Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 572: Mingdong Yongjiang City


Inside Mingcheng Mansion, it was rolling up a wave of turbulent waves. The mouths of countless sons and daughters of gold were all opened in the shape of 'o', and they looked at Lin Lang with shock.

And the two Tianjiao from Zongmen also had a dignity on their faces. This person's strength is likely to have surpassed the first stage of the divine realm, and it is likely that he has already matched them.

The first stage of Godland, defeated in one move!

Nothing is more shocking than that.

The most painful is Xu Zhenzhou. He failed to defeat the other side without saying that he lost a master of the **** level first, and it is very likely that it is irreparable.

"Lin Youye! You are wanton!"

Xu Zhenzhou roared again and again.

Lin Lang glanced at Xu Zhenzhou, and was not anxious to shoot him, but turned to look at everyone present, and said lightly: "Things are the same, the previous gambling contract is still counted, does anyone have any advice? ? "

The field was silent for a long while.

A master who can almost kill the first stage of Divine Realm, I am afraid that few people can basically challenge it. So some boys who are still eager to try, do not speak at this moment, who wants to challenge such a master.

Even if they had a gambling contract before, I'm afraid it will be the same after they acknowledge Lin Youye's identity. Everyone is human, so why don't you understand this?

People want to sit and let him sit down.

However, among so many people, after all, there is still a head that can't turn. At this moment, the secret road is a good opportunity to become famous, so he looks at a man in a long shirt behind him.

"You try him, and I have great rewards when it's done."

The face of the man in the gown changed immediately. His young master was always spoiled by his family. At this time, he couldn't see the priority and let him go to war.

So he immediately said: "Master, he is also a master of divine realm, I'm not as good as him."

There was a hint of discomfort on the face of the boy, and he whispered, "Why are you so rigid? The former Xu family masters were full of offense and defensive. This was only drilled by Lin Youye. Now you are not attacking him Just defend it. "

The gown man wanted to say more.

The boy said again: "You are practicing Admiralty Mysticism from our family, but are the most powerful defensive superpowers in Yongjiang City, and are you afraid you can't stop him? If this battle is done, I will go home this time I begged you to pass the exquisite iron tower to you near me. "

A trace of struggle struck the man's face. Linglong Iron Tower Town Body Skills is a masterpiece that is not passed on by the family. It is a superb superpower that he can't get by himself.

"It's nothing. Didn't I join the Bo family for the exquisite iron tower town and fight?" The gown man gritted his teeth fiercely and stepped onto the red carpet.

His footsteps had just settled down, and then there were soft golden deposits around his body, and the shimmering light emanated, gradually condensing into a half-foot-tall golden bell. Admiralty upside down, protecting the gown man in the center.

At the same time, the man in the gown lay on the ground, with a golden grinding disc looming behind him, the golden lines flowing above, buckled on the man in the gown, making the latter look like a golden tortoise shell.

However, everyone in the audience is not surprised, it is not worth their joke. Because this is a legendary magical power of the Bo family, specifically to build defenses, people of the same level are basically unable to break through.

"It is said that the owner of the Bo family relied on this move to support more than ten moves under the master of Yongjiang City, and his defense ability should not be underestimated." He Lanyu said softly. The owner of the Bo family was an immortal, but it was the lowest-ranked immortal, but even so, he could support ten moves under the command of the third-order immortal Yongjiang city master.

The defense magic power of the Bo family was very powerful. At that time, there was a fairy gate that promised a heavy promise to the Bo family. This replaced some defense magic power of the Bo family.

"The top of the turtle shell is very thick."

Lin Lang smiled scornfully, looking at the heavily armed man in a long shirt, and said lightly, "But it didn't work."

With his voice falling, Lin Lang took a few steps and went directly to the man in the gown, slamming a punch. It is such a punch without any fancy action, but it contains an indescribable power.

It was just the strong wind brought out by the fists that nearly turned over the stools of many of the boys around, and the whole man was embarrassed. You can imagine the great power brewing in this punch.



The fist fell on the Admiralty, and a deafening sound wave sounded. The light above the Admiralty dipped, but it was still difficult to resist this move, which directly caused the Admiralty to tremble violently and be broken instantly.


The fist that broke the golden bell smashed into the ground, and the man in the long shirt was the first one. He was directly lifted out of this figure by this huge force, and burst into a turtle shell.

Then there was the sound of the cracking of the earthen jar. I saw that the man in the gown had already penetrated the wall, leaving a terrible 'tortoise'-shaped hole in the wall of Mingcheng House.

As for the man in the gown, it goes without saying that even if he did not die, this battle was definitely a defeat. And they still lost miserably after offering the strongest defense.

"So strong!"

Everyone took a deep breath. Looking at Lin Lang with shock, the figure was reflected in front of them. At this moment, it was like an undefeated God of War, unable to be defeated!

This is his strength!

No one spoke on the field, dead. This is also true of the two geniuses from Zongmen, and they soon fell silent. These attacks have reached the mid-level of the divine realm, and I am afraid they may not be able to stop them.

"Does anyone else challenge me?"

Lin Lang said faintly.

A dead silence!

No one on the field ever took the initiative to speak, because they knew they were a few pounds and a few pounds, and even their uncles came out of nowhere. It is impossible to defeat.

People who are a little smarter shut up at this moment.

"Brother Lin really is the dragon and the phoenix among the people, the strength is super, I'm so ashamed." A son said at this moment. Immediately, someone echoed immediately.

"Ten years of sharpening a sword, Brother Lin's move is called a blockbuster."

"Yeah, yeah, if even a genius like Brother Lin is not qualified to take a seat, how can I sit here without a face." Another son said.

"Brother Lin, please sit down." He Lanyu also realized Lin Lang's existence, and was definitely a master with terror potential. At this moment, he couldn't help moving other thoughts and directly said: "I heard Brother Lin said that he wants to build a Zongmen, it ’s just a good thing. The owner of Yongjiang City has always been kind-hearted, and he has a deep friendship with the senior management of Tian Qizong. "

"It happens that the owner of Yongjiang City is also my uncle. Brother Lin has such ambitious ambitions to benefit Monk Yongjiang. We should fully support it."

Everyone heard it, secretly saying that He Lanyu was too cunning, and he hurried out one by one: "Yes, Brother He Lan is very reasonable. We must support such a good thing."

"Brother Lin first arrived in Yongjiang City with a shallow foundation and his life is not familiar. My Li family naturally needs a lot of help."

He Lanyu's opening reminded everyone in an instant that such a master with great potential is now at the start and there is no support behind it. It was a good opportunity for them to be contained in their respective families.

Who wants to miss such a genius. And this person is still young, it seems that he is worse than the two Xianmen Tianjiao, and the potential is endless. Someone has secretly compared Lin Lang with two geniuses who have never spoken.

"Yes. Brother Lin is so talented. Our Fang family is willing to treat each other with sincerity. Fang family is willing to hire Brother Fang to be a guest guest and enjoy heavy money to ensure that they will never lose sight of Xianmen."

Such voices are one after another, and there are even many opportunities to run on Xu Zhenzhou, saying, "We are not like some people. We think we are self-righteous and have no eyes, but we regard Brother Lin as a lieutenant. You can see that handsome Yushu is so handsome, People? I think it's a golden person, a golden person more expensive than some people. "

Lin Lang shook his head and didn't talk to these boys and girls, but said lightly: "Since no one continues to challenge me, it's fine, but the bet is as usual."

When his voice fell, the whole room was silent for a moment. No one would have thought that Lin Lang would say such things at such a time.

Bet as usual.

Doesn't it mean that these people have to apologize to Lin Lang? It was natural for him to make an apology for the victory, but in the ears of the boys, it really made them unhappy.

They are all unable to retreat, but this guy is still so ignorant to advance and reluctant to make them apologize. Is this going to make them all face down together?

"Brother Lin, I'm afraid it's bad to be so aggressive." A young man looked ugly.

"Gambling is the same as usual, and one person can't be less." Lin Lang shook his head, but his face did not fluctuate much. This seems to be the case in his cognition. Things have to be done one by one, and no one dares to rely on his account.

"Brother Lin's move is a bit too much."

Someone suddenly made a noise.

Looking at the sound, the speaker was not a bystander, it was the two immortal Tianjiao who had been sitting on Mount Tai. They could allow Lin Lang to exist, but they could not allow themselves to apologize to others with dignity.

Because they are the Tianjiao of their respective schools!

Represents the face of the entire gate!

"It is Brother Guan Jiayu of Ziguangguan. His strength has now reached the middle level of the divine realm, and he is also possessed of the mysterious skills of Ziguangguan. It is very horrible. And the foundation of Ziguangguan is also very deep. That's it. "Whispers whispered around, and soon he knew the origin of the person.

It's Guan Jiayu!

Intermediate master of the gods!

Not older than 30 years old, he is now a master in the middle of the realm of the gods, and has a good reputation among the young generation in the entire Kunxu industry, and has a lot of influence.

"If Brother Guan fights, even if he loses, he will never lose so quickly." He Lanyu thought silently. These two people were the noble guests he managed to invite. If he didn't want to make him the son of Yongjiang City Lord He Lan Anshun through him, I might not agree to him.

"Don't you agree?"

Lin Lang's eyes suddenly looked, his eyes were still undulating, it seemed that the voice of the two was just to add two more insignificant challengers.

"Then fight."

That genius didn't make nonsense, let them admit that it was impossible, which meant that the entire young generation of Xianmen should submit to this person. Even if they could apologize, the elders behind them would never agree.

If that's the case, it's definitely not just shame on the floor, isn't it even smirking, they can't afford to lose. And they asked Lin Lang to be strong, but in the same realm, they may not be much weaker than each other.

At least, it won't be defeated.

"That being the case, the two of you will go together. I will lose more than two punches." Lin Lang took a step forward with his negative hand, his sleeve robe rolled, as if brewing a strong attack.


At this moment, it wasn't just Guan Jiayu alone. Even the other immortal Tianmen who was next to him, Min Gaoyuan was furious. The two younger generations who crossed the Kunxu market were unknown to anyone.

Even if the top unicorns in the world had to give a little face, now even one person came out and challenged both of them at the same time, and it only required two punches to speak wildly.

How can I not be angry?

"This place is too small, so as not to damage He Lanyu's son's house, let's go outside to fight." Min Gaoyuan said coldly, and had already pulled out the long sword behind him.

He now not only wants to defeat Lin Lang, but also to directly cut off the opponent, so that the latter will have no chance to understand the sky and earth.

"Wash your shame with your blood!"

Min Gaoyuan yelled frantically. The hair was automatic without wind, and the long sword in his hand made a sharp buzzing, which seemed to fill Jiuxiao and directly stab the arrogant and arrogant guy.

"No, it's enough here."

Lin Lang said faintly.

Min Gaoyuan couldn't help it anymore and went violently. Min Gaoyuan's sword pointed in his hand, and dozens of sword flowers were drawn out in an instant. Every one was brewing the sword's sword. The emergence of this kind of sword immediately made most of the people's swords in the scene shake quickly, as if driven by some unknown force.

"This is the sword intention of Brother Min Gaoyuan. He cultivates the sword spirit of Ling Xiao, and he can dominate the kendo of heaven and earth. He is the master of kendo. When a sword comes out, Wan Jian's edge is overshadowed."

"A million law is like a sword, and the sword is a million law. The Ling Xiao sword is intended to rise from the sky, pierce the sky, Wan Jian Ling Xiao, to destroy all demons." Min Gaoyuan said softly, the state of Baoxiang solemn, countless swords around Suspension of air, like Wan Jian's return to the ancestors, at this moment he is like a monarch, with a strong edge.

Suddenly, a horrible sword air began to envelope the heavens and the earth, and the oppressed people couldn't breathe, even sitting on a stool. That feeling is like countless swordsman hangs on the back, and it may fall down at any time.

It's terrible!

The same is true of Guan Jiazheng. I was betting on this sword with his famous name, and we shouldn't let it go, so in the first time he shot, he was the strongest peerless.

Min Gaoyuan cultivates a sword, and he is a knife, chopping all the meaning of the sword!

The knife in Guan Jiazheng's hand was a sturdy straight sword, with a broad blade like a quilt, with a broad axe. A single blade cut can completely crush all the enemies in front of him.

A knife waved out, the surrounding air waves swept away, a wave of devastating power. Everyone has no doubt that this sword cut has the power to cut the entire mountain.

"Is this your genius? It's so unbearable, like an ant." Lin Lang's face flashed a scorn. Such an attack could be easily broken two years ago, not to mention that now he has been promoted to immortality and possesses the terrifying physical power of the heavenly body!


Lin Lang said lightly, no wind in the sleeve robe automatically, two pairs of fists blasted out in two directions at the same time.

"A man alone attacks the two Tianjiao and attacks at the same time. Is he so confident?" Someone exclaimed.

"Be sure to win."

Even Zhongxuan Bamboo sweated deeply for Lin Lang. If Lin Lang is defeated in this battle, I am afraid it will not be everyone's face, but the most devastating blow!

It may even make him fall directly here!

"Fallen genius, that's nothing."

Guan Jiayi smiled coldly.

The victory and defeat of this battle must be divided under this move. One is the two genius defeats, and Lin Youye stood on their shoulders to win. The other is Lin Youye's defeat in the night, even if the trio split equally.

And Guan Jiazheng will definitely not allow anyone to step on their shoulders, and it is necessary to give them a fatal blow before the other party grows up.

The mighty offensive has covered half a space, the sword's spirit is densely covered, and under the envelope of the blade and the sword light, the entire Mingcheng government seems to feel it, and each servant looks up in the direction of He Lanyu's room.

Even though he is the owner of Mingcheng Mansion in the back of the house, He Lanmingcheng opened his eyes and watched the strongest battle from the younger generation of Yongjiang City.

"To lose."

There was regret in the hearts of everyone. Even though Lin Youye made a splash in this banquet, but facing a siege by two Tianjiao, at this moment, it is like a flat boat in the wind and rain, and it may capsize at any time. Few people are optimistic about Lin Youye, because the promise of this battle is the reason, even if you lose a move, you will lose.

But at this moment, under the shroud of those two terrible attacks, a supreme fist broke through the layers of blockade, and the supreme fist broke through the shackles and rose up in the air!

"this is……"

He Lanmingcheng's face changed, and two horrifying lights shot in his eyes. The light of his eyes penetrated all obstacles and reached the center of the battlefield. Because he found the victory or defeat of this battle.

Maybe something changed!



The three attacks did not go through any fierce collision or stalemate. On the contrary, at the beginning of the fist bloom, it directly broke two attacks, the powerful sword, the sharp sword, under this pair of fists. Not an opponent at all.

Suddenly, Jian Yi collapsed and the knife broke. At the moment, Guan Jiayi and Min Gaoyuan's faces changed dramatically, because in their feelings, the punch that had broken their attack had not exhausted their power, and Yu Wei even vented to them.


The two could not escape without delay, and finally did not let their fists fall on their body, which was able to leave a life. If not, they would just stay in Mingcheng Mansion as thoroughly as the previous ones!

The two of them stopped, still in shock for a moment. At this moment, they completely stabilized their bodies, looked at each other with a dignified look on their faces, and fisted in the direction of Lin Lang: "offended!"

Facing Lin Lang, they were convinced from the bottom of their hearts. Although it was just a simple confrontation, they already had a clear understanding of Lin Youye's strength.

Definitely far superior to them.

The divine perfection is complete, even the divine perfection is perfect!

It is comparable to the unicorn of Tianzong. You have to know that even in the Seven Great Heavenly Sects, they are trained to the best of their costs, and there are definitely not many young masters like this.

"I feel regret for what I did before. Brother Lin's strength made us heartily convinced. Brother Lin's qualifications are definitely the best masters to suppress the younger generation even in the Seven Heavenly Sects."

"I'm waiting to be convinced."

Guan Jiayi and Min Gaoyuan both fisted.

The people present were not fools, and even the two top geniuses here were willing to bow their heads to Lin Youye, and they have nothing to be proud of.

At this moment, the boys from Yongjiang City bowed their heads to apologize to Lin Youye. Such a brilliant genius is absolutely well-documented, even if he can't draw to his own family, he must have a good relationship. Even if there is only one bond, it is definitely endless!

"Brother Lin, I was waiting for Tang Tu before, and I am willing to apologize for my behavior." Everyone started talking, and even at the moment when they couldn't let go, they all spoke with the stream.

Compared to this, after Lin Lang showed his strength, no matter what kind of friction everyone had before, it seemed to be insignificant at this time.

At this moment, Lin Lang's pair of iron fists seems to have become a sign of his invincibility. No matter what he faces, he only needs a simple punch. No matter how arrogant you are, what kind of strength you only need to punch in front of him can crush you.

"Lin Brother's ability, I can't wait for the dust." He Lanyu sighed, and ushered in countless echoes, everyone was almost heartbroken.

Lin Youye once boldly challenged everyone on the field, and now he not only did it, but also made only one punch to everyone, which means that if he goes all out, I am afraid all the people present will be together Neither is his opponent.

Absolute suppression!

"Based on the strength of Brother Lin at this stage, it's not that difficult to defeat the perfection of the Divine Realm?"


Lin Lang showed a smile of unknown meaning, and to this day he has only used less than 10% of his power. If you go all out and say that the state of God is complete, I am afraid that ordinary people may not be able to bear his punch.

At this time, the sound of the draw was connected, and Zhong Xuanzhu was surprised by the side. Many of these families who attracted Lin Lang had the top family of Yongjiang City, who were really immortals.

If you can join it, it will be enough to step into the sky!

Even He Lanyu showed a clear intention to draw in. Many people have already given up when he spoke. After all, He Lanyu is the relative and nephew of the owner of Yongjiang City. He is loved and has far more influence than other families.

He Lanmingshun is not only the owner of Yongjiang City, but also the strongest master in the entire Yongjiang City area. He is a peerless master of third-order immortals. It is said that behind him is a powerful gate.

"Brother Lin, staying in Yongjiang City with your amazing qualifications is a bit of a curiosity. I don't have any other talents, but it's still important to introduce Brother Lin into my Ruyi gate."

"As long as Brother Lin nodded, I guarantee that you will be the core disciple of Ruyimen from today onwards, standing in the line of inheritance, and having the same authority as the elders." Min Gaoyuan fists solemnly.

As his voice came out, the court was quiet again. Min Gaoyuan's opening represents not only his own will, but also Ruyimen's attitude.

Ruyimen, although it is not the Seven Great Heavenly Sects, is definitely one of the most immortal forces in the Kunxu market. It has many elders and is said to have an immortal ancestor in person.

This level of power is enough for a genius to show his ambitions.

There was a gleam in Guan Jiayu's eyes as well, and Min Gaoyuan had no such mind. You should know that if Lin Youye joins in, it is estimated that the position of Ruyimen's master will soon change hands. At that time, Min Gaoyuan's resources will also be heavily inclined to Lin Lang. In his case, Guan Jiayi would probably not have this capacity. Amount of people.

So Guan Jiayu remained silent and did not speak.

"I am unrestrained by myself. I have not yet planned to join any forces. I am coming to Japan. If I change my mind, I will give priority to Ruyi Gate." Lin Langwan refused.

"Okay. Brother Brother Lin changed his mind and don't forget to contact me." Min Gaoyuan's eyes flashed with disappointment. However, I exchanged information with Lin Lang about Yupei to facilitate future contact.

Lin Lang joked with the crowd for a while, and felt a bit bored. Before long, he took Zhong Xuanzhu to leave Mingcheng. Until this time, Zhong Xuanzhu was still dreaming.

Before Lin Lang came to Mingcheng Mansion, he was obscured, and he was only a dispensable character in the Zhong family, and he was even regarded by many people as an offspring. But now, just one morning has passed, his identity has undergone a shocking reversal, and it is no exaggeration to call it Yongjiang City.

I believe it won't be long before the name Lin Youye will spread to every corner of Yongjiang City. If nothing unexpected happens, the owner of Yongjiang City will probably ask about this in person.

After the two left, He Lanyu hesitated for a while and eventually followed the path. At the tower of Yongjiang City, he again sent an invitation to Lin Lang.

But still rejected by Lin Lang.

Yongjiang City is still too small for him. It is impossible to stay in this small place in Yongjiang City for a while. His purpose is to dominate the whole Kunxu market.

"Unfortunately, since Brother Lin has no intention of doing so, I will not make more demands. In short, Yongjiang City is always waiting for Brother Lin's arrival." He Lanyu had to give up. Why didn't he know the ambitions of the other party, how could Yongjiang City's projectile land keep Jiupeng in the sky.

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