Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 546: Got a pigeon?

The matter of the second daughter was only a trivial matter for Lin Lang. It didn't take long for Chen Miaoxuan to return to Lin's house, and after a while, he turned off the lights and went to bed.

No words overnight.

Early the next morning, because Chen Miaoxuan wanted to buy something in Kyoto, she woke up early and went shopping with Lin Langya together in a nearby mall.

Just before the two left, Lin Jingnan knocked on the door of Lin Lang's room, and when he saw no one, there was a smile on his face: "It's so simple that he refused yesterday. Kind of seed. Who will refuse a beautiful beauty wife who takes the initiative to come to cook cooked rice with raw rice? "

"It's the so-called lady, the gentleman is so good. It's no big deal." Lin Jingnan caressed Changsha and laughed.

It wasn't until noon that Lin Lang returned to Lin's house carrying his stuff. Lin Jingnan was already waiting at the door. When Lin Lang walked into the door, he quickly opened Chen Miaoxuan, walked forward in three steps and two steps, and said with Yan Yue: "Well, are you happy to talk?"

"Chat?" Lin Lang froze.

"Don't you go to Hejiang Pavilion."

Lin Lang frowned doubtfully: "What am I going to Hejiang Pavilion?"

"Of course, it is also with Wang Qing ..." Lin Jingnan suddenly opened his eyes wide and said dullly, "You even put the pigeon of Kyoto's first beauty, you two have a marriage contract."

"I don't admit it is a marriage contract, so I won't mention it again." Lin Lang frowned.

"Yeah." Lin Jingnan sighed. "I'm afraid it's too late for you not to admit it now. This matter is not so much the one that I and the contemporary royal family set, but the old lady and the royal family."

"The papers have already been set up that day, including the arrangements for the two of you to meet in Hejiang Pavilion today. This is also a trivial matter, but the key is that the date of the engagement and the invitation have been sent to the major families. Now. "

Lin Jingnan explained.

"It's ridiculous." Lin Lang suddenly gave a cold snoring. Originally, he thought that Mr. Lin had already dispelled this idea. He never thought that the latter would still go his own way, and even sent out the engagement invitation.

"This is my old man who didn't think about it carefully. I'll be with you. But the invitations have already been sent out, and Kyoto has already been aroused because of this. If you retire now, your credibility will be ruined." He lowered his stance and quickly apologized.


Lin Lang froze and stretched his hand in front of Lin Jingnan.

Lin Jingnan naturally knew what Lin Lang wanted, and he only sighed, took out a red handkerchief from the lining of his clothes, and handed it to Lin Lang. This is called a marriage contract.

"Since you've retired, you don't have to worry about it anymore. You can grow flowers and grass, so that you can live forever." . "

"All right." Lin Jingnan sighed, Xiao Se turned and walked back to his own courtyard. This turn turned old for a moment.


Hejiang Pavilion at this moment.

A voluptuous woman is sitting on a wooden chair under the kiosk with two cups of coffee on it. Although this woman looks extraordinary, her five senses combined are plain and give people a sense of arrogance.

"How come this guy isn't there, **** it. If he didn't come to my 200,000, who would pay me." The enchanting woman stomped anxiously, but no one appeared near the promenade.

In a parking space not far from Hejiang Pavilion, a champagne gold Audi car was placed, and two women were sitting there. At this moment, the two women were looking forward to the direction of the pavilion.

"Why the **** guy hasn't appeared yet, he's already late." The girl looked at the pink Daniel watch on Hao's wrist, showing a little dissatisfaction on her face: "I was late for the first date, this guy's shelf is really big . "

"It will make him angry when he comes over, because he is late and recognizes the wrong person. He dare not tell such shameful things." A smirk appeared on the girl's face. The thought of the subject to be teased was Lin Youye of Huaxia, and a little excitement went up and down in my heart.

Slowly, ten minutes passed. Lin Lang has not yet appeared, and even a man near Hejiang Pavilion has not appeared, which makes the second woman on the car start to be a little anxious.

Twenty minutes, half an hour, one hour ...

In a blink of an eye, the strong sun hangs high, and the warm sunshine drops, so that this severe winter also has a touch of warmth, which is very comfortable. It ’s just that some people are not comfortable at all. The two women sitting in the car are full of irritability.

"If this guy doesn't show up again, I'm going to be suffocated." The girl wailed and complained.

"This guy ..." Wang Qing also gritted his teeth, and a anger flashed on his face. This is the first time she has been dating someone else, and she has been left here for more than an hour.

"Give him another ten minutes. If we don't come again, we'll go back."

However, ten minutes passed, Hejiang Pavilion was still silent, not even a bird's shadow.

Suddenly, the girl widened her eyes, opened her mouth a little exaggerated, and said dumbly, "Sister, you seem to have been released by pigeons ..."

After saying this, the girl seemed to think of something, and suddenly burst into laughter, smiling and leaning back and forth, no ladylike. This is the first time someone has dared to release the pigeons of Kyoto's biggest beauty, and this is probably the first case since it opened the world.

"Huh! He'll pay the price." Wang Qingyi's cheeks were cold and frosty, and he slammed coldly under his feet, driving his car away.

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