With the return of the Lin family, the formerly deserted Lin family ancestral home has also become lively, and a long-lost Lin family member has continued to appear, bringing the people associated with them together again and again.

That afternoon.

The return of another name shocked many Lin family members and ran out of the room to watch.

"Is this Lin Lin, a member of our Lin family? It is said that he has a good reputation in the Golden Triangle and is called General Yu. I didn't expect it to be so young and so handsome!" Some young girls looked at it lazily, admiring. Of course, the similar blood on the body directly crushed their idea of ​​idiots.

"I will also become a person like Uncle Yu in the future." Some Lin family teenagers clenched their fists secretly. Dominating the army, killing the Quartet, thinking about it makes people bloody. This is probably the dream of all men, because it can not be achieved in a peaceful era.

Lin Yu returns!

In the past, Lin Yu's background in Lin's family was not mentioned, and it was extremely ignored. However, the situation has changed greatly in recent years. After going abroad to develop, Lin Yu has been obscured, but in the previous year, his identity has been shocked.

The Golden Triangle!

The only General Lin in the Golden Triangle!

The armies of 10,000 people, with their subordinates, swept the Golden Triangle, defeated the original three generals and replaced them, and became the only speaker in the Golden Triangle apart from national armed forces.

His existence has the ability to influence the entire Golden Triangle in a word. Fortune, the army, women, all kinds of auras are shrouded in Lin Yu, making him the only focus of the Lin family at this time.

"Xiao Yu, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Lin Feng smiled and greeted the door, hugging him with Lin Yu. He had some friendship with Lin Yu. At that time, because Lin Yu's father suddenly left the house, Lin Feng was also very concerned about taking care of Lin Yu.

"Feng brother is still the same, handsome as always." Lin Yu laughed, stepping back from the two masters, and said wildly, "Brother Feng, let's not get drunk tonight."

"Exactly, I also want to hear how Xiandi started in the Golden Triangle." Lin Feng laughed, greeted Lin Yu into the house, and took out the old wine from the collection to clean the wind.


If Lin Yu's appearance only reveals the details of the Lin family, the people who appear one after another in the next two days are a complete complement to the entire Lin family composition table.

In the morning the next day, several middle-aged men appeared near the ancestral house, each of which was so strong that they reached the late stage of the transformation.

Among the three, a man's narrow eye corners and eyebrows, and the corners of the man pulled all the way to the chin, making the contours of the entire face seem uncoordinated, even a bit mean.

This person is Lin Zheng. As for the people next to him, there are several Lin family members who are buried in Gu Zongmen.

"What's wrong with Luoer?"

Lin Zheng frowned.

"Uncle, save me ..." Lin Luo's voice was crying. In these days, he didn't know how much torture he had suffered.

In just two days, Lin Luo's entire body was thinner, his face was tanned, and his lips were dry and cracked. For several days without bathing, the shawl exuded like a lunatic.

"It was suppressed."

Lin walked around Lin Luo for a few laps. It was a thorough understanding of the way Lin Luo was suppressed, and he smiled easily: "The big nephew rest assured, the suppression is not subtle, I will save you out."

Having said that, Lin Lang walked to Lin Luo and took a few consecutive shots, and saw Lin Luo's body flashing with light, spit out blood, and collapsed to the ground.

"Come and lift him up."

Lin Zheng summoned several people and carried Lin Luo away, who was unknown. In fact, Lin Lang did not want to suppress Lin Luo all the time. Far from saying, as long as Lin Luo maintains this state for more than seven days, he will undoubtedly die.

The repressive mana has been dissipating. Even today, Lin Luo can break free even if Lin Zheng does not appear. In other words, Lin Lang doesn't want Lin Luo's life, and he only shows mercy.

With the return of the highly influential Lin family, every time the Lin family boils, because these people basically do not have a simple role.

Whether it is Lin Yu or Lin Zheng, or these successively returning cattle, their influence is definitely not small, and each one can be at least as good as the owner of any of the five major families. As for advanced martial arts like Lin Zheng, he is capable of establishing an immortal martial arts family in Kyoto.

From all walks of life, the Lin family has strong connections, not only from good families, but also from a large number of these people who are outstanding in their respective fields.


Two days passed in a hurry.

In a cheerful atmosphere, this day, the Lin family finally ushered in the busiest moment of each year.

Ancestor Day!

The Lin family has a dedicated ancestral shrine dedicated to the ancestors' tablets. At this time of the year, the family owner of the Lin family will bring the entire family to worship.

Of course, the ancestral sacrifices are the Lin family's own business and will not be open to the outside world. In the past, all the Lin family worshipped the ancestors, and they would only entertain the guests after the ancestor worship. But this time is different. The ceremony of ancestor worship and the host's handover rushed together. After the process of ancestor worship, many guests with foreign names will be invited to the ancestral house to observe the ceremony.

Early in the morning, the voice of the Lin family ancestors was full of enthusiasm, and the trembling old man stepped out of the room with respect, the adult holding the child, followed the old generation at home in awe, and rushed to the Lin family ancestral hall.

Awe of ancestors.

This is a required course for every Lin family member.

Here, Lin Jingnan arrived early and stood in front of the ancestral shrine wearing a plain Tang suit. Lin Lang was also interrupted from the practice and came to the ancestral shrine with his family. Lin Jingnan stood still behind him.

Until about eight o'clock, the Lin family was almost there. Among them are the generals who dominate the party, powerful government officials, the martial arts deterrents who are a deterrent, and the commercial giants that are more formidable, and these people together are the complete Lin family!

Looking at such a scene, even the Lin family, no matter how high their status, could not help but have a sense of pride. This is the Lin family, an immortal family that lasts for hundreds of years!

Lin Luo was standing in the crowd. In front of him, Lin Feng and Lin Zheng were leaning together, not knowing what they were talking about. However, Lin Luo's gaze swept away. When he saw Lin Lang, he became uncomfortable, and the hatred that passed away was well suppressed by him.

This time the shame really made him grow a lot.

Although the scene is very grand, the huge crowd is silent. Even if the conversation is low, they are afraid to disturb the ancestors.

Finally, with a low voice of Lin Jingnan, he walked in front of the crowd, first asking his ancestors, don't take the liberty to disturb, and then addressed in front of the ancestral hall.

Ancestor ceremony officially opened!

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