In the past few days, the calm waters of Kyoto have quietly set off waves. A news suddenly circulated in the upper circles. Basically, big-headed people got the news, and then caused a burst of boiling.

Kyoto's first beautiful queen youth is getting married too!

As soon as this news came out, the city of Kyoto changed rapidly. The self-proclaimed sons of brothers fell out of love at the same time and vowed to give their rivals a little color.

However, when they learned the identity of their 'rivals', they were completely dumbfounded. That is Lin Xikuo, the master of Ye Xuan. Looking at the whole of China, people are walking side by side. Where do they deserve to compete with others?

"Good cabbages have been ..." Many rich and poor are ashamed. Although the idea is in their hearts, the last half of words that offend people are utterly afraid to say it.

Of course, many people are silently blessing this relationship. The man's reputation is so famous that he is famous all over China's 9.6 million lands. The woman is unparalleled in beauty and rare in appearance.

"After half a month, Wang Qing was also engaged to Lin Youye in the ancestral home of the Wang family." The Wang family also spoke at this moment, confirming the news.

The Lin family also said that Lin Youye would take the Lin family personally at that time.

Perhaps the most distressed of these is Wang Qingyi himself. These days, she has had troubles with her family several times, and even asked for Grandpa, but she still failed to terminate the marriage contract.

She kept herself in the room, full of sorrow all day, thinking about the various coercive acts in the family, and her hatred of Lin Youye grew stronger.


A half-month passed in a hurry.

Lin Lang sent Chen Miaoxuan away, who also had to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination. In addition, his wedding date with Chen Miaoxuan has also been put on the agenda, only to wait for Lin Xiao and Chen Jianwu to discuss a good day, is the day of their big wedding.

In these days, in addition to retreating in solitary practice, researching the technique of cracking the blood curse, Lin Lang also got a lot of news about Wang Gucheng.

According to his speculation, the true strength of Wang Gucheng is likely to have touched the realm of immortals and even broke through. Because as early as the 1950s, Wang Gucheng was already the pinnacle of Divine Realm and possessed the power to sweep the world.

Now nearly a century ago, it is likely that the realm of immortality has been touched with the sufficient life of Shou Yuan. If there are people who can block Lin Lang in addition to the ancient gate and temple, then this person must be Wang Gucheng.

And to go to the royal family to remarry is only one of the goals. The more important goal is to have Wang Gucheng for a while. There is a great possibility that there will be fighting between the two strongest men in the world.

"It should be coming soon."

Lin Lang in his ancestral house opened his eyes suddenly, two thick white mists were swallowed from his nostrils, his body was full of power, thick like a deep, and he felt a bit soft and watery.

"Now my inverse five-element spirit body has two sources of water and earth, and I can extract the essence of the gold system from the mystic gold essence, only wood and fire have not fallen."

"Not to mention. Now we have refined the origin of the gold system." Lin Lang's eyes flashed, his fingers swept across the space ring, and a golden light cluster suspended suddenly in his hand, like a floating cloud, exuding a sharp breath.


The purple light in Lin Lang's eyes skyrocketed, and a hot seven-color flame emerged. As soon as the flame appeared, the surrounding air would have a distorted feeling under the extreme temperature baking.


Seven-color flames spewed out, completely enveloping the black gold essence, and a continuous crackling sound was heard, and the mist cluster suspended on the periphery of the black gold essence quickly melted away, exposing the metal like gold.

With the continuous burning of the seven-color flame, the metal blocks also gradually softened, and gradually increased into a mass of liquid as the temperature increased, and the volume also continued to shrink. During this shrinking process, black smoke continued to drift upwards.

This is the treasure that Lin Lang originally obtained from the Thirty-Three Level Treasury. It is an important material that can be used to make fifth-order spirits. But ordinary people can only use it to refine. How many people will refine the gold system? Essence.

"It's done."

Lin Lang suddenly closed his hand, and withdrew the colorful flames with his hands. At this moment, his forefinger was supporting a drop of crystal clear golden liquid, which was the origin of the gold system concentrated to the extreme.

He inhaled the golden water droplets in his abdomen, urging the spiritual power to refine, and a roar of gold-iron clashes rang in the body, muffled continuously.

After a long time, when he opened his eyes again, two Jinmang shots in his eyes penetrated the door directly, plowing two terrible deep grooves on the ground.

This is the mystery of the golden spirit body!

The soil origin increases defense ability, the water origin makes the spiritual power run more smoothly, the fire origin increases the hot attribute in the spiritual power, and the wood origin increases the recovery ability. The origin of the gold system, however, can increase the aggressiveness, and there is a corresponding increase in any kind of attack!


In the courtyard of the royal family at this moment.

Although it can't be called a lantern, but the atmosphere is also very happy. Earlier, the elders of the King's family had already explained it, and strictly ordered their children to restrict their behavior.

Today, on the day of the engagement of the Wang family ’s palm, although there are demands for the Wang family to exercise due diligence, many people still look at the door through the window.

The engagement was a joyous event, but compared to this, everyone was more curious as to where Lin Youye was sacred. I wanted to see what this almost like their old lady called the Chinese Xia Xie looks like.

The current owner of the Wang family has already been waiting at the door, with his wife and Wang Qingyi, and another young woman. They looked at the distant door of the Wang family's gate calmly, and finally their eyes brightened at a certain moment.

A young figure came down from a distance, wearing a light casual suit, walking step by step. Although not very solemn, the appearance and temperament were different from ordinary people, and they were not astonished.

Wang Qingyi's mother frowned, somewhat dissatisfied. How to say today is also the day of her daughter's engagement. The other party does n’t even change clothes, so she just came here casually.

Wang Qingyi's face was still frosty. She vowed that she would definitely draw a line with this so-called fiance, and she would not give a good face at all. However, when she could see the other person's face clearly, she stayed for a while, then the cheek quickly flew up a touch of red glow, all the way to the ear.

"How could it be him? How could there be such a coincidence." Wang Qing was also ashamed and angry, stomping again and again. How could she not recognize that this guy turned out to be the one who ridiculed her in the park, but that person's identity was her 'fiance'.

Hit the muzzle and was ashamed!

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