Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 536: This person is, Lin Xiao!

What happened to Lin Lang in the next ancestral temple square did not pay attention, but stood quietly, thinking about the curse.

However, no matter what he knew about the Lin family, the curse man's mind could not be speculated, but he could only infer the hatred of the Lin family's ancestors for a while, and no longer make random speculations.

Soon, the ritual of entering the genealogy also came to an end. The guests who lived in the Lin's ancestral house also went out one by one and came to the ancestral shrine. These people included the head of a family in Kyoto, a business crocodile, and some tyrannical warriors came to watch the ceremony.

All major families have sent clan members, and they are about to join the Lin family members to witness the selection and succession of the next owner. The remaining four families also sent high-level officials to witness together.

"The Qi family, the Gongsun family and the Chu family have arrived."

With the arrival of the representatives of the five major families, the square began to become noisy. The visit of other families to the ceremony was of little significance. Only the existence of the five major families could make this handover ceremony more austere.

"The people of the royal family have arrived."

With the noise of the crowd, a man and a woman walked forward and nodded to Lin Jingnan. The Kyoto royal family, the head of the five major families, their weight is absolutely heavy.

The owners of these three families are standing in front of the crowd, surrounded by some big names in Kyoto, and some officials who are too high to attend are also sent to each of them.

The square at this moment is divided into two halves, half of which are ordinary people gathered in a pile, and the other half are the big and powerful bulls in Kyoto who talk and laugh. Of course, that ordinary person refers to an 'ordinary person' worth less than one billion yuan, or who has not reached the ministerial level.

Only at this moment did the Lin family's profound heritage be revealed. Allowing these outsiders to come and watch the ceremony is not another shock!

"Thank you all for your love. I, Lin Jingnan, can stand here as the owner of the Lin family and have the right to talk with you. Today is a traditional festival of the Lin family. First of all, let me represent the Lin family to warmly welcome all the distinguished guests who come today ..." Lin Jingnan stood in front of him Behind him, there was Li Lao's inseparable guardian, and his solemn voice spread throughout the audience.

When his voice fell, applause thundered around him. Waiting for applause to end, Lin Jingnan then continued to speak and finished the remaining half of his speech.

"Today is an ancestor's day for the Lin family. It is an extraordinary day. Also, in this solemn and solemn day today, I also have one thing to announce!"

"On September 18, 1983, my Lin Jingnan was entrusted by the previous owner to inherit the position of the Lin family owner. Over the years, as the Lin family owner, I strictly abide by the family rules, act with due diligence, and have taken the Lin family revitalization as my duty since I was appointed. Don't dare to be selfish, it has been 35 years to this day. "

"I'm old and I don't have enough sense of time. Today, I'm going to take my place as a homeowner."

Everyone was silent, waiting for the following. However, at this time Lin Jingnan bought a pass, and then the words turned around, referring to the development of the Lin family over the years, and did not directly name the successor on the spot.

Of course, no one paid attention to these painless and itchy things, and instead shifted the focus of the discussion to who the next homeowner was.

"I feel that the candidate for the next homeowner has basically been determined this time. It must be Lin Feng. He has been in Kyoto for many years. He has played a pivotal role in both his connections and his own strength. He has a deep friendship with the heads of various families. "

"I think if there is no accident, Lin Feng, the next owner, should be stable."

There was a lot of talk in the crowd.

"Although the Lin family has three major factions, in fact, except for Lin Jingnan, the other two parties have already existed in name and no powerful competitors have appeared for many years."

"There is a saying I have to talk about. Lin Jingnan has always been arbitrary and monopoly, but it is also good. The other two pulses are suppressed by him miserably. There are no characters who can hold the banner."

"I don't think so. Although Lin Feng in this family does not have any powerful competitors, there are no shortage of outstanding figures in the branches. For example, Lin Yu's influence is not inferior to Lin Feng, and Lin Zheng, whose strength is no less than the master of the martial arts family. Poor, there is more support from Yuding. "

"The Yu Ding faction is the ancient ancestor who sheltered the Lin family. If Lin Zheng is interested, he will definitely be a strong competitor."

Listening to the crowd, Lin Feng could not help but smile. He was wearing a slim suit today, and he took special care of his makeup, so that he could catch the attention of the last moment.

Because in his mind, the position of the owner was almost within reach. As for the two so-called competitors, Lin Yu had a good relationship with him and promised to support him. Lin Zheng was also persuaded by the large amount of rewards he had given up, and gave up the competition of the homeowner.

At this moment the two are standing side by side with him, waiting for the solemn moment when Lin Jingnan announced the result. The three biggest competitors are already on the same front. Can the homeowner be selected?

In front of the ancestral temple, Lin Jingnan still spoke in a loud voice. At a certain moment, his face became more and more serious: "Today I will step down and give the homeownership to more capable young people."

"This person is ..."

Everyone held their breath, waiting quietly for Lin Jingnan. Because the next name is about to become a new heavyweight who will stir up Kyoto after Lin Jingnan.

At such an urgent moment, even those people of other surnames became nervous. If it is said that the only one who is calm is Lin Feng, he has his head upright, his hands on his shoulders, and a well-established attitude.

"Brother Feng seems very confident. Brother Feng will be in control in the future, and the two of us will have to move around more." The Gongsun family owner walked in, congratulating Lin Feng with a smile.

"Brother Gongsun has lifted me up. What kind of patience I have in the Lin family can be counted on. People with ability can be found everywhere. Don't make a conclusion easily before you can determine the result."

Lin Feng was full of spring breeze, and arched her hands with a smile, but her expression was not a little humble.

"How can Brother Feng be pretentious? If you don't have this ability, then the owner of the Lin family will probably be re-elected this time." The Chu family owner also smiled. After today, Lin Feng and they sat on an equal footing with them, and also took advantage of this opportunity to have a relationship.

"Even Master ’s expectations for you are so high, this time you can't run your Lin Feng, don't be blind and humble with us here." Lin Yu and Lin Zheng looked at each other, then laughed.

The owners of the three major families flashed their eyes. Which one is not a human spirit, almost when Lin Yu spoke, they saw that the two were by no means ironic, but actually stood behind Lin Feng to support him.

"Then I will congratulate Lin Feng in advance first," the crowd congratulated. Lin Feng smiled and shook her head, but she couldn't hide the joy on her face.

"When my father becomes the head of the family, you must look good. Even if I can't beat you, I will find a Lin family who took you by the head."

"I swear!"

Lin Luo was stood in the back by Lin Weiyi, and when she glanced over some corner of the crowd, her face was full of resentment.

With the appearance of Lin Jingnan's open mouth again, the mood of the audience became tense, and they raised their ears to listen to the following.

"This person is, Lin Xiao!"

With a fall, the audience was dead.

Needle drops are audible!

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