Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 53: Compared with me?

Everyone expected that the scene of Lin Lang's being overturned to the ground did not appear, but Liu Xinyu was easily overturned to the ground by a bland kid, making people call it impossible, but it was actually the scene in front of him. Shocked.

"This is impossible, how could Lin Lang defeat Liu Xinyu like this? Did she let her on purpose?"

On the one hand, someone immediately gave him a look of anger, "You gave me a try so, did you see that Liu Xinyu was stunned?"

Chu Linxiang first froze, and hurried to the front to pick up Liu Xinyu, unable to bear a moment of distress.

"Lin Lang, everyone is a classmate. What are you doing like this?"

Chu Linxiang roared like a little female beast protecting the calf.

"You have also seen that Liu Xinyu has such great strength. It would be me if I lay back, and I don't believe you will be in my place at that time." Lin Lang shrugged helplessly.

Chu Linxiang's face was much stiffer. As a class leader, he sent his classmates out to beat others. This truth didn't make sense everywhere.

"Xinyu has his own size and will not hurt his classmates like you do."

Chu Linxiang's tongue is like a spring, but he smeared Lin Lin, and let him bear the label of "intention". In this way, standing on the moral high ground, others would not have to gossip.

"What do you want to do?" Lin Lang asked.

"Apologize, you must apologize to Liu Xinyu today."

Slightly groaned, Chu Linxiang continued.

"Let me apologize, do you think you can bear my apology, or do you think he can, or they."

"You can't!"

Lin Lang's index finger pointed at Chu Linxiang, and then swept everyone including Liu Xinyu.


How could Chu Linxiang not understand that Lin Lang was using her to open her mouth? Her face was a bit cold. She understands Lin Lang's self-confidence, with Zhou Shihai standing behind him, and it is true that ordinary people can't deal with him by invisible means.

"We can't?"

The students who looked around nearby looked strange. Which of us is not qualified to accept your apology. Are you the lowest in Jinxiu Middle School?

They don't know about the Tianhai Bar. Of course, this kind of shame party will not talk to outsiders, which leads to their impression of Lin Lang at a time when everyone can deceive.

"They are not qualified, so what do you think of me?"

Just then, a full voice sounded.

Wu Ziqing, who had been silent, took a few steps forward at this time.

"You are not eligible."

Lin Lang tilted her head and said very seriously.

The audience was uproar.

What kind of person is Wu Ziqing, standing behind the old man of the Shencheng Military Region, the whole Jinxiu Middle School dare to provoke him no more than five fingers.

Will he be disqualified?

Wu Ziqing was not unexpectedly angry, but gave birth to a bit of fun. He had seen many big people in so many years, but for the first time, someone had said in person that he was not qualified.

"Since you think I'm not qualified, then I don't know what qualifications you have?" Wu Ziqing smiled with a smile.

"My ability, you can't imagine." Lin Lang proudly said. "Don't you just want to get on with this guy, come on."

Lin Lang hooked his hands.

"Okay, then you have to be careful. All I do in the army is killing kung fu."

Although there was still a smile on Wu Ziqing's face, his face had gradually cooled down, and an astonishing savage flowed out, making people unconsciously fight a cold war.

This feeling is like facing an elite warrior, and some people even wonder if Wu Ziqing's hands will be stained with blood, otherwise it will not be possible to do so.

"I have 12 hours of overload training in the army."

"Everything you learn is about defending your country and killing people on the battlefield."

"Not only do I often consult with my comrades on weekdays, but I have also had several missions with the army, and even hand-to-hand combat with gangsters. How can you, a child who has not experienced the baptism of war, understand?

Wu Ziqing said to himself indifferently, every word was spoken, he took a heavy step forward, it seems that this will completely crush the other side in momentum.

This kind of imposing thing is mysterious and mysterious. It can't be seen but can't be touched, but it really exists. Some mighty people can even make their opponents not have a little resistance.

This so-called victory without success.

I have to say that his actions really had some effects, which caused a lot of wind behind the crowd of onlookers, shivering in succession.

It felt like they were thrown into an ice cellar.

"I said that Wu Ziqing went to exercise in the army. I thought it was gold-plated. I didn't expect to be able to practice it." Many people secretly thought.

"The momentum energy is trained like this, and it is estimated that the real combat power will not be worse." The coach nodded.

The atmosphere was inexplicably suppressed, and the heavy gasping sounds nearby were clearly audible.

In addition, only Lin Lang was able to stand safely and not be insulted.

"You want to compare with me."

Lin Lang's mind was funny. His hundreds of years of experience was nothing more than empty talk. The fierce killing of the immortal realm, and several immortal kings did not crawl out of the blood of the corpse mountains.

"The power of the army soul is terrible, but you cannot represent the entire army by yourself."

Lin Lang's mouth slightly tilted, but if he wanted to compare the momentum, he was looking for the wrong person.

"You practice killing in the army, but have you killed anyone?"

"This one once controlled the army of hundreds of millions of immortals, and every time he went out, he ruled the rise and fall of millions of stars."

"This seat raises its hands to pick up the stars, and looks down at all the sentient beings. When you reach the immortal king, you can turn the sky with the palm of your hand."

"You are still tender."

Lin Lang's voice seemed to have been uploaded in the past nine days. Every word seemed to be hitting the hearts of everyone with a heavy hammer, which made people feel a cool blast into the heavenly spirit cover, and even some unbearable people had their legs beat Son, paralyzed in place.

If Wu Ziqing just makes people feel depressed, then Lin Lang stood here, as if he had a sharp sword hanging from his head, aimed at everyone's head, and he could land on his head without paying attention.

That feeling, Lin Lang will really kill all of them. Death is already close to them!

Wu Ziqing's situation is even worse. Lin Lang's momentum has always been directed at him from beginning to end, and his feelings are much deeper than others. As for the pride and power he was proud of, he was destroyed No trace of destruction.

I don't know when Lin Lang has come to him, he looked up hard and happened to be facing Lin Lang.

Wu Ziqing stayed in place, as if the soul of the whole person was sucked in. He dare to guarantee that these eyes will never be forgotten in this life.

What kind of eyes are those, indifferent and deep, glittering with icy cold like human beings, as if all things in the world are like flying ash, they can be crushed easily.


Wu Ziqing's mind was blank, his eyes gradually lost color, and with the sound of "Dangdang", the whole person followed.

"It's unbearable."

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