Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 513: Let's fight!

The blood races are all pale and weak, and trying to pierce the blood beast through the endless starry sky between the earth and the blood ancestors is a difficult task for them.

The blood beast, in addition to the noble blood on the blood ancestor, is another product. The blood beast is transformed by the blood of the blood of the strongest after the death, and merges into different species to form an alternative life.

This monster is not a strong blood race nor the original fierce beast itself, but another form. The strength it possesses varies according to the blood race strong or the blood of the fierce beast itself before the mutation. It is said that there is more blood race fusion. The blood of the Dragon race formed a super blood beast.

The ugly vampire bat in front of him is the most downstream one. However, this is the case. The blood beast bat also has a strength that is comparable to the 99% perfect god, even a little stronger.

"Go! Kill him!"

Oons and others whispered, their thoughts intersected, and passed the same thoughts to their blood beast.


The blood beast roared, spreading its wings, and immediately flared with blood and blood on its side, and the raging energy was surging. Its wings trembled, flying high up, and swooping in the direction of Lin Lang.

Lin Langmu exposed the color of killing, wielding his sword and slashing, all the sword spirits were stirred up everywhere, and they were entangled with the blood beast. The Qing sword's light soared, and it was cut horizontally. The sword light was like the rain, and the huge body of the blood beast in the stab.

噌 Lingling!

The Shangqing sword swept through the scales of the blood beast's body, sending out a string of dazzling Mars, and then the blood beast clasped his hands together. The hands that were completely disproportionate to the body zoomed in, covering the sky, trying to slap Lin Lang with a slap Crush.


Lin Lang fled in time to avoid, and frowned unconsciously. Even the sharp Shangqing sword can hardly break the scales of the blood beast. We can imagine the strength of its flesh. I am afraid that this blood beast should at least be born from the blood of the blood of the Jindan period and above.

"kill him!"

The will of the blood race people transmitted to the blood beast's mind, making it violent again, surging wildly in the sky. It suddenly opened its **** mouth, and scarlet mouth was full of drooping polyps, and it was even harsher without sound.

Suddenly, an invisible sound wave erupted, radiating in all directions, and the air exploded wherever it passed. The spires of countless castles under it were shaken out by ultrasonic waves, and the windows cracked.

Squeak ...

Lin Lang subconsciously blocked his ears and closed the five senses. He took a step forward, raised his hand to seal, and in front of him a sky-blue transparent shield, crystal clear and refracting light, like crystal agate.

The sound waves radiated in circles, but were refracted immediately near the magic ice mirror, unable to penetrate the slightest. At this time, the blood beast was killed again, opened the mouth of the blood basin, exposed sharp fangs, each of which was the length of a sword, biting down towards Lin Lang.

"Sin Beast!"

Lin Lang growled, and the horizontal sword was cut out. At this moment, the sword of the Qing Dynasty erupted. Lin Lang waved the sword again, and a gorgeous sword arc cut the two sharp teeth of the blood beast.

铿锵 The sound of the collision sounded, the sharp sword gas was one year old gum, and two huge teeth collapsed and flew into the castle with a loud noise. The blood beast ate back painfully, and used his claws together to scratch Lin Lang's chest.


A long and narrow wound was caught on Lin Lang's chest, which stretched along the shoulders to the ribs, blood was flowing, and the white bones were clearly visible. However, he still didn't realize it, forgotten to destroy the sword, the sword light in front of him was countless, the cold light was shining like the stars in the night sky.

"Wan Jian Chaozong."

The Shangqing Sword replaced one thousand swords, divided them into thousands, and completed the copying at a very fast speed. Each one was no different from the Shangqing Sword itself and had the same lethality. A gigantic sword was hovering beside Lin Lang, and the sword's blade was ready for the huge blood beast.

As Lin Langyu moved the seal, countless swords and lights screamed past, and the sky was densely packed with shadows of swords, spreading into the blood beast from all directions without dead ends.


A sharp sword light compared to the blood beast's huge body is like a pinpoint Maimang, but the victory is numerous and still lethal. The blood beast struggled frantically, the clouds around him rolled with its fierce movements, and countless swords were inserted into the body, making it like a hedgehog at this moment.

This pain even tore the nerves of the blood beast.

Its pure white eyes were slowly being eroded by a layer of blood color until it was replaced by a pair of blood red eyes. It looked at Lin Lang indifferently, full of bloodthirsty.


The huge body like a hill expanded again, and the flesh membranes on the surface bulged out pustules, squeezing the hilt of the sword submerged on the surface of the body to the depth of the flesh, and the pustules continued to drop blood, which was very impressive.


"Lin Youye actually hurt the blood beast. The strength of this guy is really ninety-nine percent complete." The blood people who were a little further away couldn't help taking a breath.

Oons also had a dignified face. The blood beast was equivalent to a human being ninety-nine percent strong. The tough scale armor was tricky, and it was difficult for ordinary monks to break.

This also means that if they don't summon the bleeding beast in time, I am afraid there is only one way to lose at this moment. Even with the assistance of Western arbitration offices, the same result.

"You all." A duke looked at the people around him with a serious face, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, but spit out the heavy three words: "Death."

People around him nodded in unison. At the moment, they only have the same thought, that is, to kill Lin Youye early, otherwise the strength demonstrated by Lin You Ye today will be endless.

Even if the bishops of the western arbitration institutes have put away their private minds, they will not cut the forest night, let alone the dark castle, even the arbitration institute with the temple support will perish.

Life and death!

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