Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 574: Zhong Jia's attitude

Farewell to He Lanyu, Lin Lang and Zhong Xuanzhu were riding in the same car, Li Lao was driving in front, driving the three sturdy horses all the way, and quickly returned to Zhong's house.

The Zhong Family Courtyard.

At this moment, the Zhong Family Courtyard had already been fried. Even the Zhong Family owner was shocked and angered. After receiving a rumor from the clan, he quickly rushed back to the Zhong Family from outside.

It is not a trivial matter for the two Zhong family veterans and the soul lights of nearly ten masters to turn off at the same time!

The soul lamp uses the monk to divide a trace of soul-related soul power into a soul lamp. Almost every force in the Kunxu Realm will light up a soul lamp for the family members. Once the family members go out for an accident, they can also be notified immediately.

The two gods of the clan are absolutely high-end in a family like Zhongjia. Unless there is a major conflict between the two families, they will not fall.

But now ...

The owner of the Zhong family had a somber face, remembering that the previous message from Lao Li had already figured out the whole thing. It didn't take long for Zhong Xiangchen to be called into the house of the Zhong family. After being repeatedly asked by the elders, Zhong Xiangchen explained the original matter clearly.

"So the two families are always dying in the hands of Lin Youye." The owner of Zhong Zhong looked so uncertain that he never even thought that a young man picked up by Zhong Xuanzhu from the coincidence of the Beast Mountain range would become Zhong Family killer.

"Homeowner, so far there have been two clan elders and eight clan people in the late stage of transformation. Coupled with the two servants of Xiang Chen, more than ten clan people have died in his hands. We cannot let the flesh and blood compatriots die unknown. Not white. "A senior Zhong family whispered," This person must kill, not only to get revenge, but also to arrest the people he is implicated for, or else we will become the laughing stock of the whole Yongjiang city. "

"Yes, how can he not deal with the tragic clan without killing him. It was unexpected that Miss Er was rescued by a good demon. I think he is most likely a spy sent by the Xu family." Another clan spoke. .

A clan veteran began to speak, and the feelings were angry.

Zhong Jia's face was still cloudy.

As the head of the family, his words and deeds represent the attitude of the entire family, and should not be hasty in any decision. He might not hesitate to move this object to someone else, but now there is some hesitation.

An ordinary person who has been judged as a stubborn body has the ability to slaughter masters in Divine Realm. It sounds a bit shocking, but it is not easy to think carefully.

A stubborn stone body with the power of the divine realm, either by chance or by melting the stubborn stone body, or the experimental product cultivated by the gates at a cost, and the gates study various constitutions for experiments. Such things are not uncommon.

But no matter which kind, being able to reach the middle level or above at this age is enough to prove that this person has an extraordinary origin. Before investigating the origin of Lin Youye, the Zhong family owner did not want to rush into action.

"Homeowner, what are you still hesitating, since this person dare to ignore the majesty of the Zhong family, no matter what his origins, then it is necessary to let him taste the regret. Although our Zhong family is not the top in Yongjiang City, but It ’s definitely not something everyone does! ”

A powerful voice from a clan old man came.

The owner Zhong gritted his teeth but still didn't open his mouth. The Kunxu boundary is too big and has too many forces that can't be provoke. Don't look at the current Zhongjia area in Yongjiang City. The scenery is unlimited, but this is only limited to the small Yongjiang city. Look at the entire Kunxu boundary. Home can only be called the ground floor.

Without knowing Lin Youye, he must make a good decision.

"The homeowner will make a decision, but Chi will change. He will probably take the opportunity to run away from Miss Zhong's house this time with Miss Er, and we will run out of the area of ​​Yongjiang City long after we hunted down." A majestic elder said.

The Zhong family owner slowly clenched his fists. If it was said that he had the ability to veto as a homeowner for Zhong Zhong's many ancestors, but now the words of overwhelming the elderly have forced him to reconsider.

Because the old man is another powerful man in the top of the Zhong family besides him, he is respected by the Zhong family as a big old man, and his status is not under his head.

"Okay, I'll contact the owner of the city of Yongjiang and ask him to issue a warrant for the whole city." The owner Zhong took a deep breath. Even though he felt a little sloppy, he had to make up his mind.

It's not a trivial matter for a citywide warrant.

It means that as long as Lin Youye appears in the area where Yongjiang City is located, a large number of city guards will be dispatched immediately to hunt them down. And the city guards of Yongjiang City are all close friends of Yongjiang City Lord, strong men of immortal level.

"It's all right."

The majestic old man nodded.

As soon as the voice fell, a panic came from outside the Zhongjia Assembly Hall, and a Zhong family member walked in a panic.

"My lord, Miss Er ... she is back with Lin Youye!"

The word fell, and everyone in the entire chamber stood at the same time, staring in amazement at the Zhong family who returned the news.

A guy who killed their Zhong family is about to face the pursuit of the Zhong family. At this time, shouldn't he run away, can't wait for all the relations with the Zhong family?

Come back ... send to death?

"He dare to come back!" The old clan snorted, and immediately stood up, leading all the middle clan elders, one by one, to bloom, and walked out of the chamber together.

Many clan veterans felt the coercion emanating from the clan veterans, and could not help but take a deep breath and became more awed. The strength of the clan veterans became more and more unpredictable, and I am afraid that they are a little better than the current owners.

At the moment the Zhong family's gate was outstretched.

Each Zhong family member showed their swords and showed their cultivation behavior, as if Lin Lin was staring at the enemy.

"What are you doing, Lin Youye is my friend. Hurry up and I'll go and find my father." Zhong Xuan Zhu Xiu frowned, some dissatisfaction of the people.

"Miss Er, you don't have to get involved in this matter, waiting for the decision of the owner." A Zhong family fainted.

Zhong Xuanzhu frowned again, but he also knew his weight, and did not speak again when he was interested, waiting for her father to come out and talk.

Her only influence in the Zhong family was probably only in the face of her daughter, slightly disturbing her father's decision.

Not long after, all the seniors of the Zhong family gathered together and surrounded Lin Lang. Each of them was a strong man who had cultivated in the divine realm, and each urged him to start the practice, which suddenly caused a burst of spiritual power in this world. hurricane.

"What are you trying to do?"

Lin Lang frowned, his body stood straight, and he remained calm despite the wind and rain. This touched Zhong Jiazhu's eyes quickly. Many divine realms, including the two powerful gods who have successfully completed the series, released the spiritual coercion. It was unexpected that Lin Youye could not feel the same when standing in it.

"Lin Youye, you can be guilty of sin!" Before the Zhong family master spoke, the old man of the clan had already spoken.

"Why am I guilty?"

Lin Lang frowned.

"Ms. Er rescued you back to Zhong's house, and invited a divine doctor to treat you. Is it still so easy for you to slaughter my tribe? Of course, you can't think of Ms. Er's kindness, but she was rescued by an ingratitude wolf!

"Kill him. So wicked!"

One tribe was furious.

"Slaughter my Zhong family, pay for blood debt!" The old clan sneered and stared at Lin Lang's direction. The killing in his pupils seemed to be substantive, and he completely swallowed up Lin Lang.

"Large clan, take any trouble with him, take him directly and let him pay for it with his life." A clan snorted directly. Not much to say, even if you want to shoot Lin Lang.

"Uncle Peng Yue, stop!"

Zhong Xuanzhu watched things evolving in an uncontrollable direction, and hurriedly yelled, stopped in front of the two who were about to fight, and after stopping the two, he hurriedly whispered to the master of the Zhong family.

With Zhong Xuanzhu's constant opening, this was Zhong's owner with a cold face. At this moment, his expression was changing quietly, and his brows became tighter and tighter.

"You mean that Lin Youye defeated two middle-level fairy gate Tianjiao at the same time, and only made one punch?" Zhong Jiazhu took a deep breath.

Every existence that can be called Xianmen Tianjiao has its own excellence. It is not an exaggeration to call it invincible. Even if you face a strong one higher than them, you won't be in a short stroke. Lost within.

"Yes, this is what I saw with my own eyes, my father only needs to inquire a little to know." Zhong Xuanzhu said softly. It is believed that the high-level circles in Yongjiang City at this moment should have spread a long time ago. It is not difficult to learn about the scenes at the banquet with a little exploration.

"I know."

Zhong Jiazhu's heart also began to drum, and he could defeat the middle-level Tianjiao monk with a punch in Xianmen God Realm. The strength should be between the completeness of Shenjing and the immortal.

The strongest person in the Zhong family is just the pinnacle of Divine Realm. With these strong persons in front of the Zhong family, even if they can leave Lin Youye, they will certainly have great vitality.

However, if it is impossible to win at such a high price, the Zhong family will have an unprecedented terrorist enemy from now on. With the talent of the other party for less than ten years, the Zhong family will face a strong man comparable to the fairy.

These consequences cannot be afforded by their family.

"Homeowner, don't hesitate, so many of us are still afraid he won't be able to make a single Lin You at night. If you can't make a decision, then I will take his life." A clan old man hummed.


The Zhong family owner immediately drank, and the old clan was shocked by the Zhong family owner's words, and he briefly hesitated. What is the reason that they want to avenge their tribe but are stopped by the owner.

The next moment, the voice of the Zhong family owner came again: "I have already understood the cause of this matter. It was Zhong Xiangchenli who made Zhiyun faint. I found two families who were old to deal with Lin Youye. The fault was not on Lin Youye.

There was a sudden uproar on the court.

The clan people looked at Zhong Jiazhu with a puzzled look. Who would have thought that, at such a time of tension, their homeowner should speak to an outsider!

Obviously it was their Zhong family who killed people, but the Zhong family owner was protecting an outsider, how could these Zhong family members feel good.

But why does the owner do this?

"This incident is wrong with Zhong Xiangchen. It is not the hatred of the Zhong family. It can only be attributed to personal resentment. Whoever wants to get past revenge will pass. It has nothing to do with Zhong family." "But don't play if you are below the level of perfection. In the past, it was just a death."


The Zhong family stayed for a moment. What does below perfection mean? It means that the cultivation in the state of God has come to an end, and only the strongest with a perfect score of ninety-nine can defeat it.

And how many such masters are there?

Less than five people!

"That is to say, Lin Youye's strength has reached the divine level or above? Isn't he a stubborn stone body, can it be cultivated to such a state?" Everyone's breathing began to rush.

No matter where the gods are, the strongest class is definitely a top-level existence, and even Yongjiang City, such as a master, is absolutely upstream, let alone Zhongjia.

Moreover, listening to the meaning of the Zhong family owner, the strong man with a perfect state of God is just barely qualified to play, and has a great chance of losing in the battle.

"What kind of person is he? It can make such a change in the attitude of the homeowner." Everyone was secretly shocked. The Zhong homeowner was already a perfect practitioner of the divine realm, even if he met a strong man of the same level, he might not easily bow his head.

But now he completely changed his mind, and then remembered the various things that happened to Lin Youye in the past half a month, everything pointed to the mysterious origin of Lin Youye.

"What the **** is going on here?" The old clan is even more puzzled. Naturally, he can infer something from the words of the Zhong family master, so he took advantage of this gap to quickly ask the Zhong family master with God's voice.

After a few simple exchanges, the old clan was also surprised. It was only one morning for Lin You to go out and play, but in this short period of time he had already become famous in Yongjiang City. In addition, the Zhong family owner secretly pointed out the news that Min Gaoyuan personally attracted.

"Not only are there some immortal families who are attracting him, there are people from immortal gates who want to recruit him, and at least they are enjoying the treatment of core disciples," said the Zhong family master.

The old clan quickly went silent.

"This also means that his value is so great that it needs the Renxian family to spend a lot of money to gather it, and the Renxian family is regarded as the true aristocratic circle of the inner city of Yongjiang City. Once Lin Youye turned to join the Renxian family, they also Will definitely be against us for Lin Youye. "

A monk who can successfully fight with the divine realm and has great potential can only use Huairou strategy to win as much as possible, not hostile.

"This matter is that our Zhong family had a mistake in the first place. Zhong Xiangchen's morning news sent us to believe that Lin Youye was a fine work sent by the hostile forces. This led to a misunderstanding at the moment, and punishment! Jiang Zhong, from today Xiang Chen was expelled from the Zhong family, and he was not allowed to step in the door halfway in the future. The matter was supervised by the senior clan himself. "

Everyone knows that Zhong Xiangchen belongs to the old tribe. Although it is not a branch, it is a junior favorite of the old tribe. It is not too bad to deal with him.

"And since today ’s misunderstanding has been brought up, in order to express my apologies, I announce that Lin Youye will be a guest of Zhongjiazuo from today. As long as he stays in Zhongjia one day, he can also enjoy Zhongjia's cultivation resources. At home, I can say something beautiful and can't fault it.

This sentence surprised many Zhong family members. The owner seemed to have no commitment to Lin Youye, but he gave too much.

You can enjoy Zhongjia's cultivation resources, which also means that as long as Lin Youye continues to cultivate, Zhongjia will bear a terrible astronomical figure.

"Homeowner, do you have to think about this again? Except for the two of us, Zhong Family has no means to check and balance him." The old crow frowned, and seemed to feel a little inappropriate, and quickly sent a message to Zhong Family.

"It doesn't matter. How much resources can a stubborn stone body consume? It's for him." Zhong Jiazhu's eyes flickered, and he secretly voiced: "Besides, my daughter is coming back now. As long as she returns, check Lin Youye There should be no problem. And if Lin Youye stays at Zhong's house, it will be a help when he becomes stronger in the future. "

"Is this really appropriate?"

The clan is a little upset.

And just as their words fell and they were about to invite Lin Lang into the Lin family, a violent wind suddenly set off in the sky outside the gate of Zhong's house, and a dark cloud struck in the distance. Home is completely shrouded.

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