Finally, with the appearance of three figures in the distance, Lin Luo and the old man in Fang's family finally breathed a sigh of relief. The man on the left was clothed in a commoner's clothing. The man in the middle, blooming in his eyes, as if a sharp sword, did not cover up.

It is the two demigods of the Fang family!

"Homeowner, save me!"

The old Fang family looked happy. Lin Luo was also the same. He was inspiring, and clenched his fists. "Fang, the master, Da Kui has gone so badly that he couldn't find the bones. You must avenge him!"

The man in the middle, who is also the Fang family owner, once set off, set off a violent momentum, and undisguisedly looked into Lin Lang's eyes.

Killing his son, even if it is Kyoto City, he has to make up for the debt!

"Who killed my son, get out!" The Fang family owner spoke almost word by word, brewing a terrible momentum, and this moment is about to erupt!

"You're the owner of Fang?" Lin Lang looked up slightly. "Just right, let's talk about your son hurting my girlfriend. It's best to give me a satisfactory account."

"Presumptuous! It's up to you to give us an explanation." The commoner man was furious. Although this incident was caused by Fang Kui, it was only caused by cutting off a few hairs. But in the end Lin Lang killed Fang Kui, and even asked the entire Fang family to give him an account.

Obviously Fang Kui died, but now they are required to give an account of who is suffering.

"Homeowner, treat me now and bear him out, otherwise he will get angry."

"Be careful, he's not easy."

The owner of the Fang family had a somber complexion and did not take the lead. For some reason, when he looked at Lin Lang's cheek, he always felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

But the pain of bereavement blinded his mind, and eventually made him ignore this matter selectively.

"No matter how simple he can be, I don't believe he can resist my palm." The commoner snorted, and gave a sudden wave. Even though the person on the other side has some means, but his demi-level cultivation is enough to form a crushing.


However, in the face of this forthcoming palm, Lin Lang just glanced lightly, a sharp flash in his eyes, and the old man in commoner's clothing suddenly returned with a severe blow.

"What is this for!"

The commoner old man made a horrible noise, stepping backwards step by step, each step on the ground, the floor tiles broke into powder, falling nearly ten steps, the commoner old man's knee had been deeply inserted into the ground.

Just a look made him embarrassed.

The Fang family owner also changed his face, and did not expect that their demigods were so unbearable in front of Lin Lang. One look can make the demi-wolf howl, and then there is only one possibility ...

Divine Realm!

If it weren't for the power of the current godland level, how could this be achieved. After figuring this out, Fang's owner's breathing became more and more rapid.

"When did Huaxia have such a young state of God?" Fang's owner muttered, and then immediately resembled something, his face suddenly changed: "You are Lin Youye!"

"Senior Lin Yeye, the master of Ye Xuan?"

The owner of the Fang family looked forward, and Lin Lang did not deny it, which made him believe this speculation even more. Recalling various rumors of the name, the owner of Fang suddenly felt a thriller, with a cold wind behind his back and a chill on his back.

Lin Youye!

As soon as this name came out, everyone present changed color, especially the commoner old man and the repressed old man of the rebellion. At this moment, the mind was shocked, and this name seemed like a thunderbolt.

They actually offended Lin Youye!

This man is the first cruel man in China. It is rumored that he did not blink in the blink of an eye. Even in the city, he killed no less than five gods in the world, entered the country of Japan to kill the sword god, regretted the army, and the three gods of the Golden Triangle. The victory came, and the Golden Triangle was unified by a Chinese person under his advice. Siberia slaughtered a godlike realm like ants, Ye Xuanzong established the head of the Gu Zong gate, and the dark castle was completely destroyed ...

All these legends have covered Lin Youye's body with a mysterious veil. There are no less than ten gods who have died in his hands before and after, which has made him a little bit more iron and fierce.

Now this thing happened ...

The Fang family owner only felt a dry mouth for a while, and their Fang family found Lin Youye's body after finding a difference. It is said that they are, even the family with the current state of God is vulnerable to Lin Youye.

If you still don't understand the meaning of the three words Lin You Ye, I am afraid that only Lin Luo and Yu Xiaoxiao are the two. He looked at the expression of Fang's homeowner, and suddenly a hint of ominous feelings grew in his heart, and he asked for help: "Uncle Fang, what's going on? Save me ..."

"You shut up! You're messing up and let your adults of the Lin family come to an end." Fang's owner screamed angrily. Seeing Fang's attitude, Lin Luo was completely dumbfounded, and he was not a fool. How could he not see that this time it was definitely kicking the iron plate, but with any hope, Fang's owner could not leave him alone.

"Lin Youye, who is it ..."

Lin Luo stared blankly at Lin Lang.

Isn't Fang's homeowner powerless for a while, being Lin Youye's opponent, their Fang's home is not worthy! Even destroying their doors, in front of Lin Youye was just a hand.

"Master Lin Youye, this time we are taking the liberty, and I want to apologize to you for our stupid behavior." The Fang family owner said in a hurry. In front of Lin Lang, he really has nothing to be proud of, and not to mention the true strength of Lin Youye, it is enough that Ye Xuanzong's six current gods will walk out one at random, which is enough to destroy their Fang family 100 times .

"How did this evil star come to Kyoto? No one has previously notified it." The Fang family owner smiled bitterly. As for the revenge for his son, the Fang family owner had extinguished this idea in time, even in the presence of Lin Lang It is not so easy to retreat from the whole body.

"Sure enough, Fang's owner is brave."

Lin Lang fainted. Facial expressions could not see joy and sorrow, and there was no sense of praise or disgrace between the words. Fang's owner didn't dare to say a word and waited for Lin Lang's next.

"I remember someone in your family moved my girlfriend, and someone threatened to kill me for life, are you clear about this?" Lin Lang said softly.

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