Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 532: Xiao Yuan Night Talk

The moment Lin Jingnan arrived, everyone present was shocked, and his expression was full of awe. This is the contemporary owner of the Lin family. Although it has recently been reported that the wind has abdicated to give way to the virtuous people, he is still at the helm of the Lin family!

Even as confident as Lin Feng, Lin Jingnan bowed his head unconsciously after a few reprimands by Lin Jingnan. This is not only his father, but also the supreme speaker in charge of the Lin family.

"Not upright, not upright!"

Countless light moments become dull.

The clan veterans opened their mouths and looked at the scene in front of them with unbelievable eyes. Lin Luo actually gave each other a knee. They naturally knew that this was not Lin Luo's original intention, but Lin Lang's hands and feet.

But what made them hard to accept was that Lin Lang had the courage to make Lin Luo kneel in front of so many elders.


Lin Luo was about to vomit blood, and the last time he was forced to kneel in front of his girlfriend, his face was lost. This time he was forced to kneel in Lin's ancestral home again, and this humiliation drove him completely crazy.

"Unfaithful, how can you do this kind of thing to this boy. No matter how he is your brother, you ... you you you you ... you let him kneel for you!"

"Make evil!"

Some of the ethnic groups instantly turned red, and beards stared. Compared with children's ability, they value the morality of the younger generation more. How can a family continue without filial piety?

"How did our Lin family give birth to this kind of child, Lin Xiao, this is your good son!"

The countless population of the Lin family scuttled, the wave of voices was higher than the waves, and Lin Xiao and others were not allowed to explain, and were directly drowned in saliva.

"Everyone should not listen to one-sided words. One slap doesn't make a sound. Lin Lang may have done this for his reasons. Why not let them explain it."

Lin Xiao was stunned for a while, but he also had to stand in Lin Lang's position and tried to justify. But how could his weak words be worthy of these stubborn clan elders, being drowned in the mighty crusade of torrents almost instantly.

"Explain? Is there any good explanation? He dared to let Lin Luo kneel to him today. Will his old man kneel down the other day, will we the old man also kneel down? Please scratch your head?" His beard trembled.

"What a good boy!"

When talking about good children, the old man deliberately exaggerated the nasal sound. This makes Lin Xiao's face more difficult to look.


Lin Lang snorted coldly, and a sound of spiritual vibration was mixed in his voice. The old members of the family suddenly groaned, his throat seemed to be choked, and he couldn't say a word.

"I told you to shut up."

Lin Lang had a somber face, and his eyes swept across the faces of every Lin family present, saying lightly: "Qin Gongzi bullied my girlfriend, so I abolished his legs, Fang Kui hurt my girlfriend, naturally Is there anything wrong with letting him pay for his life? "

"After that, Lin Luo didn't ask for innocence, so he brought the people of Fang's family to me to seek revenge, and asked if your people were bullied. Would you like Lin Luo to reverse black and white and help outsiders to deal with it? Tribe? "

"Is this the virtue you say?"

All the clan elders present were silent. It wasn't until Lin Lang showed everything in front of them that it made them understand that it was only Lin Luo's one-sided word before.

Although the reason sounds a bit off, they also have to admit that this incident can't be blamed on Lin Lang alone. He also had faults with Lin Luo.

"Lin Luo had a mistake first. I did let him kneel, but the kneeling was the ancestor of the Lin family, and the kneeling was the ancestors of the Lin family. Let him regret his fault."

"I, what is the crime?"

Lin Lang's eyes glanced at every tribe, and sharp refutation made everyone present speechless.

What a crime he has!

Obviously it was Lin Luo who insulted him first, would he not be allowed to resist? I have to say that Lin Lang's words have raised the scales in the hearts of many ethnic groups. It seems that they are measuring the right and wrong between two people.

Lin Luo's father, Lin Feng, changed his face and felt a deep sense of crisis in his heart. In a few words, Lin Lang completely reversed his disadvantage, and even actively turned his muzzle to attack Lin Luo.

Is an intractable opponent!

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed. Lin Xiao can not take his eyes off, but his son is definitely not that simple. Both the plan and the city government are far above Lin Luo.

"The nephew is really eloquent. In a few words, he picks himself up cleanly." Lin Feng clapped his palms. There was no way. The son couldn't do it. He had to stand up and brace himself.

"Everything has a dual nature. My son Lin Luo may have done these things, but I believe that at that time, Luo Er must not know the identity of his nephew, and then have these follow-up things."

"As for Luoer's elbow turning outwards, this is even more nonsense. What kind of character is my son? The elders who were present have grown up since childhood, can't it be unclear?"

"I'm not trying to justify something for my children. As Lin Xiao said, it's true whether I'm right or wrong, and the two parties naturally can't. It's up to everyone to judge. Lin Feng shook her head, looking disappointed.

I have to say that Lin Feng has gone through decades of grind in the shopping mall, both in terms of rhetoric and city government. They are even better than Lin Luo in terms of this method.

He chose to kick the ball to the elders who were present. First of all, he picked it up cleanly, and no one could criticize anything. Secondly, how can Lin Feng ’s background in the Lin family be comparable to Lin Xiao, even if they ignore it, countless people will stand up to support them and make excuses for them.

There was a brief silence at the house gate.

"I think Lin Xiao's children have done a little too much in this matter. No matter what, let the elder brother kneel down, let alone the Lin family ancestral training, even if any family in the world does not have such a reason." sound.

"I think so. It is only a minor mistake that Lin Luo does not know Lin Lang's identity, but what Lin Lang did, not only offended the two major families for the Lin family, but also gave up morality. This was a big mistake."

Another old man stood up and made a sound.

"I think so."

Questions were heard one after another, and no one of such a large family stood up to say a word for Lin Xiao. These ethnic groups have been in the Lin family for many years, and they will naturally stand with Lin Feng on the choice of position.

Lin Feng knew that the persuasion of a single person was not strong, so she dragged all the Lin family members present. Facing Qian Fu's point of view, it is more useful than criticizing Lin Lang by himself.

In the face of this situation, even if Lin Langyu fights against Lotus, eventually his fate will not be changed. Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's face also had a little smile. He was deeply entrenched in the Lin family, but Lin Xiao was comparable.

Seeing his expression with a smile on his face was clearly saying, "I'm overwhelming." What can you do?

"This is the Lin family, is it still the disgusting face?" Lin Lang looked at the crowd with a trace of disgust on his face. Lin Xiao's face flashed a similar disappointment.

This is the family that gave birth to him.

It's disappointing.

"Do you oppress me?"

There was a hint of irony in Lin Lang's face: "Then I will let you understand the truth today, who is overwhelming!"

At the same time as Lin Lang's words fell, the terrifying divine coercion spread out. If the people present were severely hit, their heads were bombarded with an invisible hammer, all groaning and stepping back.


The people of the Lin family around Lin Lang took a big step back, and many of the old people who were not so leggy and embarrassed, in the process of going backwards, they did not step on the ground and fell into a wolf. Lying, lying down, squatting, and sitting on the cold steps, there are various forms.

This group of elders who were still in the mood for the moment was wilted as if they were defeated cocks. Especially those who are aged are even miserable. After coming into close contact with the ground, they will never be able to get up again. It can be seen that Lin Lang did not give them a little face.

Suddenly, a perceptual force came into the depths of the Lin family, and when he touched the edge of Lin Lang's body, he was directly shocked back. The perception never came again.

"This is probably the essence of the Lin family."

Lin Lang's eyes flashed. It's no wonder that the Lin family can stand up to five big families. For hundreds of years, the wind and rain have stood still. It turned out to be a strong man with a **** level behind the scenes to guard. In the past, Lin Lang would still have three points in awe of the Lin family, but now, in terms of his cultivation, what is the divine realm? !!

For example, now that he threatens the Lin family, he is obviously unwilling to offend too much, not even intervening. When he saw Lin Lang, he immediately retracted.

Lin Lang's thoughts passed by for a moment, and then he returned to his cold expression and looked at the people present.

"Don't you like to overpower people? Then I will return this truth to you today. Today, my fist is big, you have to surrender."

"On the background, what about the Lin family in front of me? On the network, I rely on the state department, what are you? I am Lin Youye with strength, financial resources, and connections. I am the sky here!"

"You have three points for the Lin family. What do you count, here you question me."

Lin Lang said coldly.

What are you guys! This sentence completely erupted the emotions of the Lin family. A junior, pointing at their noses, asked, what are you?

"Bitch is arrogant! Those who eat the Lin family, use the Lin family, you also beat the rake in turn, don't forget who has the blood on your body, do you still have a bit of conscience?" A Lin family was so angry that his beard was shaking. He trembled and pointed at Lin Lang's nose.

But a cold gaze came.

"Do you want to kneel too?" Lin Lang said coldly.


The Lin family is so old-fashioned, but they dare not continue to speak. He was really afraid that Lin Lang fainted in anger and made him kneel on the spot. If that's the case, I'm afraid he will lose his face in the future.

"You are the same."

Lin Lang's eyes glanced at others. There was silence on the field, but no one dared to continue to speak, really let them kneel to the juniors as elders, and it is estimated that they will have no face to be human.

Even Lin Xiao's mouth twitched, and he stopped talking, after all, he didn't speak. Using violence to control violence, Lin Lang's hand is really good.

As soon as the Lin family came, they gave him a dismissal.

"What a noisy system is."

At this moment, a figure came from a distance, about sixty years old, with a face full of anger and bravery. Li Laozheng was with him, and served him with respect and respect.

Lin Xiao's eyes were a little more energetic, and his complexion looked at the old man who was walking towards him. "Dad." Lin Xiao said involuntarily.


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