzhu's appearance. , But the latter was weak and childish, a little more decisive.

This woman looks more beautiful than Zhong Xuanzhu.

From the appearance alone, this woman's first impression is stunning, but if she preconceived that she was a vase, it would be very wrong. There was a golden dandelion suspended above her head, and a golden pattern was imprinted on it.

Amazingly immortal!

When the Zhong family saw the woman, each of them was shocked, and their eyes were full of shock. Especially the Zhong family owner, after the initial excitement, his eyes were staring at the golden dandelion suspended above the woman's head.

Zhong Xuanzhu also stunned, and immediately smiled, full of surprise saying the identity of the other party: "Sister!"

This daughter is the eldest daughter of the Zhong family, Zhong Ruwei!

Ten years ago, Yongjiang City gave birth to a peerless beauty named Zhong Ruwei. From the moment of birth, she was accompanied by a vision, and the burning flames burned down several houses of the Zhong family. Later, when she stepped into practice, she entered the world a thousand miles a day. When she was less than 20 years old, she had already set foot in Divine Realm. Until now, her records in Yongjiang City have never been broken.

Later, after Zhong Ruwei became an adult, she was accepted by the Sword Sect. Zhong Ruwei was fortunately accepted by an elder of the Sword Sect. Since then, she has practiced with no devotion and rarely contacted the Zhong family. Occasionally several home books also described ambiguities.

Even the owner of the Zhong family, who was a father, did not know that his daughter had already formed Jin Dan without knowing it, and turned into a fairy of the world!

"People are immortal, there are people in our family!"

"Our Zhong family has a real dragon, isn't it? It's a phoenix, and Zhong Ruwei is a real phoenix." A bit of old Zhong family looked excited and began to speak.

Zhong Ruwei came at once, standing in front of Zheng Lun, with a frosty face, cold and pressing. Zheng Lun's eyes also had a lingering fear, and he naturally knew very well that the woman on the opposite side was a real fairy.

No weaker than him!

"Which one of you is the tall one, please also indicate." Zheng Lun opened his fists forward, politely. Although there are only a few immortals in the opposite group, they are definitely leaders in their respective places in terms of age. Naturally, such a young immortal dare not neglect.

Zhong Ruwei was as cold as frost, and seemed to be able to freeze a piece of space. Fengmu glanced at Deng Lun gently, but spit out the word: "Go!"

Zheng Lun also frowned slightly, quite dissatisfied, but temporarily restrained the anger and did not erupt. At this moment, a young man behind Zhong Ruwei reached out and wiped his waist, and suddenly a bronze token appeared in his hand, and he threw it coldly to Zheng Lun.

Zheng Lun took it, looked at it for a while, and his face changed instantly.


Zheng Lun almost lost his voice. He naturally recognized what the decree was, but it was a token of the Sword Sect. Seeing the sect of the order, and the number was very small, usually the elders of the Sword Sect were eligible to wear it. Very few will reward the fancy younger.

The Sword Sect, one of the seven Heavenly Sects of the Kunxu Realm, is the hegemonic power of the Kunxu Realm. The endless territory and population are under the jurisdiction, and it is dominated by dozens of immortal gate forces. The reason why the Yongjiang City Lord succeeded was because he had a close relationship with the Wind Thunder Church. Under the Wind Thunder Church, he controlled ten cities. Through the relationship between the Wind Thunder Church and He Lanming, he could squeeze the previous City Lord.


Wind Thunder religion belongs to the Sword Sect!

It can be seen that the strength of the Sword Sect, the Tianzong power, is the absolute authority of the entire Kunxu market. It's no wonder that even strong men like Zheng Lun are horrified. Zheng Lun, however, knew the power of the Sword Sect, and even a young man at the peak of his state could come up with a decree, not to mention the woman headed by it.

As for the identity of the latter, Zheng Lun was afraid to continue to imagine.

"It's actually the high leg of the Sword Sect, offended!" Zheng Lun took a fist, apologized, rushed into the sky, and took the army of the city guard away.

Until then, Zhong Ruwei came down from the sky, and the three people around her landed with her. Within a few steps, he had already come to the Zhong Family Master.

"What happened? How could it provoke the city guards to recruit troops." Zhong Ruwei frowned. If it wasn't for his remote sensing of the immortal-level fluctuations in the area where Zhong's family lived, he would be coming at a rapid pace, and I am afraid the two sides are already fighting at this moment.

"It's nothing. The City Guard first invited him to be the deputy of the City Guard, and later ..." The Zhong family owner pointed at Lin Lang and said, and then shook his head: "No more. It ’s difficult to say, let ’s go home and talk. ”

Zhong Ruwei glanced at Lin Lang lightly, seeing that there was no fluctuation in the body of the latter, so she didn't take it to heart, nodded and followed Zhong Zhong's people into the door.

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